47 research outputs found

    Effect of climatic factors on the growth and leaf yield of betelvine (Piper betle L.)

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    An experiment was conducted on eight cultivars of betelvine (Piper betle L.) with an objective to study the effect of various climatic factors on growth and leaf yield of the crop for consequtive two growing seasons. The experiment was designed in Completely Randomized Design with eight treatments (cultivars) and five replications. The data on growth and yield parameters were recorded in four different seasons of the year i.e., winter, summer, rainy and autumn season. Results showed that growth and leaf yield of betelvine was more in rainy season and less in winter season. Among the cultivars, vine length increment of cv. SimuraliSanchi was highest in rainy season (144.70 cm) followed by autumn season (104.52 cm), summer season (98.40 cm) and winter season (48.56 cm). Irrespective of all the seasons, cv. CARI-6 showed the maximum and Jabalpur showed the minimum internodal length. Among the cultivars SimuraliSanchi produced the maximum marketable leaves (23) per vine in rainy season. Temperature and relative humidity were positively correlated with variation in growth and yield parameters

    Effect of plant growth regulators (PGRs) on flowering, fruit-set and yield of cashew var. Jhargram-1

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    Four commonly used plant growth regulators such as NAA, 2,4-D, ethrel and GA3 were sprayed (single or double) at panicle initiation and peak flowering stage in cashew var. Jhargram-1. Results showed that spraying of ethrel 50 ppm twice, significantly produced maximum number of panicle per square meter. Spraying PGRs except 2,4-D had beneficial effect for most of the economic traits of the plants. NAA 100 ppm double spray was found to be the most effective to increase number of perfect flowers, fruit retention, nuts per square meter and yield per square meter. The study also revealed that spraying of GA3 50 ppm (both single and double spray) significantly produced more number of staminate flowers. Duration of flowering more than 60 days was recorded with double spray of GA3 50 ppm, NAA 100 ppm and GA3 100 ppm

    Probing the Fermi surface and magnetotransport properties in MoAs2_{2}

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    Transition metal dipnictides (TMDs) have recently been identified as possible candidates to host topology protected electronic band structure. These materials belong to an isostructural family and show several exotic transport properties. Especially, the large values of magnetoresistance (MR) and carrier mobility have drawn significant attention from the perspective of technological applications. In this report, we have investigated the magnetotransport and Fermi surface properties of single crystalline MoAs2_{2}, another member of this group of compounds. Field induced resistivity plateau and a large MR have been observed, which are comparable to several topological systems. Interestingly, in contrast to other isostructural materials, the carrier density in MoAs2_{2} is quite high and shows single-band dominated transport. The Fermi pockets, which have been identified from the quantum oscillation, are largest among the members of this group and have significant anisotropy with crystallographic direction. Our first-principles calculations reveal a substantial difference between the band structures of MoAs2_{2} and other TMDs. The calculated Fermi surface consists of one electron pocket and another 'open-orbit' hole pocket, which has not been observed in TMDs so far.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure