9 research outputs found

    Shedding light on recruitment and differentiation of human theca interna cells

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    The transplantable engineered ovary is a promising approach to restore fertility in women and prepubertal girls at high risk of metastatic cancers. It is essentially a 3D matrix encapsulating isolated preantral follicles and ovarian cells. These cells are responsible for extracellular matrix and bioactive factor synthesis, as well as vascularization, and some will be recruited to differentiate into theca cells (TCs). Although TCs play a pivotal role in follicle development and steroid production, there is not much information on their recruitment and differentiation in human ovaries. Studies in animal models suggest two hypotheses on the origin of TCs: (i) a subpopulation of precursor TCs or (ii) all stromal cells are able to differentiate into TCs. To shed light on TC populations and their origin in the human ovary, we first investigated their steroidogenic pathway. We then assessed the presence of a subpopulation of precursor TCs in human fetal, prepubertal, reproductive-age and postmenopausal ovaries. While we could not identify them, we demonstrated that TCs could differentiate in vitro from stromal cells isolated from human postmenopausal ovarian cortex.(BIFA - Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques) -- UCL, 202

    Isolation and characterization of the human ovarian cell population for transplantation into an artificial ovary

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    To support survival and growth of follicles, the transplantable artificial ovary should mimic the original organ, offering a physical (3D matrix) and biological support (cells). In order to replicate the ovarian cell populations, the aim of this study is to assess the proportions of stromal and endothelial cells in the ovarian cortex. To this end, ovarian biopsies were obtained from six women (mean age: 49 years). The epithelial layer and medulla were carefully removed. The cortex was finely minced and enzymatically digested and the isolated cells were fixed. For cell characterization, immunostaining for CD31 (for endothelial cells) and inhibin-α (for granulosa cells) was performed. Positive cells in each staining were counted and the proportion of the different cell populations was estimated from the total number of isolated cells. Since there is no specific marker for ovarian stromal cells, we estimated the proportion of these cells by performing a vimentin immunostaining and subtracting the proportions of CD31- and inhibin-α-positive cells. Immunostaining showed that 84% of isolated cells were vimentin-positive. From this pool, 3% were endothelial cells and 1% granulosa cells. Consequently, the population of ovarian stromal cells was 80%. In conclusion, our findings show that stromal cells represent the larger population of cells in the human ovarian cortex. While this ensures follicle survival and development in a normal ovary, we believe that the low proportion of endothelial cells could have a negative impact on the angiogenesis in the artificial ovary after the first days of transplantation

    In vitro differentiation of theca cells from ovarian cells isolated from postmenopausal women

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    Study question: Can human theca cells (TCs) be differentiated in vitro? Summary answer: It is possible to differentiate human TCs in vitro using a medium supplemented with growth factors and hormones. What is known already: There are very few studies on the origin of TCs in mammalian ovaries. Precursor TCs have been described in neonatal mice ovaries, which can differentiate into TCs under the influence of factors from oocytes and granulosa cells (GCs). On the other hand, studies in large animal models have reported that stromal cells (SCs) isolated from the cortical ovarian layer can also differentiate into TCs. Study design, size, duration: After obtaining informed consent, ovarian biopsies were taken from eight menopausal women (53-74 years of age) undergoing laparoscopic surgery for gynecologic disease not related to the ovaries. SCs were isolated from the ovarian cortex and in vitro cultured for 8 days in basic medium (BM) (G1), enriched with growth factors, FSH and LH in plastic (G2) or collagen substrate without (G3) or with (G4) a GC line. Participants/materials, setting, methods: To confirm TC differentiation, relative mRNA levels for LH receptor (Lhr), steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (Star), cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme (Cyp11a1), cytochrome P450 17A1 (Cyp17a1), hydroxy-delta-5-steroid dehydrogenase, 3 beta- and steroid delta-isomerase 1 (Hsd3b1) and hydroxy-delta-5-steroid dehydrogenase, 3 beta- and steroid delta-isomerase 2 (Hsd3b2) were assessed. Immunohistochemistry was also performed for their protein detection and a specific marker was identified for TCs (aminopeptidase-N, CD13), as were markers for theca and small luteal cells (dipeptidyl peptidase IV (CD26) and Notch homolog 1, translocation-associated (NOTCH1)). Finally, we analyzed cell ultrastructure before (Day 0) and after in vitro culture (Day 8), and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and progesterone levels in the medium using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and ELISA, respectively. Main results and the role of chance: Results obtained from qPCR showed a significant increase (P < 0.05) in mRNA levels of Lhr in F2 (floating cells in G2) and G4, Cyp17a1 in G1 and F1 (floating cells in G1) and Hsd3b2 in G1, G2, G3 and G4. Immunohistochemistry confirmed expression of each enzyme involved in the steroidogenic pathway at the protein stage. However, apart from G1, all other groups exhibited a significant (P < 0.05) rise in the number of CD13-positive cells. There was also a significant increase (P < 0.05) in NOTCH1-positive cells in G3 and G4. Ultrastructure analyses by TEM showed a distinct difference between groups and also versus Day 0. A linear trend with time revealed a significant gain (q < 0.001) in DHEA concentrations in the medium during the culture period in G1, G2, G3 and G4. It also demonstrated a statistical increase (q < 0.001) in G2, G3 and G4 groups, but G1 remained the same throughout culture in terms of progesterone levels. Large scale data: N/A. Limitations, reasons for caution: Shorter periods of in vitro culture (e.g. 2, 4 and 6 days) could have led to increased concentrations of differentiated TCs in G2, G3 and G4. In addition, a group of cells cultured in BM and accompanied by COV434 cells would be necessary to understand their role in the differentiation process. Finally, while our results demonstrate that TCs can be differentiated in vitro from cells isolated from the cortical layer of postmenopausal ovaries, we do not know if these cells are differentiated from a subpopulation of precursor TCs present in ovarian cortex or ovarian SCs in general. It is therefore necessary to identify specific markers for precursor TCs in human ovaries to understand the origin of these cells. Wider implications of the findings: This is a promising step toward understanding TC ontogenesis in the human ovary. Moreover, in vitro-generated human TCs can be used for studies on drug screening, as well as to understand TC-associated pathologies, such as androgen-secreting tumors and polycystic ovary syndrome. Study funding/competing interest(s): This study was supported by grants from the Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique de Belgique (FNRS) (C.A.A. is an FRS-FNRS Research Associate; grant MIS #F4535 16 awarded to C.A.A.; grant 5/4/150/5 awarded to M.M.D.; grant ASP-RE314 awarded to P.A.) and Foundation Against Cancer (grant 2018-042 awarded to A.C.). The authors declare no competing interests

