95 research outputs found

    Perhitungan Nilai Dosis dan Kontras Citra Computed Radiography (Cr) dengan Variasi Ketebalan dan Kombinasi Jenis Filter

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    The research about calculation of dose values and image contrast computed radiography has done with thickness variation and combination type filter. Additional filters are ideal able to absorb all of the energy is low and continuing high energy X-rays. Materials filters are often used in radiodiagnostic is Aluminum (Al). This researc used material such aluminum (Al), stainless steel (Ss), Zinc (Zn) and combine the filter to get low dose withhigh contrast quality.The thickness of the filter are 0.5 mm, 1 mm, 1.5 mm, 2 mm of the three types of filter material with maximum combination thickness of the filter material is 2 mm. Irradiation performed with a Shimadzu brand X plane by a factor of 3.55 eksposi 50 kVp and mAs with an area of 15 x 15 cm field using the object stepwedge. Dose measurements performed with the detector R100B while the contrast of the image is determined by calculating the gray value of image by using the technique of ROI (Region of Interest) on any object thickness stepwedge.Measurement of dose and image contrast value obtained some filters that generate a low dose with high image contrast. The use of one type of filter that produces low-dose and high image contrast are on filters Al 0.5 mm, Al 1 mm, Al 1.5 mm, Al 2 mm, Zn 0.5 mm, Zn 1 mm, Ss 0.5 mm. While the use of a combination of the type of filter that produces a low-dose and high image contrast value are on 0.5 mm Al + Zn 0.5 mm, 1 mm Al + Zn 0.5 mm, 0.5 mm Al + 0.5 mm Ss, 1.5 mm Al + Zn 0.5 mm, 1.5 mm Al + 0.5 mm Ss and Ss 0.5 mm + 0.5 mm Zn. By combining this type of filter then obtained a lower dose compared with only one type of filter material

    Gambaran Pengendalian Diabetes Melitus Berdasarkan Parameter Indeks Massa Tubuh dan Tekanan Darah di Poli Rawat Jalan Penyakit dalam RSUD Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru

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    Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases, the characteristic is hyperglycemia that causes by abnormality of insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. The prevalence of diabetes mellitus in Indonesia was increase from previous years. Optimal controlling of DM can reduce the occurrence of metabolic disorder and chronic vascular disease. The aim of this study was to know the description of controlling diabetes mellitus based on parameters of body mass index (BMI) and blood pressure in the outpatients department of internal medicine at RSUD Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru. This research design was a cross sectional descriptive study with 51 respondents. In this study it was found that the level of controlling DM based on the parameter of BMI and blood pressure was 31,4% respondents and 39,2% respondents repeatedly can achieve the target. Meanwhile respondents who reached the target in both parameters showed 19,6% respondents, 11,8% respondents achieve the target on BMI but failed to achieve the target on blood pressure, 41,2% respondents achieve the target blood pressure but failed to achieve the target on BMI, 27,4% respondents failed to achieve the target on both parameters. It can be concluded that level of controlling DM based on parameters of BMI and blood pressure in the outpatients department of internal medicine at RSUD Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru was not reached the target

    Kajian Magnetoresistansi Pada Nanopartikel Magnetite (Fe3o4) Yang Dienkapsulasi Dengan Polyethylene Glycole (PEG) Dan Biomaterial Dengan Sensor Lapisan Tipis Co/Cu Multilayer Berbasis Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR) (Halaman 13 S.d. 19)

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    Telah dilakukan kajian magnetoresistansi (MR) pada nanopartikel magnetit (Fe3O4) yang dienkapsulasi dengan poliethilen glikol (PEG)-4000 dan biomolekul menggunakan sensor lapisan tipis berbasis giant magnetoresistance (GMR). Lapisan tipis yang digunakan adalah Si/Cr(5nm)/[Co(1,5nm)/Cu(x)]20/Cr(5nm) multilayer (x = 0,8; 0,9; dan 1,0 nm). Fenomena GMR dipengaruhi oleh variasi ketebalan lapisan tipis dan pelapisan nanopartikel Fe3O4 yang dienkapsulasi dengan PEG dan penambahan biomolekul yang mengganggu mobilitas momen magnetik material. Resistansi pada ketebalan lapisan tipis Cu 0,8; 0,9; dan 1,0 nm ketika H=0 masing-masing 3,7; 3,5; dan 2,7 Ohm dan ketika H=599,7 G masing-masing 3,5; 3,2; dan 2,3 Ohm. Nilai MR ketika lapisan tipis dilapisi nanopartikel Fe3O4, Fe3O4 yang dienkapsulasi dengan PEG, dan Fe3O4 yang dienkapsulasi dengan PEG dan penambahan biomolekul masing-masing mengalami Perubahan yang berbeda. Perubahan nilai MR pada lapisan tipis multilayer sebelum dan setelah pelapisan nanopartikel menunjukkan bahwa lapisan tipis Co/Cu multilayer dapat diaplikasikan sebagai sensor medan magnet dan potensial sebagai biosensor

    Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Tiga Varietas Bawang Merah (Allium Ascalonicum L.) Pada Pemberian Beberapa Jenis Pupuk Organik Di Tanah Terkena Abu Vulkanik Sinabung

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    The aim of the research was to identify the influence of several types of organic fertilizer on the growth and yield of three shallot varieties on the land exposed by Sinabung volcanic ash. The research was conducted at the experimental field of Agricultural Faculty, Sumatera Utara University which about ± 25 metres above sea level, begun from April up to August 2014. The experimental design was randomized block design with 2 factors, replicated three times. The first factor was three shallot varieties i.e : V1 (Bima Brebes), V2 (Crok Kuning), V3 (Samosir) and the second was several types of organic fertilizer i.e : P0 (without fertilizer = control), P1 (palm oil fruit bunch), P2 (rice husk ash), and P3 (cow manure). Parameters observed were shoot length, leaves number, tillers number, clove number, harvesting age, and fresh and dried weight bulb per sample. The results showed that all parameters observed were significantly affected by three shallot varieties, meanwhile only harvesting age, and wet and dry weight bulb per plot were significantly affected by several types of organic fertilizer. There was no interaction between both treatments

    Bispectrum-window convolution via Hankel transform

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    We present a method to perform the exact convolution of the model prediction for bispectrum multipoles in redshift space with the survey window function. We extend a widely applied method for the power spectrum convolution to the bispectrum, taking advantage of a 2D-FFTlog algorithm. As a preliminary test of its accuracy, we consider the toy model of a spherical window function in real space. This setup provides an analytical evaluation of the 3-point function of the window, and therefore it allows to isolate and quantify possible systematic errors of the method. We find that our implementation of the convolution in terms of a mixing matrix shows differences at the percent level in comparison to the measurements from a very large set of mock halo catalogs. It is also able to recover unbiased constraints on halo bias parameters in a likelihood analysis of a set of numerical simulations with a total volume of 100 h -3 Gpc3. For the level of accuracy required by these tests, the multiplication with the mixing matrix is performed in the time of one second or less

    Pengaruh Variabel Sosio-Demografis Terhadap Mobilitas Ulang-Alik Di Jabodetabek

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    This study aims to explain the effect of socio-demographic variables i.e. sex, wage, employment status, and marital status on commuting in Jabodetabek. The result of binary logistic regression using Sakernas 2012 shows that male are more likely to commute than female. Male in formal sector have the highest probability to commute while by marital status, unmarried male have the highest probability to commute. The level of wage is positively related with the probability to commute although at certain level of wage, an increase in wage increases probability to commute among male lower than probability to commute among female

    Efektivitas Metode Sq4r (Survey, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, Review) Dalam Pembelajaran Memahami Teks Feature Kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Sidikalang Tahun Pembelajaran 2012/2013

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    This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the method SQ4R(Survey, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, Review) in learning to understand thetext feature class VII SMP Negeri 1 Sidikalang many as 253 people. Samplestaken as many as 74 people from the two classes, class of 37 people to 37 peoplefor the experiment and the control class.The method used in this study is an experimental method, which is todetermine the effectiveness of the teaching methods used. Data collection tool wasa written test in the form of multiple choices (multiple-choice).Learning outcomes using SQ4R (Survey, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite,Review) is in both categories with an average value of 72.97. When compared tolearning by teaching methods directly in the category of simply average value of55.10.Analysis of data management in this study using the test "t". Furthermore,the hypothesis derived from the test calculations thitung = 3.37 and TTable at 5%significance level = 1.67 and at 1% significance level = 2.39, with db = 74-2 = 72,used db closest to 72 . Hypothesis is accepted if to> TTable (1.67 2.39).Thus, the hypothesis is accepted. It states that the method SQ4R (Survey,Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, Review) is more effective to apply in learning tounderstand the text feature class VII SMP Negeri 1 Sidikalang learning year2012/2013

    Modifikasi Pengujian Kekuatan Lekat Lapisan Hvof Thermal Spray Dengan Serbuk Wc Pada Nosel Roket

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    Modification of Bonding Strength Test of WC HVOF Thermal Spray Coating on Rocket Nozzle. One way toreduce structural weight of RX-100 rocket is by modifying the nozzle material and processing. Nozzle is the main targetin weight reduction due to the fact that it contributes 30 % to the total weight of the structur. An alternative for this is bysubstitution of massive graphite, which is currently used as thermal protector in the nozzle, with thin layer of HVOF(High Velocity Oxy-Fuel) thermal spray layer. This paper presents the characterization of nozzle base material as wellas the modification of bonding strength test, by designing additional jig to facilitate testing processes while maintaininglevel of test accuracy. The results showed that the material used for RX-100 rocket nozzle is confirmed to be S45Csteel. Modification of the bonding strength test was conducted by utilizing chains, which improve test flexibility andmaintains level of accuracy of the test
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