427 research outputs found

    El impacto de la 4.0 en lo organización del trabajo

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    Actualmente nos encontramos inmersos en la cuarta revolución industrial, también conocida como Industria 4.0. Esta nueva revolución industrial trae consigo un conjunto de tecnologías como son el internet de las cosas, el big data, el blockchain, la realidad virtual, la realidad aumentada, la impresión 3D o los cobots. Todas ellas, suponen un cambio sustancial en la forma de trabajar y de organizar el trabajo y por tanto, en los riesgos a los que están expuestos los trabajadores. Esta transformación laboral ya se ha iniciado y es importante que todos los agentes implicados participen en la regulación de este nuevo entorno de trabajo.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Gamificación y competitividad en el sistema de evaluación para impulsar la motivación del alumnado mediante el uso de TICs

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    Promover iniciativas que provoquen innovación en la dinámica docente universitaria, promoviendo la motivación y participación del alumnado, es un aspecto fundamental para favorecer procesos de desarrollo y de mejora de la calidad. Por ello, en la Universidad de Málaga se está llevando a cabo un proyecto centrado en el empleo de herramientas basadas en la gamificación como es el KAHOOT (Making Learning Awesome). Así, se plantea un juego donde los alumnos participan de manera individual o grupal en un concurso de preguntas estableciéndose una competición en conocimientos y habilidades.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Metodología de Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas para desarrollar nuevas competencias en el ámbito de investigación de operaciones

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    En este trabajo se propone el uso de una metodología de Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP) para proporcionar una mejora en la calidad del aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Se propone el uso de esta metodología en la asignatura de segundo curso “Métodos cuantitativos de investigación operativa” del grado en Ingeniería de Organización Industrial, en la que los alumnos adquieren conocimientos de diversas técnicas para mejorar la toma de decisiones sobre problemas cotidianos en la gestión de las organizaciones.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Analysis of Required Investigations of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders in Spain

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    Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are the most common source of occupational health problems in Western countries. In Spain, musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) can be reported either as accidents or occupational diseases. When reported as an occupational disease, a full diagnosis is performed, as the compensation system needs the approval of the social security authority and a mandatory investigation has to be performed. Although many methods are available for investigating the causes of occupational accidents, occupational diseases have not been analysed with the same depth, and there is a lack of investigation methods. This paper aims to analyse the role of 43 occupational investigations of causes of musculoskeletal diseases in the prevention cycle. This study is based on the occupational investigations performed by workplaces’ occupational health and safety specialists when musculoskeletal diseases are reported. The analysis of the data involves descriptive statistics and the Φ coeffcient. Based on administrative data, 68 workplaces employing 15,260 workers were surveyed and 41 workplaces with 13,201 workers submitted valid questionnaires to be analysed. The most frequent cause of reported musculoskeletal disease, in terms of primary risk, is repetitive movement. The only proposed measure with a significant association to the exposure by repetitive movements is job rotation (alternating workers between tasks within a job or between activities as a means to vary different levels of exposure). The investigation of occupational diseases has been useful in most of the cases for proposing preventive measures. Most of the workplaces surveyed have performed investigations and adopted preventive measures, but the managers of some workplaces were not aware of any disease notification regarding their workers when surveyed. More research is needed to provide tools for this important task

    Work-related road safety: The impact of the low noise levels produced by electric vehicles according to experienced drivers.

