812 research outputs found

    A Statistical Mechanical Problem in Schwarzschild Spacetime

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    We use Fermi coordinates to calculate the canonical partition function for an ideal gas in a circular geodesic orbit in Schwarzschild spacetime. To test the validity of the results we prove theorems for limiting cases. We recover the Newtonian gas law subject only to tidal forces in the Newtonian limit. Additionally we recover the special relativistic gas law as the radius of the orbit increases to infinity. We also discuss how the method can be extended to the non ideal gas case.Comment: Corrected an equation misprint, added four references, and brief comments on the system's center of mass and the thermodynamic limi

    Bose-Einstein condensation for interacting scalar fields in curved spacetime

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    We consider the model of self-interacting complex scalar fields with a rigid gauge invariance under an arbitrary gauge group GG. In order to analyze the phenomenon of Bose-Einstein condensation finite temperature and the possibility of a finite background charge is included. Different approaches to derive the relevant high-temperature behaviour of the theory are presented.Comment: 28 pages, LaTe

    From Forbidden Coronal Lines to Meaningful Coronal Magnetic Fields

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    We review methods to measure magnetic fields within the corona using the polarized light in magnetic-dipole (M1) lines. We are particularly interested in both the global magnetic-field evolution over a solar cycle, and the local storage of magnetic free energy within coronal plasmas. We address commonly held skepticisms concerning angular ambiguities and line-of-sight confusion. We argue that ambiguities are in principle no worse than more familiar remotely sensed photospheric vector-fields, and that the diagnosis of M1 line data would benefit from simultaneous observations of EUV lines. Based on calculations and data from eclipses, we discuss the most promising lines and different approaches that might be used. We point to the S-like [Fe {\sc XI}] line (J=2 to J=1) at 789.2nm as a prime target line (for ATST for example) to augment the hotter 1074.7 and 1079.8 nm Si-like lines of [Fe {\sc XIII}] currently observed by the Coronal Multi-channel Polarimeter (CoMP). Significant breakthroughs will be made possible with the new generation of coronagraphs, in three distinct ways: (i) through single point inversions (which encompasses also the analysis of MHD wave modes), (ii) using direct comparisons of synthetic MHD or force-free models with polarization data, and (iii) using tomographic techniques.Comment: Accepted by Solar Physics, April 201

    Timescales of IP(3)-evoked Ca(2+) spikes emerge from Ca(2+) puffs only at the cellular level

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    The behavior of biological systems is determined by the properties of their component molecules, but the interactions are usually too complex to understand fully how molecular behavior generates cellular behavior. Ca(2+) signaling by inositol trisphosphate receptors (IP(3)R) offers an opportunity to understand this relationship because the cellular behavior is defined largely by Ca(2+)-mediated interactions between IP(3)R. Ca(2+) released by a cluster of IP(3)R (giving a local Ca(2+) puff) diffuses and ignites the behavior of neighboring clusters (to give repetitive global Ca(2+) spikes). We use total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy of two mammalian cell lines to define the temporal relationships between Ca(2+) puffs (interpuff intervals, IPI) and Ca(2+) spikes (interspike intervals) evoked by flash photolysis of caged IP(3). We find that IPI are much shorter than interspike intervals, that puff activity is stochastic with a recovery time that is much shorter than the refractory period of the cell, and that IPI are not periodic. We conclude that Ca(2+) spikes do not arise from oscillatory dynamics of IP(3)R clusters, but that repetitive Ca(2+) spiking with its longer timescales is an emergent property of the dynamics of the whole cluster array

    Gravitons and Lightcone Fluctuations

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    Gravitons in a squeezed vacuum state, the natural result of quantum creation in the early universe or by black holes, will introduce metric fluctuations. These metric fluctuations will introduce fluctuations of the lightcone. It is shown that when the various two-point functions of a quantized field are averaged over the metric fluctuations, the lightcone singularity disappears for distinct points. The metric averaged functions remain singular in the limit of coincident points. The metric averaged retarded Green's function for a massless field becomes a Gaussian which is nonzero both inside and outside of the classical lightcone. This implies some photons propagate faster than the classical light speed, whereas others propagate slower. The possible effects of metric fluctuations upon one-loop quantum processes are discussed and illustrated by the calculation of the one-loop electron self-energy.Comment: 18pp, LATEX, TUTP-94-1

