16,297 research outputs found

    Accelerated search and design of stretchable graphene kirigami using machine learning

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    Making kirigami-inspired cuts into a sheet has been shown to be an effective way of designing stretchable materials with metamorphic properties where the 2D shape can transform into complex 3D shapes. However, finding the optimal solutions is not straightforward as the number of possible cutting patterns grows exponentially with system size. Here, we report on how machine learning (ML) can be used to approximate the target properties, such as yield stress and yield strain, as a function of cutting pattern. Our approach enables the rapid discovery of kirigami designs that yield extreme stretchability as verified by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. We find that convolutional neural networks, commonly used for classification in vision tasks, can be applied for regression to achieve an accuracy close to the precision of the MD simulations. This approach can then be used to search for optimal designs that maximize elastic stretchability with only 1000 training samples in a large design space of ∼4×106 candidate designs. This example demonstrates the power and potential of ML in finding optimal kirigami designs at a fraction of iterations that would be required of a purely MD or experiment-based approach, where no prior knowledge of the governing physics is known or available.P. Z. H. developed the codes, performed the simulations and data analysis, and wrote the manuscript with input from all authors. P. Z. H. and E. D. C. developed the machine learning methods. P. Z. H., D. K. C. and H. S. P. acknowledge the Hariri Institute Research Incubation Grant No. 2018-02-002 and the Boston University High Performance Shared Computing Cluster. P. Z. H. is grateful for the Hariri Graduate Fellowship. P. Z. H. thank Grace Gu and Adrian Yi for helpful discussions. (2018-02-002 - Hariri Graduate Fellowship)Published versio

    Graphene kirigami as a platform for stretchable and tunable quantum dot arrays

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    The quantum transport properties of a graphene kirigami similar to those studied in recent experiments are calculated in the regime of elastic, reversible deformations. Our results show that, at low electronic densities, the conductance profile of such structures replicates that of a system of coupled quantum dots, characterized by a sequence of minibands and stop-gaps. The conductance and I-V curves have different characteristics in the distinct stages of elastic deformation that characterize the elongation of these structures. Notably, the effective coupling between localized states is strongly reduced in the small elongation stage, whereas in the large elongation regime the development of strong, localized pseudomagnetic field barriers can reinforce the coupling and reestablish resonant tunneling across the kirigami. This provides an interesting example of interplay between geometry and pseudomagnetic field-induced confinement. The alternating miniband and stop-gaps in the transmission lead to I-V characteristics with negative differential conductance in well defined energy/doping ranges. These effects should be stable in a realistic scenario that includes edge roughness and Coulomb interactions, as these are expected to further promote localization of states at low energies in narrow segments of graphene nanostructures.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    An intercomparison of intraseasonal variability in general circulation models and observations

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    Low frequency oscillations appearing in three GCM seasonal cycle integrations are compared with the analyses of the European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF). All three models have the same resolution: 4 deg latitude by 5 deg longitude, with 9 levels. The dominant phase speeds and the differential vertical structure of the heating profiles in the GCMs are in general agreement with current theory involving the positive feedback between latent heating and moist static stability. All three GCMs fail to capture the detailed evolution in the different stages of the development and decay of the oscillation. The results suggest that an improvement in the boundary layer moisture processes may be crucial for a better simulation of the oscillation

    Spatiotemporal Mapping of Photocurrent in a Monolayer Semiconductor Using a Diamond Quantum Sensor

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    The detection of photocurrents is central to understanding and harnessing the interaction of light with matter. Although widely used, transport-based detection averages over spatial distributions and can suffer from low photocarrier collection efficiency. Here, we introduce a contact-free method to spatially resolve local photocurrent densities using a proximal quantum magnetometer. We interface monolayer MoS2 with a near-surface ensemble of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond and map the generated photothermal current distribution through its magnetic field profile. By synchronizing the photoexcitation with dynamical decoupling of the sensor spin, we extend the sensor's quantum coherence and achieve sensitivities to alternating current densities as small as 20 nA per micron. Our spatiotemporal measurements reveal that the photocurrent circulates as vortices, manifesting the Nernst effect, and rises with a timescale indicative of the system's thermal properties. Our method establishes an unprecedented probe for optoelectronic phenomena, ideally suited to the emerging class of two-dimensional materials, and stimulates applications towards large-area photodetectors and stick-on sources of magnetic fields for quantum control.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Outcomes following oesophagectomy in patients with oesophageal cancer: a secondary analysis of the ICNARC Case Mix Programme Database

