832 research outputs found

    Conjugation Orbits of Loxodromic Pairs in SU(n,1)

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    Let HCn{\bf H}_{\mathbb C}^n be the nn-dimensional complex hyperbolic space and SU(n,1){\rm SU}(n,1) be the (holomorphic) isometry group. An element gg in SU(n,1){\rm SU}(n,1) is called loxodromic or hyperbolic if it has exactly two fixed points on the boundary ∂HCn\partial {\bf H}_{\mathbb C}^n. We classify SU(n,1){\rm SU}(n,1) conjugation orbits of pairs of loxodromic elements in SU(n,1){\rm SU}(n,1).Comment: final version. to appear in Bull. Sci. Mat

    Low Cost Tertiary Education: The Price to Pay for Knowledge-Business Hub-The Mauritius Transitional Education Case Study

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    Most United Kingdom (UK) universities are franchising fast with foreign universities affording low cost tertiary education. Most students and graduates in Mauritius have their degree and other awards from local, Indian or British universities. However, in the recent couple of years UK universities are franchising more and more with local institutions (University of Mauritius and University of Technology Mauritius) with large campuses on the small island of the Republic of Mauritius. Of both French (1715-1810) and British colonisation (1810-1968) until its independence in 1968 the young Republic of Mauritius (12 March 1992) is one of the leading countries in Africa where secondary education is free with a relative weaker fee to enter in tertiary institutions like the University of Mauritius. In a contextualised approach the study that shall follow explain the actual situation transition education in Mauritius where local students are less and less reluctant to go to the UK to have a degree. In return UK universities instead are mushrooming around the island attracting local students who cannot afford to pay high cost tertiary education in countries like the USA, France or the UK. Actually, UK universities are recruiting local academics to lecture on their programmes in Mauritius for local students who despite their high profile cannot afford to pay the fees in the USA or UK. UK universities are also sending their staff to lecture in Mauritius and local students have the same award they would receive in the UK. Indeed, the research reflects to what extent students are willing to remain in Mauritius to avoid obstacles and harassment they would probably face in the UK or the USA in terms of visas, accommodation, job facilities just to name a few. But there is still a cost to pay

    Mahatma Gandhi’s Education: A Lesson on Philosophy and Cultural Barriers to Peace in Intercultural Societies-The Indian-Mauritian Case Study

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    Cultural barriers2 in terms of castes, religions and politics have been a major obstacle to most Hindus especially in inter-multicultural countries like India or Mauritius with serious impacts on peace. And any international organisation, especially the UNESCO 3, would disprove it. However, are interculturality and peace4 related and if yes5 to what extent? In a contextual approach, this paper deals with cultural barriers to peace reflecting the revival of the doctrine of Indian avatars focusing on to what extent human rights may also include the doctrine of Mahatma Gandhi to achieve peace in a multicultural society 6? Cultural barriers to peace in a multicultural country like Mauritius had already been encountered in India by Mahatma Gandhi. Castes, religion, creed and colour and political appurtenance have undermined peace in India and we may be influenced of the work and philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi to inspire our political leaders, citizens and other religious groups to overcome the same barriers in the same way he did that is non-violence. However, Mahatma Gandhi has never been a political leader per se but a religious man instead. Through a contextual approach and without taboo, the co-authors try to reflect on the subject matter with particular reference to the Mauritian case study, to what extent Gandhi’s philosophy is useful and omnipresent today and to what extent it can shed light in our fragile inter-multicultural society to avoid tensions among the different and existing social, religious and political groups

    Micro-Credit in Conventional Banking: Would Islamic Banking be the Golden Age for Entrepreneurs? -The Mauritius Case Study

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    The broad aim of this paper is to make an analogy between conventional banks and Islamic banking in micro-credit and the incentives they may provide for entrepreneurs and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in a Mauritian perspective? Indeed, in Mauritius traditional or conventional banks are more and more reluctant to give loans to entrepreneurs who are considered as high risk investors (their fragile entrepreneurs may collapse unexpectedly) despite they create jobs and employment. In contrast, in most Islamic countries Islamic banks allow businessmen and investors among others to have loans without interest (or riba) according to sha’ria compliants and tailor made Islamic contracts (mudabara and musarakha) to support their innovations and proposals. Despite Islamic banking is at its burgeoning state it has expanded considerably in most Islamic and Arab countries. Would Islamic banks uproot conventional banks irrespective it is in Islamic countries or Western countries? This paper therefore adds to an already abundant literature on the subject-matter but it enlightens a central issue: would Islamic banking, sha’ria law and Islamic economies be the golden age for entrepreneurs and SMEs in Mauritius and worldwide

    Achieving Developmental and Pro-Poor Trade in Africa: the Mauritian Transition-Emerging-Economy: Success Case Study-Initiatives, Innovations and Incentives

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    In a contextualized approach the author explores development achievements in terms of propoor trade in Mauritius and to its transition-economy. Indeed, Mauritius is very notorious for its aggressive economic and financial lobbying specially on the African continent coupled to its openness strategy, easy-doing business with implementation of various national and strategic policies (development of its Freeport harbours and Export Processing Zone (EPZ), offshore sectors with massive foreign direct investment (FDI), development of the BPO and ICT sector in the Cyber City, diversification of the Mauritian export from sugar to industrial goods with major development in some emerging sectors such as trade in services through the tourism industry which is now contributing up to 8% of its GDP with massive employment in its hotels and construction, and Mauritius is actually targeting to exploit its exclusive economic zone) to increase both its imports of raw materials and exports of goods. Furthermore, it is a member of various regional economic blocks in the region (COMESA, SADC, IOR) to attract African investors and to bridge China and India to the African continent. All these strategies, factors and polices including strategic importance of Mauritius have contributed to trade diversification which in turn has created jobs to combat poverty eradication in a wealthier nation so far. Data to reflect and/or to prove same are borrowed mainly from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) in Mauritius, the Board of Investment in Mauritius (BOI), UNCTAD and the Bank of Mauritius Annual Reports principally during the period 2001-2012. The paper, with facts and figures, reflects to what extent achieving developmental and poor-trade is possible on the African continent. Is the Mauritian economy a reliable model? Why is it so wealthy actually or whether its economic miracle has been a mere luck up to now
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