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    Política de acceso abierto tomada de: https://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/id/publication/16957The introduction of electric vehicles in urban areas contributes to the reduction of air and noise pollution in these environments. However, the low noise levels produced by these vehicles, previously seen as an advantage, could pose a new risk to the safety of road users. The real magnitude of this issue is, however, controversial. The present study analyses the perception of experienced electric and hybrid vehicle drivers in work situations, something which had not been studied to date. A total of 95 electric car and motorcycle drivers from different public companies in the city of Málaga, Spain, participated in the study. These drivers described risk situations with pedestrians at low speeds, especially in shared streets. They estimated that the risk caused by the low noise levels of these vehicles is “medium”. To compensate, many drivers stated that they are more alert while driving an electric vehicle. Additionally, the drivers suggested that equipping these vehicles with continuous external sound was not the most appropriate solution. In the scientific community there is no consensus on the best way to resolve this. Nevertheless, electric vehicles are now required to incorporate additional sound in the European Union and USA. This does not mean that this is a more effective solution. More research on this issue is thus needed, such as studying other non-acoustic solutions or analysing how other road users perceive the risk.This study is part of a larger project 'Perception of experienced drivers of 2 and 4 wheel electric vehicles on the impact of the vehicle on road safety' (SPIP2015-01765) financed by the Spanish Department of Traffic (DGT)

    Performance of barrier systems and functions in the construction industry.

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    La mejora del conocimiento acerca del mecanismo de actuación de los accidentes en la industria de la construcción aporta una importante información que ayuda a diseñar e implementar barreras adecuadas para detener la propagación de eventos inesperados. El presente estudio caracteriza la secuencia de los accidentes sucedidos en el sector de la construcción estableciendo para ello una relación entre las circunstancias mayoritariamente identificadas, las barreras y funciones de barreras infringidas y la manera específica como cada uno de estas funcionó. Para alcanzar el objetivo planteado, se efectuó el análisis de 241 investigaciones de accidentes de trabajo ocurridos en el sector de la construcción en España entre los años 2009 y 2014, los cuales fueron realizados por técnicos asesores de OHS. Así mediante la lectura detallada de cada uno de los informes de investigación que conforman la muestra, se identificó la variable desviación de acuerdo al procedimiento de la European Statistic on Accidents at Work (ESAW). Seguidamente, y de acuerdo con la literatura publicada sobre el tema tratado, se continuó identificando el sistema de barrera infringido en cada uno de los accidentes analizados y su asociación con la variable desviación identificada. Se prosiguió con la identificación de la función de barrera, estableciendo una relación entre los sistemas de barreras infringidas, la manera específica como cada uno de estos sistemas de barreras funciona y el grado de actuación de cada una de estas funciones. La diferencia estadística entre los grupos de variables se determinó mediante tablas de contingencia en las que se calculó el valor del estadístico chi-cuadrado (χ2). Los resultados extraídos muestran que se identifican fundamentalmente factores conductuales como pueden ser la inobservancia del trabajador de velar por su propia seguridad o la deficiente interpretación de normas

    Composite leading indicator to assess the resilience engineering in occupational health & safety in municipal solid waste management companies.

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    Resilience Engineering is a paradigm that attempts to focus on learning from what works well rather than from failures. There have been few studies focusing on the quantitative evaluation of Resilience Engineering and none have been conducted for the Municipal Solid Waste sector. Composite indicators are a useful analytical tool for making decisions involving complex, multi-dimensional social phenomena, and we have used this approach to design a model to assess the level of implementation of Resilience Engineering in Municipal Solid Waste companies. Designed as a Composite Leading Indicator, based on the model created by Wreathall and Shirali et al., its weighting was defined by 22 Spanish and Italian Delphi experts. The results show a high level of consensus. With regard to the principle Top Management Commitment, a high value was assigned to raising awareness over the need to halt production when there is a safety risk. In connection with Culture of Learning, the experts emphasised the importance of establishing mechanisms to clearly define the person responsible for safety in each of the activities carried out in the company. In the area of Flexibility, they agreed on the importance of convincing workers that if they encounter a problem, the criterion to follow is to sacrifice production rather than safety to maintain the system.This research forms part of the CICE SAFERA Eranet 2013 project “Design and development of a simulation tool for decision making in the management of health and safety based on resilience engineering to promote a safety culture change process in MSW treatment companies (Asses-Re-Tool)”. This work was funded by the Government of Andalusia, awarded by the Department of Economy, Innovation and Science through the Agency of Innovation and Development of Andalusia and by Italian Workers’ Compensation Authority (INAIL). We would like to thank Professor Saeed Shirali at the Ahvez Jundishapur University, the Spanish and Italian experts who took part in the Delphi study, LIMASA, which facilitated our participation in the project, and Universita Degli Studi Federico II di Napoli. We would also like to express our gratitude for the field work carried out by Pedro Fenoy Illacer in Spain and by Nicola Forcelli in Italy. Finally, it is also necessary to thank the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of the Government of Spain for its support through the “Programa de Formación del Profesorado Universitario" (FPU 16/03298)

    Key Factors in Crane-Related Occupational Accidents in the Spanish Construction Industry (2012–2021).

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    The construction industry is one of the riskiest sectors worldwide, with crane operations being one of the most dangerous activities. The aim of this study was to gain insight into the key factors involved in crane-related occupational accidents in the construction industry in Spain. To this end, 1314 accidents involving cranes were analyzed from a total of 241,937 accidents that occurred in the construction of buildings. The data were collected from the Spanish gov-ernment’s occupational accident statistics corresponding to the years 2012–2021. The results evidenced a statistically significant relationship between cranes as the material agent and the size of the company, with 95% of cases corresponding to small- or medium-sized companies (less than 250 employees). Additionally, it shows how the crane operator is identified as a ma-terial contributor to crane accidents in the construction industry, and may be considered a key component to these accidents. In conclusion, improving the knowledge gained about the key factors in crane-related accidents at work in the construction industry provides essential in-formation that helps to design and implement appropriate preventive measures to avoid the recurrence of unwanted events with these machines.We acknowledge the support of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation of the Government of Spain through the project “Complexity and resilience: a systemic approach for the monitoring and improvement of safety management in construction” with the code number PID2020-114502GB-I00. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Malaga/CBUA

    Disposable masks: Disinfection and sterilization for reuse, and non-certified manufacturing, in the face of shortages during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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    The COVID-19 pandemic is posing a huge global health threat. To deal with this problem, in addition to research and work in the medical field, the main health measures being taken in the workplace and at home involve the establishment of safety protocols, which include distance measures, hygiene and the use of personal protective equipment, such as masks, etc. The WHO still does not recommend the use of masks for the general population. However, their successful use in China, South Korea and the Czech Republic has encouraged their widespread use, and the shortage that already existed. This has caused that companies and individuals are looking at the best way to reuse them, and to manufacture, homemade or not, of non-certified masks. This paper is based on two objectives: to consult the scientific literature to identify the main strategies for disinfecting them, and to determine the effectiveness of non-certified disposable masks. A rapid review has been conducted in which the main publications and other information available online have been analyzed. Results showed that the most promising methods are those that use hydrogen peroxide vapor, ultraviolet radiation, moist heat, dry heat and ozone gas. Soapy water, alcohol, bleach immersion, ethylene oxide, ionizing radiation, microwave, high temperature, autoclave or steam are not fully recommended. Regarding the effectiveness of surgical masks compared to PPE, the former have been seen to be slightly less effective than PPE. As for other types of masks the effectiveness of homemade or non-certified masks is very low

    Twitter as a tool for the management and analysis of emergency situations: A systematic literature review

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    The importance of timely, accurate and effective use of available information is essential to the proper management of emergency situations. In recent years, emerging technologies have provided new approaches towards the distribution and acquisition of crowdsourced information to facilitate situational awareness and management during emergencies. In this regard, internet and social networks have shown potential to be an effective tool in disseminating and obtaining up-to-date information. Among the most popular social networks, research has pointed to Twitter as a source of information that offers valuable real-time data for decision-making. The objective of this paper is to conduct a systematic literature review that provides an overview of the current state of research concerning the use of Twitter to emergencies management, as well as presents the challenges and future research directions.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Programa Juan de la Cierva - FJCI-2015-24093) and the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports for it support through the predoctoral contracts (FPU 2016/03298)