198 research outputs found

    Doping Dependence of Spin-Lattice Coupling and Two-Dimensional Ordering in Multiferroic Hexagonal Y₁₋ₓLuₓMnO₃ (0 ≤ x ≤ 1)

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    We have examined a complete phase diagram of Y1-x Lu xMnO3 with 0≤x≤1 by using bulk measurements and neutron-diffraction studies. With increasing Lu concentration, Curie-Weiss temperature and Neel temperature are found to increase continuously while the two-dimensional nature of short-range magnetic correlation persists even in the paramagnetic phase throughout the entire doping range. At the same time, the lattice constants and the unit-cell volume get contracted with Lu doping, i.e., chemical pressure effect. This decrease in the lattice constants and the unit-cell volume then leads naturally to an increased magnetic exchange interaction as found in our local spin-density approximation band calculations. We also discover that there is strong correlation in the temperature dependence of a volume anomaly at TN and the magnetic moments

    Genetic Parameters of Milk β-Hydroxybutyric Acid and Acetone and Their Genetic Association with Milk Production Traits of Holstein Cattle

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    This study was conducted to estimate the genetic parameters of β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) and acetone concentration in milk by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy along with test-day milk production traits including fat %, protein % and milk yield based on monthly samples of milk obtained as part of a routine milk recording program in Korea. Additionally, the feasibility of using such data in the official dairy cattle breeding system for selection of cows with low susceptibility of ketosis was evaluated. A total of 57,190 monthly test-day records for parities 1, 2, and 3 of 7,895 cows with pedigree information were collected from April 2012 to August 2014 from herds enrolled in the Korea Animal Improvement Association. Multi-trait random regression models were separately applied to estimate genetic parameters of test-day records for each parity. The model included fixed herd test-day effects, calving age and season effects, and random regressions for additive genetic and permanent environmental effects. Abundance of variation of acetone may provide a more sensitive indication of ketosis than many zero observations in concentration of milk BHBA. Heritabilities of milk BHBA levels ranged from 0.04 to 0.17 with a mean of 0.09 for the interval between 4 and 305 days in milk during three lactations. The average heritabilities for milk acetone concentration were 0.29, 0.29, and 0.22 for parities 1, 2, and 3, respectively. There was no clear genetic association of the concentration of two ketone bodies with three test-day milk production traits, even if some correlations among breeding values of the test-day records in this study were observed. These results suggest that genetic selection for low susceptibility of ketosis in early lactation is possible. Further, it is desirable for the breeding scheme of dairy cattle to include the records of milk acetone rather than the records of milk BHBA

    Doping effect of Viologen on Photoconductive Device made of Poly(p-phenylene vinylene)

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    We report the photovoltaic properties of the donor–acceptor composite system of poly (p-phenylenevinylene) (PPV) and viologen. We observed the significant enhancement of photocurrent with increasing the doping ratio of viologen. The maximum photocurrent of viologen-doped PPV was nine times as high as that of the pristine PPV. The maximum quantum yield and photosensitivity are 13% (electron/photon) and 0.05 A/W, respectively, at low bias voltage (–2 V). The increase of photocurrent is explained with the efficient charge separation that resulted from the transfer of photoexcited electrons from PPV to viologen. The mixture of PPV and viologen can be used as a sensitive photodiode material

    Genetic parameter estimation for milk β-hydroxybutyrate and acetone in early lactation and its association with fat to protein ratio and energy balance in Korean Holstein cattle

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    Objective The objective of this study was to estimate the genetic parameters for milk β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), acetone (Ac), fat protein ratio (FPR), and energy balance (EB) using milk test day records and investigate the effect of early lactation FPR and EB on milk ketone body concentrations. Methods Total 262,940 test-day records collected from Korea Animal Improvement Association during the period of 2012 to 2016 were used in this study. BHBA and Ac concentrations in milk were measured by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). FPR values were obtained using test day records of fat and protein percentage. EB was calculated using previously developed equation based on parity, lactation week, and milk composition data. Genetic parameters were estimated by restricted maximum likelihood procedure based on repeatability model using Wombat program. Results Elevated milk BHBA and Ac concentrations were observed during the early lactation under the negative energy balance. Milk FPR tends to decrease with the decreasing ketone body concentrations. Heritability estimates for milk BHBA, Ac, EB, and FPR ranged from 0.09 to 0.14, 0.23 to 0.31, 0.19 to 0.52, and 0.16 to 0.42 respectively at parity 1, 2, 3, and 4. The overall heritability for BHBA, Ac, EB and FPR were 0.29, 0.32, 0.58, and 0.38 respectively. A common pattern was observed in heritability of EB and FPR along with parities. Conclusion FPR and EB can be suggested as potential predictors for risk of hyperketonemia. The heritability estimates of milk BHBA, Ac, EB, and FPR indicate that the selective breeding may contribute to maintaining the milk ketone bodies at optimum level during early lactation

