9,409 research outputs found

    Conflicts between classes in modern Korea

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    The Cold, Hard “Hoof” About Zilmax

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    Construction of Extended Steiner Systems for Information Retrieval

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    A multiset batch code is a variation of information retrieval where a t-multiset of items can be retrieved by reading at most one bit from each server. We study a problem at the other end of the spectrum, namely that of retrieving a t-multiset of items by accessing exactly one server. Our solution to the problem is a combinatorial notion called an extended Steiner system, which was first studied by Johnson and Mendelsohn [11]. An extended Steiner system ES(t; k; v) is a collection of k-multisets (thus, allowing repetition of elements in a block) of a v-set such that every t-multiset belongs to exactly one block. An extended triple system, with t = 2 and k = 3, has been investigated and constructed previously [3, 11]. We study extended systems over v elements with k = t + 1, denoted as ES(t, t + 1, v). We show constructions of ES(t, t + 1, v) for all t ≥ 3 and v ≥ t + 1.A multiset batch code is a variation of information retrieval where a t-multiset of items can be retrieved by reading at most one bit from each server. We study a problem at the other end of the spectrum, namely that of retrieving a t-multiset of items by accessing exactly one server. Our solution to the problem is a combinatorial notion called an extended Steiner system, which was first studied by Johnson and Mendelsohn [11]. An extended Steiner system ES(t, k , v ) is a collection of k-multisets (thus, allowing repetition of elements in a block) of a v -set such that every t-multiset belongs to exactly one block. An extended triple system, with t = 2 and k = 3, has been investigated and constructed previously [3, 11]. We study extended systems over v elements with k = t + 1, denoted as ES(t, t + 1, v ). We show constructions of ES(t, t + 1, v ) for all t 3 and v t + 1

    E-commerce Architecture Evaluation Through Stress Test

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    Мистическая философия Востока и Запада и ее всеединство, отраженное в фильмах Андрея Тарковского

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    Članek na različnih ravneh preučuje dela Tarkovskega in skuša razumeti tista njegova dela, ki temeljijo na vzhodni in zahodni religiji ter filozofiji. Analiziran je vpliv teh del na režiserjev pogled na svet. Slednjega namreč zaznamujejo tako orientalske kot tudi zahodne religije in ideje v povezavi z različnimi mističnimi in duhovnimi filozofi, med njimi Rudolfa Steinerja in Georgija Gurdzhieva. Tarkovski je preučeval knjige Gurdzhieva in Uspenskega, ki sta z uvajanjem orientalske filozofije in sistema performansa v zahodno filozofijo izvedla revolucijo v zavesti sveta. Zelo ga je zanimala tudi Steinerjeva filozofija oz. t. i. duhovna znanost. Laozijeve »vrline« ali elementi budistične filozofije v njegovih filmih dokazujejo, da si je prizadeval za integracijo vzhodne filozofije v zahodno. This article examines Tarkovsky’s works at various levels by understanding his individual work microscopically based upon the Eastern and Western religions and philosophy, and analyzes the influence on Tarkovsky’s view of the world. Tarkovsky’s world view, which includes the oriental and western religions and ideas, was able to identify the connection with various ideas of mystic and spiritual philosophers, including Rudolf Steiner and Georgii Gurdzhiev. Tarkovsky explored the books of Gurdzhiev and Uspensky, who led the revolution in the consciousness of the world by introducing the oriental philosophy and performance system to the Western philosophy. He was also very interested in Rudolf Steiner’s philosophy “spiritual science”. The expression of Laozi’s “virtues” or Buddhist philosophy in his films is also a proof that he had made efforts to integrate Eastern philosophy with Western philosophy

    infrastructural efficiency in developing countries

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    Thesis(Master) --KDI School:Master of Public Policy,2016There are well-known obstacles of linkage between public investment and growth: infrastructure gap and efficiency gap. And the difference of efficiency between groups ofcountries by economic development level. Further, the most efficient group is twice as efficient as the least efficient group. IMF, the most authoritative institution in analyzing public investment, insisted that PIM (public investment management) is the key issue to enhance efficiency in public investment. The hypothesis of this thesis, “strengthening of PIM effects on efficiency of public investment” is proven by regression analysis but under income quartile control. The income group under the lowest 50% quartile showed that it has a lower inefficiency (i.e., higher efficiency) if its PIMI (public investment management index) is higher. Therefore, the goal of this thesis is to verify the relationship between PIM and efficiency. Moreover, it tries to find other variables that affect the efficiency of public investment. For the analysis, the dependent variable is efficiency (inefficiency score), which is assessed by the PIE-X index and the independent variable is public investment management, which is assessed by the PIMI index. To prevent some biases, this analysis input data constructed by the IMF. To differentiate the adjusted index from the original PIE-X, it is named as “Neo PIE-X” For analyzing other variables, the result of CPIA (an index similar to PIMI) was not different that of PIMI, but CPI was statistically insignificant. This suggests that the effect of corruption on public investment is not certain. The effect of strengthening PIM is stronger in low income countries than in middle income countries. This is recommendable for MDBs(Multilateral Developing Banks) to put a higher priority on strengthening PIM, when they consider public investment especially in low income countries. Neo PIE-X, is very accessible to efficiency related data. I hope that this study would be a catalyst for other studies to focus on enhancing the efficiency of public investment, following IMF’s study.1. Background and Objective of the Study 2. Research Questions 3. Hypothesis or main arguments 4. Literature Review (short summary) 5. Research Methodology and Data 6. Analysis and Results 7. Conclusion and Policy ImplicationsmasterpublishedEun Young PARK

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