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    Introduction: This report describes the case mix and outcomes of patients with oesophageal cancer admitted to adult critical care units following elective oesophageal surgery in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Methods: Admissions to critical care following elective oesophageal surgery for malignancy were identified using data from the Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre (ICNARC) Case Mix Programme Database. Information on admissions between December 1995 and September 2007 were extracted and the association between in-hospital mortality and patient characteristics on admission to critical care was assessed using multiple logistic regression analysis. The performance of three prognostic models (Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS) II, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II and the ICNARC physiology score) was also evaluated. Results: Between 1995 and 2007, there were 7227 admissions to 181 critical care units following oesophageal surgery for malignancy. Overall mortality in critical care was 4.4% and in-hospital mortality was 11%, although both declined steadily over time. Eight hundred and seventy-three (12.2%) patients were readmitted to critical care, most commonly for respiratory complications (49%) and surgical complications (25%). Readmitted patients had a critical care unit mortality of 24.7% and in-hospital mortality of 33.9%. Overall in-hospital mortality was associated with patient age, and various physiological measurements on admission to critical care (partial pressure of arterial oxygen (PaO2):fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) ratio, lowest arterial pH, mechanical ventilation, serum albumin, urea and creatinine). The three prognostic models evaluated performed poorly in measures of discrimination, calibration and goodness of fit. Conclusions: Surgery for oesophageal malignancy continues to be associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Age and organ dysfunction in the early postoperative period are associated with an increased risk of death. Postoperative serum albumin is confirmed as an additional prognostic factor. More work is required to determine how this knowledge may improve clinical management

    An investigation into the feasibility of myoglobin-based single-electron transistors

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    Myoglobin single-electron transistors were investigated using nanometer- gap platinum electrodes fabricated by electromigration at cryogenic temperatures. Apomyoglobin (myoglobin without heme group) was used as a reference. The results suggest single electron transport is mediated by resonant tunneling with the electronic and vibrational levels of the heme group in a single protein. They also represent a proof-of-principle that proteins with redox centers across nanometer-gap electrodes can be utilized to fabricate single-electron transistors. The protein orientation and conformation may significantly affect the conductance of these devices. Future improvements in device reproducibility and yield will require control of these factors

    Two-electron atoms, ions and molecules

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    The quantum mechanics of two-electron systems is reviewed, starting with the ground state of the helium atom and helium-like ions, with central charge Z2Z\ge 2. For Z=1, demonstrating the stability of the negative hydrogen ion, H^-, cannot be achieved using a mere product of individual electron wave functions, and requires instead an explicit account for the anticorrelation among the two electrons. The wave function proposed by Chandrasekhar is revisited, where the permutation symmetry is first broken and then restored by a counter-term. More delicate problems can be studied using the same strategy: the stability of hydrogen-like ions (M+,m,m)(M^+,m^-,m^-) for any value of the proton-to-electron mass ratio M/mM/m; the energy of the lowest spin-triplet state of helium and helium-like ions; the stability of the doubly-excited hydrogen ion with unnatural parity. The positronium molecule (e+,e+,e,e)(e^+,e^+,e^-,e^-), which has been predicted years ago and discovered recently, can also be shown to be stable against spontaneous dissociation, though the calculation is a little more involved. Emphasis is put on symmetry breaking which can either spoil or improve the stability of systems.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    A network-based ranking system for American college football

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    American college football faces a conflict created by the desire to stage national championship games between the best teams of a season when there is no conventional playoff system to decide which those teams are. Instead, ranking of teams is based on their record of wins and losses during the season, but each team plays only a small fraction of eligible opponents, making the system underdetermined or contradictory or both. It is an interesting challenge to create a ranking system that at once is mathematically well-founded, gives results in general accord with received wisdom concerning the relative strengths of the teams, and is based upon intuitive principles, allowing it to be accepted readily by fans and experts alike. Here we introduce a one-parameter ranking method that satisfies all of these requirements and is based on a network representation of college football schedules.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure