106 research outputs found

    a case study of Bali

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    Thesis(Master) -- KDI School: Master of Development Policy, 2020Tourism is an important industry globally and a critical industry for Indonesia. Despite the importance of tourism to Indonesia’s economy, there is a general view that the industry has untapped potential. Given Indonesia’s prodigious tourism resources and strategic geographical location, it fails to draw the highest possible tourist numbers and receipts. Government has implemented some ambitious and strategic efforts to boost the number of foreign tourists to Indonesia. However, the country still lags behind its regional competitors in number of foreign tourists and receipts. Therefore, this study investigates information sources, both online and offline, as the lifeblood of the travel and tourism industry. Using factor analysis, information source attributes were examined to discover the rationale behind the selection of sources by international tourists. This paper also analyzed which sources used and constructed destination attributes, in acknowledgement of the significance of a destination image as a factor of travel decision making. This research focuses on international tourists and uses Bali as the case study. Results indicate that international tourists use both online and offline sources. The findings also indicate that the main reasons for the selection of sources are the interactivity and usergenerated content of sources. The results of this research can be used in tourism policy and marketing strategies by central and local governments as well as tourism communities.I. Introduction II. Literature Review III. Methodology IV. Data Analysis V. ConclusionsmasterpublishedElfridanche Widya S. PARDED

    A Comparison of the Endoscopic and Histopathological Findings of Upper Gastrointestinal Mucosa with Helicobacter Pylori Infection

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    Helicobacter pylori infects the gastric mucosa or the duodenal wall undergoing gastric meteplasia, and is found in nearly 100% of chronic gastritis and duodenal ulcers. Helicobacter pylori produces urease that converts urea into ammonia, which will protect the organism from the acidic environment and will cause further damage to the gastrointestinal mucosa. Helicobacter pylori can be detected through histopathological evaluation, macroscopic endoscopy, serologic test, urea breath test, biopsy urease test, culture and stool analysis. Histiopathologically, Helicobacter pylori infection demonstrates neutrophil infiltration into the gastric mucosa, classified as focal infiltration. We conducted a prospective study of 50 chronic dyspeptic patients. We took their history, performed physical examinations, gastroscopy with judgement for macroscopic endoscopic appearance, histopathology from biopsy specimens, and the CLO test. There were 50 chronic dyspeptic patients in the study, with an age ranging from 23-81 years, and a mean age 49±12 year. Most of them were male (33 cases). There were 17 female cases. From the CLO test, there were 30 cases with CLO (+) and 20 cases CLO (-). From the 30 cases with CLO (+), 22 were male and 8 female. Gastroscopy revealed 25 cases of gastric ulcer, 7 duodenal ulcer, 2 gastric cancer, 15 gastritis, and 30 gastropathy. A gastroscopic appearance of chronic dyspepsia with positive Helicobacter pylori were found mostly in gastric ulcer (18 cases), followed by duodenal ulcer (6 cases), gastritis (5 cases) and one case of gastric cancer. A gastroscopic appearance of chronic dyspepsia with negative Helicobacter pylori were found mostly in gastritis 10 cases, while the remaining in gastric ulcer (7 cases), gastric cancer (2 cases), and a case of duodenal ulcer. Gastroscopy revealed 15 cases of gastritis. From the 5 gastritis cases with CLO (+), 3 cases had lesions located at the antrum and 2 cases at the corpus, while from the remaining 10 cases of gastritis with CLO (-), 8 cases had lesions located at the antrum, and 2 at the corpus. The time to colonization was shortest in duodenal ulcer (grade IV), followed by gastric ulcer (grade II) and gastritis (grade I) in CLO (-) examination. From cases of gastritis with CLO (+), 4 were moderate cases and one case severe, while from cases of gastritis with CLO (-) there were 7 mild cases, and 3 moderate cases with no severe case found

    Effect of Inquiry Learning Model and Motivation on Physics Outcomes Learning Students

