773 research outputs found

    Fertility decline in South Korea

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    노트 : Paper presented for presentation at the XXV IUSSP International Population Conference, 18-23 July 2005, Tours, Franc

    Stability‐induced modification of sea surface winds over Gulf Stream rings

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    Satellite‐borne scatterometer and infrared data collected over Gulf Stream warm and cold core rings are used to study the effect of the sea‐air temperature difference on the wind speed over rings. The observed acceleration of the wind over warm core rings and deceleration over cold core rings is found to be consistent with that predicted by the planetary boundary layer model of Brown and Foster [1994]. In addition it is shown that the distance over which the winds respond to an ocean surface temperature step is short (≤25km) while the distance over which the marine boundary layer responds to a surface temperature step is long (≥175km)

    Oceanic response to typhoons in the Northwest Pacific using Aquarius and SMAP data (2011–2020)

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    Typhoons, such as tropical cyclones, can produce a variety of ocean responses through drastic changes in atmospheric and oceanic environments. However, the uncertainty in satellite salinity data increases during the passage of a typhoon and may limit its potential application. To investigate whether the satellite salinity data can explain oceanic responses to typhoons in the Northwest Pacific, we validated the satellite salinity using Argo float data for the past decade (2011–2020). The Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) and Aquarius salinity were relatively accurate in subtropical regions at low latitudes under high sea surface temperature conditions in summer. This demonstrates the validity of the satellite salinity data in typhoon studies. We analyzed the oceanic responses to 20 representative typhoons over the past decade. Both the Aquarius and SMAP satellites observed a decrease in the SSS on the left side of the typhoon in contrast to the high salinity on the right side of the typhoon. The locations of SSS freshening coincided with those of higher precipitation to the left of the typhoon centers. We also observed that the higher the precipitation rate, the lower the satellite salinity. The ratio of the salinity freshening to the precipitation rate was significant at approximately –0.0401 psu mm-1 h-1. Changes in the vertical profiles of the Argo data supported this partial freshening of salinity as well as the characteristic surface cooling and deepening of the mixed layer after the passage of the typhoon. We further demonstrated that the atmospheric environments in a rotated coordinate system along the typhoon paths showed clear salinity freshening in the forward and slightly left sides of the typhoon center. The spatial distinction of the wind and precipitation fields along the typhoon paths induced the characteristic synoptic response of salinity prior to the arrival of each typhoon. Our results provide reasonable observational evidence of oceanic responses to typhoons in the Northwest Pacific and contribute to the understanding of atmospheric and oceanic processes related to tropical storms

    Incidence of harmful algal blooms in pristine subtropical ocean: a satellite remote sensing approach (Jeju Island)

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    Despite the increasing numbers of red tide events in the pristine subtropical ocean, a paucity of previous observations has limited understanding of harmful algae in the seas around the Korean Peninsula. Therefore, using six years (2012–2017) of Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) satellite data, we characterized the red tides around Jeju Island, a volcanic island located near the paths of the Jeju Warm Current and Tsushima Warm Current, using the Normalized Red Tide Index (NRTI) method. The seawater around Jeju Island has for a long time been considered to be very clear, with relatively low suspended particulate matter concentrations and few harmful algae. Nonetheless, the satellite-based NRTI detection method used in this study detected and supported the existence of red tides in the coastal region around Jeju Island. Analysis of the red tide distribution showed that red tide first began to appear near the western coast of Jeju Island, then developed in the northern and eastern coastal regions, and finally vanished in the eastern coastal region. The monthly averages of the NRTI demonstrated a bloom event from April to May in every year. Additional fall blooms were detected in August–September, particularly in 2013 and 2016. The NRTI revealed strong interannual variations. The longest blooms occurred in 2015, and the most comprehensive and strongest event occurred in the spring of 2016. The latter three years (2015–2017) had much higher NRTI than the former three years (2012–2014). The probability of red tide occurrence at a given point during the 6-year study period revealed spatial differences. Relatively high probability of 0.3–0.5 was determined along the northern coastal region, whereas low probability of less than 0.2 was found along the southern region. Ground truth data also showed more frequent observations and higher red tide cell densities along the northern coast. Changes in NRTI in spring are positively correlated with changes in ENSO indices in winter. This study is the first to use a satellite-based approach with a vast long-term satellite database to elucidate the existence and probability of red tides near Jeju Island. We anticipate that this study will provide a useful strategy for remote monitoring of harmful algal blooms over wide regions using optical data

    Observation of diurnal variations in mesoscale eddy sea-surface currents using GOCI data

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    The surface current field of a mesoscale eddy in the East Sea (Sea of Japan) was derived from consecutive Geostationary Ocean Color Imager chlorophyll-a (chl-a) concentration images using the normalized maximum cross-correlation method. The estimated current field of the eddy exhibited anticyclonic structure demonstrated by the objective dynamic thresholds of correlation coefficients. The eddy periphery was defined by fitting an ellipse to subjectively selected points from the frontal map of chl-a concentration data. Radial distribution and hourly variation of the current speed around the eddy were presented. In terms of the magnitude and direction, the estimated current field was in good agreement with altimeter-based current field and current vectors from surface drifters. Diurnal variations in the current speeds of the mesoscale eddies showed a quadratic relation to the wind speed

    Surface currents from hourly variations of suspended particulate matter from Geostationary Ocean Color Imager data

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    Surface currents in Korean coastal regions were obtained using the maximum cross-correlation method applied to hourly suspended particulate matter images from the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager. Preliminary current vectors were filtered out by applying a series of quality-control procedures. The current vectors resulting from the tests were compared with the currents from a numerical model with tide and wind field. It was found that the estimated currents were more similarly to the currents caused by both tide and wind. A high degree of discrepancy was detected in regions of strong tidal currents, where the fundamental assumption of horizontal movement was limited due to the dominant vertical tidal mixing in the shallow region. The hourly rotations of the current vectors within a day were clarified by a comparison of the time-varying orientation angles of tidal ellipses. This study emphasized how to understand the short-term surface flows from hourly high-resolution geostationary satellite images

    Automatic Segmentation of Brachial Artery based on Fuzzy C-Means Pixel Clustering from Ultrasound Images

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    Automatic extraction of brachial artery and measuring associated indices such as flow-mediated dilatation and Intima-media thickness are important for early detection of cardiovascular disease and other vascular endothelial malfunctions. In this paper, we propose the basic but important component of such decision-assisting medical software development – noise tolerant fully automatic segmentation of brachial artery from ultrasound images. Pixel clustering with Fuzzy C-Means algorithm in the quantization process is the key component of that segmentation with various image processing algorithms involved. This algorithm could be an alternative choice of segmentation process that can replace speckle noise-suffering edge detection procedures in this application domain

    Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic studies of the ice-binding protein from the Antarctic yeast Leucosporidium sp. AY30. Corrigendum

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    A correction to the article by Park et al. [(2011). Acta Cryst. F67, 800–802]