2 research outputs found

    El uso de TIC y su relaci贸n en el desempe帽o log铆stico de pymes exportadoras peruanas del sector transporte terrestre en 2020-2022.

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    El uso e implemento de las TIC ha presentado mejoras en la comunicaci贸n y desempe帽o de las empresas donde se refleja que existe relaci贸n directa entre el uso de TIC y el desempe帽o. El cual permite el intercambio eficaz de informaci贸n, la mejora en la productividad y desempe帽o de las operaciones, adem谩s de generar ventajas competitivas a trav茅s de la optimizaci贸n de la cadena de suministro. En el cap铆tulo 1, se realiz贸 el marco conceptual, antecedentes, las bases te贸ricas y el an谩lisis mundial, regional y local del sector a investigar. Con la informaci贸n recolectada, se plante贸 las dimensiones de cada variable para las TIC se defini贸 a las redes, terminales y equipo, y servicios, tal cual, como para la dimensi贸n desempe帽o log铆stico que se plante贸 las dimensiones de costos, tiempo y eficiencia. En el cap铆tulo 2, se detallaron los problemas generales y espec铆ficos, as铆 como los objetivos e hip贸tesis que nos ayudaran con el an谩lisis y los resultados que pretendemos encontrar. Para el cap铆tulo 3, se defini贸 la metodolog铆a a utilizar. Con ello se eligi贸 utilizar un enfoque cuantitativo, de alcance correlacional y dise帽o metodol贸gico no experimental. Para la recolecci贸n de datos se acudi贸 a la base generada por Per煤 top 10,000 sobre pymes del sector de transporte terrestre, a quienes se les envi贸 por correo un cuestionario obteniendo como resultado 36 encuestas. Finalmente, en el cap铆tulo 4 y 5 se realizaron los an谩lisis utilizando el programa de SPPS y la confiabilidad del Alfa de Cronbach para poder validar nuestras hip贸tesis que demostr贸 la relaci贸n directa y significativa entre el uso de TIC y el desempe帽o log铆stico. Comprobando as铆 que los resultados encontrados en los antecedentes, tambi茅n se presentan en las pymes peruanas del sector de transporte terrestre.The use and implementation of ICT has presented improvements in the communication and performance of companies where it is reflected that there is a direct relationship between the use of ICT and performance. Which allows the effective exchange of information, the improvement in productivity and performance of operations, in addition to generating competitive advantages through the optimization of the supply chain. In chapter 1, the conceptual framework, background, theoretical bases and global, regional and local analysis of the sector to be investigated was carried out. With the information collected, the dimensions of each variable for ICTs were defined, networks, terminals and equipment, and services were defined, as is, as well as for the logistics performance dimension that the dimensions of costs, time and efficiency were raised. In chapter 2, the general and specific problems were detailed, as well as the objectives and hypotheses that will help us with the analysis and the results that we intend to find. For chapter 3, the methodology to be used was defined. With this, it was chosen to use a quantitative approach, of correlational scope and non-experimental methodological design. For data collection, the database generated by Peru top 10,000 on SMEs in the land transport sector was used, to whom a questionnaire was sent by mail, obtaining 36 surveys as a result. Finally, in chapter 4 and 5, the analyzes were carried out using the SPPS program and the reliability of Cronbach's Alpha in order to validate our hypotheses that demonstrated the direct and significant relationship between the use of ICT and logistics performance. Thus verifying that the results found in the background are also presented in Peruvian SMEs in the land transport sector.Tesi

    Delifood: Application for the sale of diets and complementary services to healthy nutrition

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    El presente trabajo de investigaci贸n tiene por objetivo presentar al mercado de alimentos saludables, nuestro servicio de asesor铆a en nutrici贸n de forma personalizada con la gu铆a de expertos en alimentaci贸n y entrenamiento para ofrecer un servicio completo a trav茅s de nuestra plataforma digital que tiene el nombre de Delifood a personas con una tendencia saludable. Por todo ello, nuestra propuesta de valor es brindar una f谩cil accesibilidad a un r茅gimen alimenticio saludable bajo la supervisi贸n de profesionales y especialistas que est谩n capacitados para armar todo un plan de alimentaci贸n personalizado e instruir de manera adecuada el modo de llevar una nutrici贸n completa y bien estructurada, as铆 como un correcto entrenamiento. Este trabajo de investigaci贸n consta de tres partes las cuales se describir谩n a continuaci贸n: Primera parte: Descripci贸n de la Idea de Negocio en donde se detalla cada aspecto del negocio, su tendencia y qu茅 problema deseamos solventar con dicha idea. As铆 mismo se presenta un an谩lisis Segunda parte: Validaciones del Modelo de Negocio, en donde se analiza todo acerca de los resultados que se pudieron obtener de los experimentos a nuestros clientes potenciales por nuestro servicio. Adem谩s, se analiza mediante expertos la viabilidad de la aplicaci贸n. Tercera parte: Desarrollo de la Estrategia de Negocio, en el cual se analiza el plan estrat茅gico, adem谩s de realizar las intenciones de compra, as铆 como de verificar y ajustar el financiamiento, y el plan de marketing.鈥疶he present research work aims to present to the health food market, our nutrition counseling service in a personalized way with the guidance of experts in food and training to offer a complete service through our digital platform that has the name of Delifood to people with a healthy tendency. For all this, our value proposition is to provide easy accessibility to a healthy eating regimen under the supervision of professionals and specialists who are trained to put together a whole personalized eating plan and instruct in a proper way the way to carry a complete and well-structured nutrition, as well as a correct training. This research work consists of three parts which will be described below: First part: Description of the Business Idea where each aspect of the business is detailed, its tendency and what problem we want to solve with this idea. An analysis of the business idea is also presented. Second part: Validations of the Business Model, where everything about the results that could be obtained from the experiments to our potential customers for our service is analyzed. In addition, the feasibility of the application is analyzed by experts. Third part: Development of the Business Strategy, in which the strategic plan is analyzed, in addition to making the purchase intentions, as well as verifying and adjusting the financing, and the marketing plan.Trabajo de investigaci贸