13 research outputs found

    Chromosome painting among Proboscidea, Hyracoidea and Sirenia: support for Paenungulata (Afrotheria, Mammalia) but not Tethytheria

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    Despite marked improvements in the interpretation of systematic relationships within Eutheria, particular nodes, including Paenungulata (Hyracoidea, Sirenia and Proboscidea), remain ambiguous. The combination of a rapid radiation, a deep divergence and an extensive morphological diversification has resulted in a limited phylogenetic signal confounding resolution within this clade both at the morphological and nucleotide levels. Cross-species chromosome painting was used to delineate regions of homology between Loxodonta africana (2n=56), Procavia capensis (2n=54), Trichechus manatus latirostris (2n=48) and an outgroup taxon, the aardvark (Orycteropus afer, 2n=20). Changes specific to each lineage were identified and although the presence of a minimum of 11 synapomorphies confirmed the monophyly of Paenungulata, no change characterizing intrapaenungulate relationships was evident. The reconstruction of an ancestral paenungulate karyotype and the estimation of rates of chromosomal evolution indicate a reduced rate of genomic repatterning following the paenungulate radiation. In comparison to data available for other mammalian taxa, the paenungulate rate of chromosomal evolution is slow to moderate. As a consequence, the absence of a chromosomal character uniting two paenungulates (at the level of resolution characterized in this study) may be due to a reduced rate of chromosomal change relative to the length of time separating successive divergence events

    Indel evolution of mammalian introns and the utility of non-coding nuclear markers in eutherian phylogenetics

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    Nuclear DNA intron sequences are increasingly used to investigate evolutionary relationships among closely related organisms. The phylogenetic usefulness of intron sequences at higher taxonomic levels has, however, not been firmly established and very few studies have used these markers to address evolutionary questions above the family level. In addition, the mechanisms driving intron evolution are not well understood. We compared DNA sequence data derived from three presumably independently segregating introns (THY, PRKC I and MGF) across 158 mammalian species. All currently recognized extant eutherian mammalian orders were included with the exception of Cingulata, Dermoptera and Scandentia. The total aligned length of the data was 6366 base pairs (bp); after the exclusion of autapomorphic insertions, 1511 bp were analyzed. In many instances the Bayesian and parsimony analyses were complementary and gave significant posterior probability and bootstrap support (>80) for the monophyly of Afrotheria, Euarchontoglires, Laurasiatheria and Boreoeutheria. Apart from finding congruent support when using these methods, the intron data also provided several indels longer than 3 bp that support, among others, the monophyly of Afrotheria, Paenungulata, Ferae and Boreoeutheria. A quantitative analysis of insertions and deletions suggested that there was a 75% bias towards deletions. The average insertion size in the mammalian data set was 16.49 bp ± 57.70 while the average deletion was much smaller (4.47 bp ± 14.17). The tendency towards large insertions and small deletions is highlighted by the observation that out of a total of 17 indels larger than 100 bp, 15 were insertions. The majority of indels (>60% of all events) were 1 or 2 bp changes. Although the average overall indel substitution rate of 0.00559 per site is comparable to that previously reported for rodents and primates, individual analyses among different evolutionary lineages provide evidence for differences in the formation rate of indels among the different mammalian groups. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Articl

    The CRH family coding for cell wall glycosylphosphatidylinositol proteins with a predicted transglycosidase domain affects cell wall organization and virulence of Candida albicans.

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    In Candida albicans UTR2 (CSF4), CRH11, and CRH12 are members of a gene family (the CRH family) that encode glycosylphosphatidylinositol-dependent cell wall proteins with putative transglycosidase activity. Deletion of genes of this family resulted in additive sensitivity to compounds interfering with normal cell wall formation (Congo red, calcofluor white, SDS, and high Ca(2+) concentrations), suggesting that these genes contribute to cell wall organization. A triple mutant lacking UTR2, CRH11, and CRH12 produced a defective cell wall, as inferred from increased sensitivity to cell wall-degrading enzymes, decreased ability of protoplasts to regenerate a new wall, constitutive activation of Mkc1p, the mitogen-activated protein kinase of the cell wall integrity pathway, and an increased chitin content of the cell wall. Importantly, this was accompanied by a decrease in alkali-insoluble 1,3-beta-glucan but not total glucan content, suggesting that formation of the linkage between 1,3-beta-glucan and chitin might be affected. In support of this idea, localization of a Utr2p-GFP fusion protein largely coincided with areas of chitin incorporation in C. albicans.As UTR2 and CRH11 expression is regulated by calcineurin, a serine/threonine protein phosphatase involved in tolerance to antifungal drugs, cell wall morphogenesis, and virulence, this points to a possible relationship between calcineurin and the CRH family. Deletion of UTR2, CRH11, and CRH12 resulted in only a partial overlap with calcineurin-dependent phenotypes, suggesting that calcineurin has additional targets. Interestingly, cells deleted for UTR2, CRH11, and CRH12 were, like a calcineurin mutant, avirulent in a mouse model of systemic infection but retained the capacity to colonize target organs (kidneys) as the wild type. In conclusion, this work establishes the role of UTR2, CRH11, and CRH12 in cell wall organization and integrity