3,382 research outputs found

    Physiological responses of two halophytic grass species under drought stress environment

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    The physiological responses of two halophytic grass species, Halopyrum mucronatum (L.) Staph. and Cenchrus ciliaris (L.), under drought stress were evaluated. Biomass accumulation, relative water content, free proline, H2O2 content, stomatal conductance, photosynthetic performance and quantum yield (Fv/Fm ratio) were studied. Under drought conditions, these halophytic plants expressed differential responses to water defi cit. Stomatal conductance and free proline content were higher in H. mucronatum than in C. ciliaris, while H2O2 content in H. mucronatum was substantially lower than in C. ciliaris. Performance index showed considerable sensitivity to a water deficit condition, more so in C. ciliaris than in H. mucronatum. Results were discussed in relation to comparative physiological performance and antioxidant enzymes activity of both halophytic grasses under drought stress

    Duplexer using microwave photonic band gap structure

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    We propose a frequency selective duplexer using microwave photonic band gap (PBG) structures. It uses two different PBGs to control the propagation of electromagnetic waves in the microwave region. In this structure, an additional narrow reflection band appears in the transmission spectrum when the PBG structure is not properly located relative to the T junction. By considering multiple reflections, it is proved that this additional reflection band in each PBG structure results from the interference between the input wave and the reflected wave from the other PBG structure. An effective way to prevent this interference effect is also discussed

    Enhancement of phase separation in the InGaN layer for self-assembled In-rich quantum dots

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    The enhancement of phase separation in the InGaN layer grown on a GaN layer with a rough surface was investigated for the formation of self-assembled In-rich quantum dots(QDs) in the InGaN layer. Transmission electron microscopy images showed that In-rich QDs with a size of 2–5 nm were formed even in an InGaN layer with a low indium content, and a layer thickness less than the critical thickness. The room-temperature photoluminescence(PL) spectrum of this layer showed emission peaks corresponding to In-rich QDs. The temperature-dependent PL spectra showed dominant peak shifts to the lower energy side, indicating that the self-assembled In-rich QDs are formed in the InGaN layer grown on a rough GaNsurface and that the carriers are localized in In-rich QDs

    Small intestinal model for electrically propelled capsule endoscopy

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    The aim of this research is to propose a small intestine model for electrically propelled capsule endoscopy. The electrical stimulus can cause contraction of the small intestine and propel the capsule along the lumen. The proposed model considered the drag and friction from the small intestine using a thin walled model and Stokes' drag equation. Further, contraction force from the small intestine was modeled by using regression analysis. From the proposed model, the acceleration and velocity of various exterior shapes of capsule were calculated, and two exterior shapes of capsules were proposed based on the internal volume of the capsules. The proposed capsules were fabricated and animal experiments were conducted. One of the proposed capsules showed an average (SD) velocity in forward direction of 2.91 ± 0.99 mm/s and 2.23 ± 0.78 mm/s in the backward direction, which was 5.2 times faster than that obtained in previous research. The proposed model can predict locomotion of the capsule based on various exterior shapes of the capsule

    Forage Rye Cultivars for Animal Feed in Korea

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    Rye (Secale cereal L.) is well known for its overwintering ability and has the highest tolerance to cold temperature of the small grain cereals such as wheat, barley, and oat. Rye is used as livestock pasture and as green manure in Korea, and its cultivation area for fodder is about 50,000 ha in 2014. Most rye is grown as a fall-sown annual crop, generally called “winter rye”. In Korea, rye cultivation for whole crop silage (WCS) in the winter-season rice field can be considered as a promising way to enhance feed supply. The WCS production can be an efficient way to use farm products as livestock feed, and it can also contribute to increasing farm income. Although rye is inferior in several ways to the predominant cereal crops (wheat, rice, and maize), it will continue to be an important crop for farmers in Korea because of its winter hardiness and early harvesting by rapid growing ability

    Gastroprotective effects of the isopropanol extract of Artemisia princeps and its gastroretentive floating tablets on gastric mucosal injury

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    In this study, we investigated the gastroprotective effect of an isopropanol extract from the aerial parts of Artemisia princeps (IPAP) and developed a gastroretentive floating tablet of IPAP (IPAP-FR) for maximized local gastroprotective effects. Pre-treatment with IPAP ameliorated the gastric mucosal hemorrhagic lesions in ethanol/HCl- or indomethacin-treated rats. IPAP decreased mucosal hemorrhage of gastric ulcers induced by ethanol or indomethacin plus pyloric ligation in rats. The optimized floating tablet, IPAP-FR, floated on medium surface with more sustained eupatilin release compared to the non-floating control tablet. X-ray photographs in beagle dogs showed that IPAP-FR was retained for >2 h in the stomach. In the ethanol-induced gastric ulcer rat model, the gastric hemorrhagic lesion was improved more substantially with IPAP-FR compared to the non-floating control tablet. Based on these data, our data suggest that IPAP-FR has an improved therapeutic potential for the treatment of gastric ulcer

    Akt regulates the expression of MafK, synaptotagmin I, and syntenin-1, which play roles in neuronal function

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Akt regulates various cellular processes, including cell growth, survival, and metabolism. Recently, Akt's role in neurite outgrowth has also emerged. We thus aimed to identify neuronal function-related genes that are regulated by Akt.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We performed suppression subtractive hybridization on two previously established PC12 sublines, one of which overexpresses the wild-type (WT) form and the other, the dominant-negative (DN) form of Akt. These sublines respond differently to NGF's neuronal differentiation effect.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A variety of genes was identified and could be classified into several functional groups, one of which was developmental processes. Two genes involved in neuronal differentiation and function were found in this group. v-Maf musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene homolog K (MafK) induces the neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells and immature telencephalon neurons, and synaptotagmin I (SytI) is essential for neurotransmitter release. Another gene, <it>syntenin-1 </it>(<it>Syn-1</it>) was also recognized in the same functional group into which <it>MafK </it>and <it>SytI </it>were classified. Syn-1 has been reported to promote the formation of membrane varicosities in neurons. Quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction analyses show that the transcript levels of these three genes were lower in PC12 (WT-Akt) cells than in parental PC12 and PC12 (DN-Akt) cells. Furthermore, treatment of PC12 (WT-Akt) cells with an Akt inhibitor resulted in the increase of the expression of these genes and the improvement of neurite outgrowth. These results indicate that dominant-negative or pharmacological inhibition of Akt increases the expression of <it>MafK</it>, <it>SytI</it>, and <it>Syn-1 </it>genes. Using lentiviral shRNA to knock down endogenous Syn-1 expression, we demonstrated that Syn-1 promotes an increase in the numbers of neurites and branches.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Taken together, these results indicate that Akt negatively regulates the expression of <it>MafK</it>, <it>SytI</it>, and <it>Syn-1 </it>genes that all participate in regulating neuronal integrity in some way or another.</p