    Immunodetection and quantification of enzymatic markers in theca cells: the early process of ovarian steroidogenesis in human ovary

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    The association between theca cells (TCs) and granulosa cells is pivotal to steroid biosynthesis in the ovary, but most data on canonical mechanisms of follicle steroidogenesis come from animal models. Indeed, the specificity of human steroidogenesis has not yet been documented in the ovary. Elucidating the cascade of events in human ovarian tissue would advance TC differentiation research, facilitating development of a transplantable engineered ovary

    New insights into the GDF9-Hedgehog-GLI signaling pathway in human ovaries: from fetus to postmenopause

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    Research question: Are glioma-associated oncogene homolog 1, 2, and 3 (GLI1, 2, and 3) and protein patched homolog 1 (PTCH1) specific markers for precursor theca cells in human ovaries as in mouse ovaries? Design: To study the GDF9-HH-GLI pathway and assess whether GLI1 and 3 and PTCH1 are specific markers for precursor theca cells in the human ovary, growth differentiation factor 9 (GDF9), Indian Hedgehog (IHH), Desert Hedgehog (DHH), Sonic Hedgehog (SHH), PTCH1 and GLI1, 2 and 3 were investigated in fetal (n=9), prepubertal (n=9), reproductive-age (n=15), and postmenopausal (n=8) human ovarian tissue. Immunohistochemistry against GDF9, IHH, DHH, SHH, PTCH1, GLI1, GLI2, and GLI3 was performed on human ovarian tissue sections fixed in 4% formaldehyde and embedded in paraffin. Western blotting was carried out on extracted proteins from the same samples used in the previous step to prove the antibodies' specificity. The quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction was performed to identify mRNA levels for Gdf9, Ihh, Gli1, Gli2, and Gli3 in menopausal ovaries. Results: Our results showed that, in contrast to mice, all studied proteins were expressed in primordial follicles of fetal, prepubertal, and reproductive-age human ovaries and stromal cells of reproductive-age and postmenopausal ovaries. Intriguingly, Gdf9, Ihh, and Gli3 mRNA, but not Gli1 and 2, was detected in postmenopausal ovaries. Moreover, GLI1, GLI3, and PTCH1 are not limited to a specific population of cells. They were spread throughout the organ, which means they are not specific markers for precursor theca cells in human ovaries. Conclusion: These results could provide a basis for understanding how this pathway modulates follicle development and ovarian cell steroidogenesis in human ovaries

    Immunodetection and Quantification of Enzymatic Markers in Theca Cells: The Early Process of Ovarian Steroidogenesis