    Spinor Field in Bianchi type-I Universe: regular solutions

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    Self-consistent solutions to the nonlinear spinor field equations in General Relativity has been studied for the case of Bianchi type-I (B-I) space-time. It has been shown that, for some special type of nonliearity the model provides regular solution, but this singularity-free solutions are attained at the cost of broken dominant energy condition in Hawking-Penrose theorem. It has also been shown that the introduction of Λ\Lambda-term in the Lagrangian generates oscillations of the B-I model, which is not the case in absence of Λ\Lambda term. Moreover, for the linear spinor field, the Λ\Lambda term provides oscillatory solutions, those are regular everywhere, without violating dominant energy condition. Key words: Nonlinear spinor field (NLSF), Bianch type -I model (B-I), Λ\Lambda term PACS 98.80.C CosmologyComment: RevTex, 21 page

    Topological entropy for some isotropic cosmological models

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    The chaotical dynamics is studied in different Friedmann-Robertson- Walker cosmological models with scalar (inflaton) field and hydrodynamical matter. The topological entropy is calculated for some particular cases. Suggested scheme can be easily generalized for wide class of models. Different methods of calculation of topological entropy are compared.Comment: Final version to appear in Phys. Rev D. Minor changes, typos corrected; 29 pages with 2 eps figure

    Contribution of noncanonical antigens to virulence and adaptive immunity in human infection with enterotoxigenic E. coli

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    Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) contributes significantly to the substantial burden of infectious diarrhea among children living in low- and middle-income countries. In the absence of a vaccine for ETEC, children succumb to acute dehydration as well as nondiarrheal sequelae related to these infections, including malnutrition. The considerable diversity of ETEC genomes has complicated canonical vaccine development approaches defined by a subset of ETEC pathovar-specific antigens known as colonization factors (CFs). To identify additional conserved immunogens unique to this pathovar, we employed an “open-aperture” approach to capture all potential conserved ETEC surface antigens, in which we mined the genomic sequences of 89 ETEC isolates, bioinformatically selected potential surface-exposed pathovar-specific antigens conserved in more than 40% of the genomes (n = 118), and assembled the representative proteins onto microarrays, complemented with known or putative colonization factor subunit molecules (n = 52) and toxin subunits. These arrays were then used to interrogate samples from individuals with acute symptomatic ETEC infections. Surprisingly, in this approach, we found that immune responses were largely constrained to a small number of antigens, including individual colonization factor antigens and EtpA, an extracellular adhesin. In a Bangladeshi cohort of naturally infected children <2 years of age, both EtpA and a second antigen, EatA, elicited significant serologic responses that were associated with protection from symptomatic illness. In addition, children infected with ETEC isolates bearing either etpA or eatA genes were significantly more likely to develop symptomatic disease. These studies support a role for antigens not presently targeted by vaccines (noncanonical) in virulence and the development of adaptive immune responses during ETEC infections. These findings may inform vaccine design efforts to complement existing approaches

    Ponderomotive entangling of atomic motions

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    We propose the use of ponderomotive forces to entangle the motions of different atoms. Two situations are analyzed: one where the atoms belong to the same optical cavity and interact with the same radiation field mode; the other where each atom is placed in own optical cavity and the output field of one cavity enters the other.Comment: Revtex file, five pages, two eps figure

    Dynamically avoiding fine-tuning the cosmological constant: the "Relaxed Universe"

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    We demonstrate that there exists a large class of action functionals of the scalar curvature and of the Gauss-Bonnet invariant which are able to relax dynamically a large cosmological constant (CC), whatever it be its starting value in the early universe. Hence, it is possible to understand, without fine-tuning, the very small current value of the CC as compared to its theoretically expected large value in quantum field theory and string theory. In our framework, this relaxation appears as a pure gravitational effect, where no ad hoc scalar fields are needed. The action involves a positive power of a characteristic mass parameter, M, whose value can be, interestingly enough, of the order of a typical particle physics mass of the Standard Model of the strong and electroweak interactions or extensions thereof, including the neutrino mass. The model universe emerging from this scenario (the "Relaxed Universe") falls within the class of the so-called LXCDM models of the cosmic evolution. Therefore, there is a "cosmon" entity X (represented by an effective object, not a field), which in this case is generated by the effective functional and is responsible for the dynamical adjustment of the cosmological constant. This model universe successfully mimics the essential past epochs of the standard (or "concordance") cosmological model (LCDM). Furthermore, it provides interesting clues to the coincidence problem and it may even connect naturally with primordial inflation.Comment: LaTeX, 63 pp, 8 figures. Extended discussion. Version accepted in JCA