17 research outputs found

    Sensorless and constraint based peg-in-hole task execution with a dual-arm robot

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    Fast and sensorless peg-in-hole insertion is a challenging task for a robotic manipulator. In order to deal with the peg-in-hole insertion problem without any need of an external force/torque sensor, this paper proposes to actively accomplish compliance in the insertion task relying on an admittance based control. This is combined with a real-time trajectory generator, by means of constraint based optimization, where a model-based sensorless observer of interaction forces is exploited. Experiments have been performed on an ABB dual-arm 7-DOF lightweight prototype robot to validate the proposed approach, with an insertion speed comparable to human manual execution and in presence of geometric uncertainty

    A pre-collision control strategy for human-robot interaction based on dissipated energy in potential inelastic impacts

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    Enabling human-robot collaboration raises new challenges in safety-oriented robot design and control. Indices that quantitatively describe human injury due to a human-robot collision are needed to propose suitable pre-collision control strategies. This paper presents a novel model-based injury index built on the concept of dissipated kinetic energy in a potential inelastic impact. This quantity represents the fracture energy lost when a human-robot collision occurs, modeling both clamped and unclamped cases. It depends on the robot reflected mass and velocity in the impact direction. The proposed index is expressed in analytical form suitable to be integrated in a constraint-based pre-collision control strategy. The exploited control architecture allows to perform a given robot task while simultaneously bounding our injury assessment and minimizing the reflected mass in the direction of the impact. Experiments have been performed on a lightweight robot ABB FRIDA to validate the proposed injury index as well as the pre-collision control strategy

    Optimization-Based Quadrupedal Hybrid Wheeled-Legged Locomotion

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    This paper presents a trajectory optimization approach to the motion generation problem of hybrid locomotion strategies for a wheeled-legged quadrupedal robot with steerable wheels. To this end, traditional Single Rigid Body Dynamics has been employed and extended by adding a unicycle model for each leg, conveniently incorporating the nonholonomic rolling constraints. The proposed approach can generate hybrid locomotion strategies as well as pure driving and legged locomotion with minimum effort for the user. The effectiveness of the proposed approach has been experimentally validated on the humanoid quadruped CENTAURO, employing a hierarchical inverse kinematics engine to track the planned motions