42 research outputs found

    Effects of Parasitic Collision Points

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     In multibunch circular colliders with small bunch spacing we have to deal with parasitic collision points (PCPs) when the opposite bunches interact not only at the interaction point (IP). The interactions in PCPs may change the stable orbits and influence the luminosity by dynamic effects. Here we will study some of the effects which are introduced by PCPs. The subject is not well studied yet because in the usual designs the effects of PCPs are done small. But in order to increase the luminosity in future designs it may change as the currents become large, bunch spacing smaller and the separation in PCPs decreases. As will be shown here there are unusual effects under that conditions. They are of highly non-linear nature, so the study was done mainly by computer simulations. The interaction in PCPs introduces some effects in beam dynamics. We will divide them first on weak and strong. Weak effects happen with moderat beams currents and large enough bunch separation in PCPs. They produce small stable orbit distortion which is insignificant as will be shown. In that case the longitudinal coupling is too small to have noticeable dynamic effects. When the ldcks at PCPs become large enough some interesting effects may happen. The transverse betatron oscillations then are coupled longitudinally between successive bunches. That leads to few phenomenas: Longitudinal waves of transverse oscillations, which spread from some initial distortion and then damped completely because of synchrotron damping. Reduced damping time of single excited bunch. Btmches near the gap ( missing bunches in beam ) have larger betatron amplitudes. Betatron resonances trapping occurs in more ordered way due to longitudinal coupling. Diffusion due to stochastic properties of nonlinear forces in IP combined with coupling. It leads to growth of the bunches betatron amplitude and has some general properties of random walk diffusion. It was shown that shong PCP interactions introduce some significant effects, few of them could be useful to exploit for enhancement of the beam dynamics stability. Some of the effects could be detected and would be interesting to observe on modem multibunch colliders. The subject becomes more important with growing demands on luminosity

    2D Cooled CCD Imaging of Delayed Luminescence

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    Delayed luminescence is a weak light in the visible spectrum region, which decays hyperbolically after exposure to external light illumination of the sample. It has a diagnostic value, although its fundamental properties are not well understood yet. We constructed a chopper system, which allows the illumination of the object with 100 Hz pulses of light. We collected the DL emission data on cooled CCD for 2D imaging between pulses第11回生命情報科学

    2D Cooled CCD Imaging of Delayed Luminescence

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    Delayed luminescence is a weak light in the visible spectrum region, which decays hyperbolically after exposure to external light illumination of the sample. It has a diagnostic value, although its fundamental properties are not well understood yet. We constructed a chopper system, which allows the illumination of the object with 100 Hz pulses of light. We collected the DL emission data on cooled CCD for 2D imaging between pulse

    Change of Biophoton Enmission by Mental Concentration PartII -Trial of Detection of Healing Effect by Biophoton Change

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    Biophotons are an ultra weak photon emission appearing from a living body. Whether biophoton emission can be influenced by a healing treatment was investigated in experiments in which the biophoton emission was compared during healing and resting phases. The samples were nude mice and germinating seeds. The results indicated that there was no difference in biophoton emission between healing and resting phases used on statistical analysis of average intensity and central moments. The photo count distribution was shown to be close to a Poisson distribution.第13回生命情報科学シンポジウ

    Comparison of the Physiology between Qigong and Relaxation Sates

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    There are numerous changes in the physiology of subjects performing qigong. It is supposed that special mental states influence the physiology. In this work we compare physiological paramenters (Electric Dynamic Analysis, respiration rate, blood flow, etc.) of a qigong phase and a rest phase. The results is demonstrate physiology. Which happened immediately after the transition from rest phase to qigong phase of the subject. We found the subfect has an ability to control body functions which cannot be controlled consciously by untrained people, but which can be controlled by subjects proficient in qigong.Human PSI Forum "Human Potential Science" International Foru

    Change of Biophoton Enmission by Mental Concentration PartII -Trial of Detection of Healing Effect by Biophoton Change

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    Biophotons are an ultra weak photon emission appearing from a living body. Whether biophoton emission can be influenced by a healing treatment was investigated in experiments in which the biophoton emission was compared during healing and resting phases. The samples were nude mice and germinating seeds. The results indicated that there was no difference in biophoton emission between healing and resting phases used on statistical analysis of average intensity and central moments. The photo count distribution was shown to be close to a Poisson distribution