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    The association between theca cells (TCs) and granulosa cells is pivotal to steroid biosynthesis in the ovary. During the late secondary follicle stage, TCs form a layer around granulosa cells, after which their steroidogenic function falls under the control of luteinizing hormone (LH) that activates the cAMP signaling pathway via a G protein-coupled receptor. In addition to perilipin-2, a marker for lipid droplets containing esters as substrates for TCs to produce steroidogenic hormones, other essential proteins, like steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR), cytochrome P450 11A1, cytochrome P450c17, 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/delta 5- > 4-isomerase type 1, and 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/delta 5- > 4-isomerase type 2, play a role in the cascade after luteinizing hormone-choriogonadotropic hormone receptor (LH/CG-R) occupation by LH. The aim of the present study was to assess expression levels and corresponding amounts of LH/CG-R, perilipin-2 and enzymes involved in the steroidogenic pathway of TCs based on follicle stage. Immunohistochemical analysis of each of these proteins was therefore performed on ovarian samples from nine adult women, most (n = 8) with BRCA1 and/or BRCA2 mutations undergoing prophylactic bilateral oophorectomy. Pictures were taken of the theca layer of secondary, small (3000 μm) antral follicles and corpora lutea at 100X magnification. ImageJ software was used to analyze the surface area and expression intensity of each protein at each stage, known as the staining index. Overall, our data showed that LH/CG-R, perilipin-2 and StAR expression increased in the course of folliculogenesis and luteinization. Similarly, cytochrome P450 11A1, cytochrome P450c17, 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/delta 5- > 4-isomerase type 1, and 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/delta 5- > 4-isomerase type 2 expression were substantially elevated in TCs during folliculogenesis, evidenced by their coordinated action in terms of area covered and expression intensity. This study, conducted for the first time on human ovarian tissue, contributes to localizing and quantifying expression of key steroidogenic proteins at both intracellular and tissue levels. These findings may shed new light on pathological conditions involving the human ovary, such as androgen-secreting tumors of the ovary and other disorders associated with ovarian TCs in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome

    Assessing and validating housekeeping genes in normal, cancerous, and polycystic human ovaries.

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    Housekeeping genes (HKGs), reference or endogenous control genes, are vital to normalize mRNA levels between different samples. Since using inappropriate HKGs can lead to unreliable results, selecting the proper ones is critical for gene expression studies. To this end, normal human ovaries, as well as those from patients diagnosed with ovarian endometrioid adenocarcinoma (OEA), ovarian mucinous adenocarcinoma (OMA), ovarian serous papillary carcinoma (OSPC), and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), were used to identify the most suitable housekeeping genes. RNA was isolated from 5 normal human ovaries (52-79 years of age), 9 cancerous ovaries (3 OEA, 3 OMA, 3 OSPC; 49-75 years of age), and 4 PCOS ovaries (18-35 years of age) in women undergoing hysterectomy. cDNA was synthesized using a whole transcriptome kit, and quantitative real-time PCR was performed using TaqMan array 96-well plates containing 32 human endogenous controls in triplicate. Among 32 HKGs studied, RPS17, RPL37A, PPIA, 18srRNA, B2M, RPLP0, RPLP30, HPRT1, POP4, CDKN1B, and ELF1 were selected as the best reference genes. This study confirms recent investigations demonstrating that conventional HKGs, such as GAPDH and beta-actin, are not suitable reference genes for specific pathological conditions, emphasizing the importance of determining the best HKGs on a case-by-case basis and according to tissue type. Our results have identified reliable HKGs for studies of normal human ovaries and those affected by OEA, OMA, OSPC, or PCOS, as well as combined studies of control subjects vs. each cancer or PCOS group

    A novel fibrin-based artificial ovary prototype resembling human ovarian tissue in terms of architecture and rigidity.

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    PURPOSE: The aim of this study is to optimize fibrin matrix composition in order to mimic human ovarian tissue architecture for human ovarian follicle encapsulation and grafting. METHODS: Ultrastructure of fresh human ovarian cortex in age-related women (n = 3) and different fibrin formulations (F12.5/T1, F30/T50, F50/T50, F75/T75), rheology of fibrin matrices and histology of isolated and encapsulated human ovarian follicles in these matrices. RESULTS: Fresh human ovarian cortex showed a highly fibrous and structurally inhomogeneous architecture in three age-related patients, but the mean ± SD of fiber thickness (61.3 to 72.4 nm) was comparable between patients. When the fiber thickness of four different fibrin formulations was compared with human ovarian cortex, F50/T50 and F75/T75 showed similar fiber diameters to native tissue, while F12.5/T1 was significantly different (p value < 0.01). In addition, increased concentrations of fibrin exhibited enhanced storage modulus with F50/T50, resembling physiological ovarian rigidity. Excluding F12.5/T1 from further analysis, only three remaining fibrin matrices (F30/T50, F50/T50, F75/T75) were histologically investigated. For this, frozen-thawed fragments of human ovarian tissue collected from 22 patients were used to isolate ovarian follicles and encapsulate them in the three fibrin formulations. All three yielded similar follicle recovery and loss rates soon after encapsulation. Therefore, based on fiber thickness, porosity, and rigidity, we selected F50/T50 as the fibrin formulation that best mimics native tissue. CONCLUSIONS: Of all the different fibrin matrix concentrations tested, F50/T50 emerged as the combination of choice in terms of ultrastructure and rigidity, most closely resembling human ovarian cortex