18 research outputs found

    Potensi Jahe Merah (Zingiber Officinale Var. Rubrum) pada Berbagai Media Pupuk Organik di Polybag

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    Jahe merupakan salah satu jenis tanaman obat yang dikembangkan sebagai bahan obat tradisional karena mengandung senyawa kimia seperti oleoresin dan minyak atsiri, flavonoid, fenol, terpenoid dan antioksidan yang dipercaya dan telah banyak dipublikasi mampu meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh dan system antioksidan. Tanaman biofarmaka kelompok rimpang pada tahun 2018 hampir keseluruhannya mengalami kenaikan luas panen, hanya tanaman jahe dan tanaman dringo yang mengalami penurunan. Selain itu produtivitas jahe juga mengalami penurunan yang disebabkan oleh pemupukan yang kurang optimal. Tujuan artikel ini mereview potensi jahe merah di berbagai media pupuk organik di polybag komposisi media pupuk organik yang tepat untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan jahe merah pada pertanaman menggunakan polybag. Budidaya jahe merah dapat dilakukan di karung atau polybag, dan dapat dilakukan setiap saat. Budidaya jahe merah dapat di tanam dengan media tanah yang dicampur dengan media organik seperti pupuk kendang dan kompos. Berdasarkan analisis usaha tani setiap 10 bulan dapat dihasilkan Rp. 45.000.000,- (empat puluh lima juta rupiah). Tempat untuk budidaya jahe merah di dalam karung atau polybag dapat dibawah tegakan pohon di pekarangan

    Penerapan Hidroponik Rakit Apung Memakai Dobel Pompa Venturi di Kalurahan Karangasem, Kecamatan Laweyan, Kota Surakarta

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    Perkembangan teknologi dalam bidang pertanian semakin pesat, sehingga masyarakat yang tertinggal dalam memanfaatkan kemajuan teknologi, tidak akan memperoleh keuntungan yang maksimal dari kegiatan usaha yang dilakukan. Salah satu teknologi yang layak disebarluaskan adalah teknologi hidroponik, hal ini dikarenakan semakin langkanya lahan pertanian akibat dari banyaknya sektor industri dan jasa. Teknologi budidaya pertanian dengan sistem hidroponik diharapkan menjadi salah satu alternatif bagi masyarakat yang mempunyai lahan terbatas atau pekarangan. Hidroponik sangat cocok untuk program urban farming atau pertanian perkotaan. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kegiatan produktif pada masyarakat perkotaaan dengan budidaya sayuran menggunakan sistem hidroponik. Kegiatan dilaksanakan di Kelurahan Karangasem, Kecamatan Laweyan, Kota Surakarta. Metode yang digunakan melalui kegiatan pelatihan dan implementasi budidaya hidroponik rakit apung. Rakit apung yang dilakukan yaitu berupa: 1. tidak menggunakan aerasi, 2. aerasi dengan menggunakan pompa yang diletakkan dibawah bak penanaman, air kelebihan keluar kembali lagi ke bak tandon, 3. pompa diletakkan didalam bak penanaman dikeluarkan berupa pancuran yang merata diujung bak, 4. menggunakan 2 pompa venturi tanpa dibuat pancuran, 5. menggunakkan pipa venturi jumlah mengikuti luas penanaman rakit apung. Kegiatan pengabdian bermanfaat bagi masyarakat dalam peningkatan daya saing hasil sayuran khususnya sawi sendok (pak choy)

    Acute and chronic effects of resistance exercise on blood pressure in elderly women and the possible influence of ACE I/D polymorphism

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    Márcio Rabelo Mota,1,3 Ricardo Jacó Oliveira,2 Denize Faria Terra,3 Emerson Pardono,4 Maurílio Tiradentes Dutra,2 Jeeser Alves de Almeida,3 Francisco Martins Silva3 1University Center of Brasília (UniCeub), Brasília, Brazil; 2University of Brasília (UnB), Brasília, Brazil; 3Catholic University of Brasília (UCB), Brasília, Brazil; 4Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), São Cristóvão, Brazil Abstract: This study investigated the chronic effect of blood pressure (BP) and post-exercise hypotension (PEH) during resistance training (RT) and its relation with the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) gene insertion/deletion (I/D) polymorphism in hypertensive elderly women. Participants were divided into two groups: an experimental group (EG) with exercise and a control group (CG) without exercise. The EG performed one adaptation month and one repetition maximum load (1RM) test at the end of this period. After the first month, the EG conducted a three-month program of RT at 60%, 70%, and 80% of 1RM, respectively, for each month. The CG was evaluated at the end of each month. Systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure (Microlife BP 3AC1-1) were measured, with the subject in a seated position, during an acute session for both GE and CG as follows: every 5 minutes for 20 minutes at pre-exercise rest, immediately after the resistance exercise and control, and every 15 minutes during 1 hour of recovery after exercise and CG. Analysis of covariance showed reduction in SBP and DBP (P ≤ 0.05) rest values after the RT program. PEH was observed only for the EG in acute sessions, for SBP after the second and third months (P ≤ 0.05), and for DBP after the second and fourth months (P ≤ 0.05). No significant differences in main effects and interaction effects between blood pressure and ACE I/D were observed. The occurrence of chronic reduction of blood pressure and PEH through EG may have a protective effect on the cardiovascular system with no ACE I/D polymorphism influence for this population. Keywords: post-exercise hypotension, resistance exercise, angiotensin-converting enzyme, genetics, polymorphis

    Unexpected genetic heterogeneity in a large consanguineous Brazilian pedigree presenting deafness

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    Nonsyndromic autosomal recessive deafness accounts for 80% of hereditary deafness. To date, 52 loci responsible for autosomal recessive deafness have been mapped and 24 genes identified. Here, we report a large inbred Brazilian pedigree with 26 subjects affected by prelingual deafness. Given the extensive consanguinity found in this pedigree, the most probable pattern of inheritance is autosomal recessive. However, our linkage and mutational analysis revealed, instead of an expected homozygous mutation in a single gene, two different mutant alleles and a possible third undetected mutant allele in the MYO15A gene (DFNB3 locus), as well as evidence for other causes for deafness in the same pedigree. Among the 26 affected subjects, 15 were homozygous for the novel c.10573delA mutation in the MYO15A gene, 5 were compound heterozygous for the mutation c.10573delA and the novel deletion c.9957_9960delTGAC and one inherited only a single c.10573delA mutant allele, while the other one could not be identified. Given the extensive consanguinity of the pedigree, there might be at least one more deafness locus segregating to explain the condition in some of the subjects whose deafness is not clearly associated with MYO15A mutations, although overlooked environmental causes could not be ruled out. Our findings illustrate a high level of etiological heterogeneity for deafness in the family and highlight some of the pitfalls of genetic analysis of large genes in extended pedigrees, when homozygosity for a single mutant allele is expected