    Honeycomb oxide heterostructure: a new platform for Kitaev quantum spin liquid

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    Kitaev quantum spin liquid, massively quantum entangled states, is so scarce in nature that searching for new candidate systems remains a great challenge. Honeycomb heterostructure could be a promising route to realize and utilize such an exotic quantum phase by providing additional controllability of Hamiltonian and device compatibility, respectively. Here, we provide epitaxial honeycomb oxide thin film Na3Co2SbO6, a candidate of Kitaev quantum spin liquid proposed recently. We found a spin glass and antiferromagnetic ground states depending on Na stoichiometry, signifying not only the importance of Na vacancy control but also strong frustration in Na3Co2SbO6. Despite its classical ground state, the field-dependent magnetic susceptibility shows remarkable scaling collapse with a single critical exponent, which can be interpreted as evidence of quantum criticality. Its electronic ground state and derived spin Hamiltonian from spectroscopies are consistent with the predicted Kitaev model. Our work provides a unique route to the realization and utilization of Kitaev quantum spin liquid

    Standardized Kaempferia parviflora

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    Intrinsic skin aging is a complex biological phenomenon mainly caused by cellular senescence and mitochondrial dysfunction. This study evaluated the inhibitory effect of Kaempferia parviflora Wall ex. Baker ethanol extract (KPE) on H2O2-stimulated cellular senescence and mitochondrial dysfunction both in vitro and in vivo. KPE significantly increased cell growth and suppressed senescence-associated β-galactosidase activation. KPE inhibited the expression of cell-cycle inhibitors (p53, p21, p16, and pRb) and stimulated the expression of cell-cycle activators (E2F1 and E2F2). H2O2-induced hyperactivation of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B (AKT) signaling pathway was suppressed by KPE through regulated expression of forkhead box O3a (FoxO3a) and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR). KPE attenuated inflammatory mediators (interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL-8, nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB), and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2)) and increased the mRNA expression of PGC-1α, ERRα, NRF1, and Tfam, which modulate mitochondrial biogenesis and function. Consequently, reduced ATP levels and increased ROS level were also reversed by KPE treatment. In hairless mice, KPE inhibited wrinkle formation, skin atrophy, and loss of elasticity by increasing the collagen and elastic fibers. The results indicate that KPE prevents intrinsic aging process in hairless mice by inhibiting cellular senescence and mitochondrial dysfunction, suggesting its potential as a natural antiaging agent

    The Effect of Age at First Calving and Calving Interval on Productive Life and Lifetime Profit in Korean Holsteins

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    This study was performed to estimate the effect of age at first calving and first two calving intervals on productive life and life time profit in Korean Holsteins. Reproduction data of Korean Holsteins born from 1998 to 2004 and lactation data from 276,573 cows with birth and last dry date that calved between 2000 and 2010 were used for the analysis. Lifetime profit increased with the days of life span. Regression of Life Span on Lifetime profit indicated that there was an increase of 3,800 Won (approximately 3.45)oflifetimeprofitperdayincreaseinlifespan.Thisisevidencethatcareofeachcowisnecessarytoimprovenetreturnandimportantforfarmsmaintainingprofitablecows.Theestimatesofheritabilityofageatfirstcalving,firsttwocalvingintervals,daysinmilkforlifetime,lifespan,milkincomeandlifetimeprofitwere0.111,0.088,0.142,0.140,0.143,0.123,and0.102,respectively.Thelowheritabilitiesindicatedthattheproductivelifeandeconomicaltraitsincludereproductiveandproductivecharacteristics.Ageatfirstcalvingandintervalbetweenfirstandsecondcalvinghadnegativegeneticcorrelationwithlifetimeprofit(0.080and0.265,respectively).Reducingageatfirstcalvingandfirstcalvingintervalhadapositiveeffectonlifetimeprofit.Lifetimeprofitincreasedtoapproximately2,600,000(2,363.6)from800,000Won(3.45) of lifetime profit per day increase in life span. This is evidence that care of each cow is necessary to improve net return and important for farms maintaining profitable cows. The estimates of heritability of age at first calving, first two calving intervals, days in milk for lifetime, lifespan, milk income and lifetime profit were 0.111, 0.088, 0.142, 0.140, 0.143, 0.123, and 0.102, respectively. The low heritabilities indicated that the productive life and economical traits include reproductive and productive characteristics. Age at first calving and interval between first and second calving had negative genetic correlation with lifetime profit (−0.080 and −0.265, respectively). Reducing age at first calving and first calving interval had a positive effect on lifetime profit. Lifetime profit increased to approximately 2,600,000 (2,363.6) from 800,000 Won (727.3) when age at first calving decreased to (22.3 month) from (32.8 month). Results suggested that reproductive traits such as age at first calving and calving interval might affect various economical traits and consequently influenced productive life and profitability of cows. In conclusion, regard of the age at first calving must be taken with the optimum age at first calving for maximum lifetime profit being 22.5 to 23.5 months. Moreover, considering the negative genetic correlation of first calving interval with lifetime profit, it should be reduced against the present trend of increase