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    The purposes of the research are: (a) to determine differences in learning outcomes of students with Inquiry Training models and conventional models, (b) to determine differences in physics learning outcomes of students who have high motivation and low motivation, (c) to determine the interaction between learning models with the level of motivation in improving student Physics learning outcomes. The results were found: (a) there are differences in physical students learning outcomes are taught by Inquiry Training models and conventional models. (b) learning outcomes of students who are taught by Inquiry Learning Model Training better than student learning outcomes are taught with conventional model. (c) there is a difference in student\u27s learning outcomes that have high motivation and low motivation. (d) Student learning outcomes that have a high motivation better than student learning outcomes than have a low motivation. (e) there is interaction between learning and motivation to student learning outcomes. Learning outcomes of students who are taught by the model is influenced also by the motivation, while learning outcomes of students who are taught with conventional models are not affected by motivation

    Survei Dan Pemetaan Status Kalium Lahan Sawah Pada Daerah Irigasi Bahal Gajah/tiga Bolon Kecamatan Sidamanik

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    Survey and mapping potassium status on wet rice have been in irrigation area Bahal Gajah/TigaBolon in kecamatan Sidamanik. This research purpose to make a map potassium status on wet ricefield in irrigation area Bahal Gajah/Tiga Bolon. The research was started on April until December2012. Sampling method use free grid survey method with semi detail survey scale. Result ofanalysis process using correlation method, with Geographical Information System (GIS) program.Parameter that analysis in laboratory is exchange of potassium. The result of research showed thatpotassium exchange available devided by 5 status such as; lowest 0,118 ha (0,03%), low 1,542 ha(0,36%), medium 35,203 ha (8,24%), high 90,114ha (21,08%), and highest 300,473 ha (70,29%)

    Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Tiga Varietas Bawang Merah (Allium Ascalonicum L.) Pada Pemberian Beberapa Jenis Pupuk Organik Di Tanah Terkena Abu Vulkanik Sinabung

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    The aim of the research was to identify the influence of several types of organic fertilizer on the growth and yield of three shallot varieties on the land exposed by Sinabung volcanic ash. The research was conducted at the experimental field of Agricultural Faculty, Sumatera Utara University which about ± 25 metres above sea level, begun from April up to August 2014. The experimental design was randomized block design with 2 factors, replicated three times. The first factor was three shallot varieties i.e : V1 (Bima Brebes), V2 (Crok Kuning), V3 (Samosir) and the second was several types of organic fertilizer i.e : P0 (without fertilizer = control), P1 (palm oil fruit bunch), P2 (rice husk ash), and P3 (cow manure). Parameters observed were shoot length, leaves number, tillers number, clove number, harvesting age, and fresh and dried weight bulb per sample. The results showed that all parameters observed were significantly affected by three shallot varieties, meanwhile only harvesting age, and wet and dry weight bulb per plot were significantly affected by several types of organic fertilizer. There was no interaction between both treatments

    Pengaruh Harga Minyak Mentah Dunia, Inflasi, Suku Bunga (Central Bank Rate), Dan Nilai Tukar (Kurs) Terhadap Indeks Harga Saham Sektor Pertambangan Di ASEAN (Studi Pada Indonesia, Singapura, Dan Thailand Periode Juli 2013 – Desember 2015)

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    This research is to explain the influence of crude oil price, inflation, interest rate (central bank rate), and exchange rate towards mining stock indices in ASEAN period of July 2013 to December 2015. All data was analyse with multiple linier regression technique regards on classical assumption to obtain BLUE (Best Linier Unbiased Estimation). The results show that crude oil price, inflation, interest rate (central bank rate), and exchange rate does have simultaneously relation towards mining stock indices in Indonesia and Singapore. Crude oil price and exchange rate does have partially relation towards mining stock indices both in Indonesia and Singapore, meanwhile in Thailand only exchange rate which have partially relation towards mining stock indices in Thailand

    Pengaruh Variabel Sosio-Demografis Terhadap Mobilitas Ulang-Alik Di Jabodetabek

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    This study aims to explain the effect of socio-demographic variables i.e. sex, wage, employment status, and marital status on commuting in Jabodetabek. The result of binary logistic regression using Sakernas 2012 shows that male are more likely to commute than female. Male in formal sector have the highest probability to commute while by marital status, unmarried male have the highest probability to commute. The level of wage is positively related with the probability to commute although at certain level of wage, an increase in wage increases probability to commute among male lower than probability to commute among female
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