3,349 research outputs found

    Bose-Einstein condensation for interacting scalar fields in curved spacetime

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    We consider the model of self-interacting complex scalar fields with a rigid gauge invariance under an arbitrary gauge group GG. In order to analyze the phenomenon of Bose-Einstein condensation finite temperature and the possibility of a finite background charge is included. Different approaches to derive the relevant high-temperature behaviour of the theory are presented.Comment: 28 pages, LaTe

    Thermal Particle Creation in Cosmological Spacetimes: A Stochastic Approach

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    The stochastic method based on the influence functional formalism introduced in an earlier paper to treat particle creation in near-uniformly accelerated detectors and collapsing masses is applied here to treat thermal and near-thermal radiance in certain types of cosmological expansions. It is indicated how the appearance of thermal radiance in different cosmological spacetimes and in the two apparently distinct classes of black hole and cosmological spacetimes can be understood under a unifying conceptual and methodological framework.Comment: 17 pages, revtex (aps, eqsecnum), submitted to PRD, April 199

    Two--Electron Atoms in Short Intense Laser Pulses

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    We discuss a method of solving the time dependent Schrodinger equation for atoms with two active electrons in a strong laser field, which we used in a previous paper [A. Scrinzi and B. Piraux, Phys. Rev. A 56, R13 (1997)] to calculate ionization, double excitation and harmonic generation in Helium by short laser pulses. The method employs complex scaling and an expansion in an explicitly correlated basis. Convergence of the calculations is documented and error estimates are provided. The results for Helium at peak intensities up to 10^15 W/cm^2 and wave length 248 nm are accurate to at least 10 %. Similarly accurate calculations are presented for electron detachment and double excitation of the negative hydrogen ion.Comment: 14 pages, including figure

    SPITZER SAGE Observations of Large Magellanic Cloud Planetary Nebulae

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    We present IRAC and MIPS images and photometry of a sample of previously known planetary nebulae (PNe) from the SAGE survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) performed with the Spitzer Space Telescope. Of the 233 known PNe in the survey field, 185 objects were detected in at least two of the IRAC bands, and 161 detected in the MIPS 24 micron images. Color-color and color-magnitude diagrams are presented using several combinations of IRAC, MIPS, and 2MASS magnitudes. The location of an individual PN in the color-color diagrams is seen to depend on the relative contributions of the spectral components which include molecular hydrogen, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), infrared forbidden line emission from the ionized gas, warm dust continuum, and emission directly from the central star. The sample of LMC PNe is compared to a number of Galactic PNe and found to not significantly differ in their position in color-color space. We also explore the potential value of IR PNe luminosity functions (LFs) in the LMC. IRAC LFs appear to follow the same functional form as the well-established [O III] LFs although there are several PNe with observed IR magnitudes brighter than the cut-offs in these LFs.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, 3 tables, to be published in the Astronomical Journal. Additional online data available at http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/irac/publications

    Plasmas and Controlled Nuclear Fusion

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    Contains reports on two research projects.National Science Foundation (Grants GK-57)National Science Foundation (Grants GK-614

    Plasmas and Controlled Nuclear Fusion

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    Contains research objectives and reports on four research projects.National Science Foundation (Grant GK-614)National Science Foundation (Grant GK-57

    Low Energy Chiral Lagrangian in Curved Space-Time from the Spectral Quark Model

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    We analyze the recently proposed Spectral Quark Model in the light of Chiral Perturbation Theory in curved space-time. In particular, we calculate the chiral coefficients L1,...,L10L_1, ..., L_{10}, as well as the coefficients L11L_{11}, L12L_{12}, and L13L_{13}, appearing when the model is coupled to gravity. The analysis is carried for the SU(3) case. We analyze the pattern of chiral symmetry breaking as well as elaborate on the fulfillment of anomalies. Matching the model results to resonance meson exchange yields the relation between the masses of the scalar, tensor and vector mesons, Mf0=Mf2=2MV=43/NcπfπM_{f_0}=M_{f_2}=\sqrt{2} M_V= 4 \sqrt{3 /N_c} \pi f_\pi. Finally, the large-NcN_c limit suggests the dual relations in the vector and scalar channels, MV=MS=26/NcπfπM_V=M_S= 2 \sqrt{6 /N_c} \pi f_\pi and S1/2=<r2>V1/2=2Nc/fπ=0.59fm^{1/2}_S = < r^2 >^{1/2}_V = 2 \sqrt{N_c} / f_\pi = 0.59 {\rm fm} .Comment: 18 pages, no figure

    Stochastic Gravity: A Primer with Applications

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    Stochastic semiclassical gravity of the 90's is a theory naturally evolved from semiclassical gravity of the 70's and 80's. It improves on the semiclassical Einstein equation with source given by the expectation value of the stress-energy tensor of quantum matter fields in curved spacetimes by incorporating an additional source due to their fluctuations. In stochastic semiclassical gravity the main object of interest is the noise kernel, the vacuum expectation value of the (operator-valued) stress-energy bi-tensor, and the centerpiece is the (stochastic) Einstein-Langevin equation. We describe this new theory via two approaches: the axiomatic and the functional. The axiomatic approach is useful to see the structure of the theory from the framework of semiclassical gravity. The functional approach uses the Feynman-Vernon influence functional and the Schwinger-Keldysh close-time-path effective action methods which are convenient for computations. It also brings out the open systems concepts and the statistical and stochastic contents of the theory such as dissipation, fluctuations, noise and decoherence. We then describe the application of stochastic gravity to the backreaction problems in cosmology and black hole physics. Intended as a first introduction to this subject, this article places more emphasis on pedagogy than completeness.Comment: 46 pages Latex. Intended as a review in {\it Classical and Quantum Gravity

    Establishing a Primary Care Alliance for Conducting Cancer Prevention Clinical Research at Community Sites

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    In September 2020, the National Cancer Institute convened the first PARTNRS Workshop as an initiative to forge partnerships between oncologists, primary care professionals, and non-oncology specialists for promoting patient accrual into cancer prevention trials. This effort is aimed at bringing about more effective accrual methods to generate decisive outcomes in cancer prevention research. The workshop convened to inspire solutions to challenges encountered during the development and implementation of cancer prevention trials. Ultimately, strategies suggested for protocol development might enhance integration of these trials into community settings where a diversity of patients might be accrued. Research Bases (cancer research organizations that develop protocols) could encourage more involvement of primary care professionals, relevant prevention specialists, and patient representatives with protocol development beginning at the concept level to improve adoptability of the trials within community facilities, and consider various incentives to primary care professionals (i.e., remuneration). Principal investigators serving as liaisons for the NCORP affiliates and sub-affiliates, might produce and maintain Prevention Research Champions lists of PCPs and non-oncology specialists relevant in prevention research who can attract health professionals to consider incorporating prevention research into their practices. Finally, patient advocates and community health providers might convince patients of the benefits of trial-participation and encourage shared-decision making
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