11 research outputs found

    The roles of family resources and family structure in moving from the parental home and village among young Indonesians

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    This study assesses the effects of family resources and family structure among young Indonesians on the likelihood of leaving the parental home and village in general and for three types of reasons: work, education, and marriage. Using all five waves of the Indonesia Family Life Survey, we find that the effects of family resources and structure differ by reason for moving. For example, parental education is positively related to moving for education, but not to moving for work or marriage. We also find that being the oldest child is positively related to moving in general and belonging to an extended family is negatively related to moving for work. Our results suggest that moving from the parental village for work, education, and marriage are different processes. Furthermore, while some of the findings are in line with previous findings for leaving home in Western countries, other findings are typical of developing countries

    Internal migration in Indonesia:new insights from longitudinal data

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    This study examines the roles of individual and household characteristics in internal migration in Indonesia for the first time using the five waves of Indonesia Family Life Survey. Our analysis extends previous research by using a longer period to capture mobility behaviour, by comparing changing of residence across three spatial scales, by incorporating the interaction of relation to household head and gender, and by differentiating migration involving the interaction of Sumatra, Java, other regions and rural-urban areas. The multinomial logistic regression results are consistent with international observations relating to age, education, marital status, previous migration, dependents, family size, and income. Some unique features from this study are the results which show that the probability of migrating by gender varies according to one’s relation to the household head, which highlights the importance of gender and family structure in migration decision-making. Residents of Java have lower probabilities of migrating, compared to non-Java residents for smaller spatial scale migrations, but are relatively likely to engage in inter-provincial migration. Urban-originating moves are more likely than rural-originating moves for all spatial scales except for Sumatra where its rural residents have a higher probability of migrating inter-provincially than its urban residents

    Kemiskinan dan Migrasi: Analisis Data SAKERTI 2000 dan 2007

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    Abstract This paper aims to analyze the effect of poverty on migration by using the IFLS 2000 and 2007 data. The results of binary and multinomial logistic regressions on all adults, adults in urban areas, and adults in rural areas show that the poor are less likely to migrate than the non-poorexcept for the case of urban to urban migration, where the poor are more likely to migrate than the non-poor. The results for other economic characteristics such as total value of assets and land ownership for farming consistently show that better economic conditions lower the probability to migrate. Keywords: Poverty, Migration, Urban Migration, Rural Migration, IFLS   Abstrak Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kemiskinan terhadap migrasi dengan menggunakan sampel individu 15 tahun ke atas dari data Survei Aspek Kehidupan Rumah Tangga Indonesia (SAKERTI) tahun 2000 dan 2007. Hasil regresi logistik biner dan multinomial menunjukkan bahwa untuk semua individu, baik individu di perkotaan maupun di perdesaan, peluang orang miskin untuk bermigrasi lebih kecil daripada yang tidak miskin. Namun, untuk individu di perkotaan, ditemukan bahwa peluang orang miskin untuk bermigrasi dari perkotaan ke perkotaan lebih besar dibanding yang tidak miskin. Hasil regresi untuk karakteristik ekonomi lainnya seperti total nilai aset dan kepemilikan lahan pertanian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi ekonomi yang lebih baik menurunkan probabilitas bermigrasi. Kata kunci: Kemiskinan, Migrasi, Migrasi Perkotaan, Migrasi Perdesaan, SAKERT

    Pengaruh Variabel Sosio-Demografis Terhadap Mobilitas Ulang-Alik Di Jabodetabek

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    This study aims to explain the effect of socio-demographic variables i.e. sex, wage, employment status, and marital status on commuting in Jabodetabek. The result of binary logistic regression using Sakernas 2012 shows that male are more likely to commute than female. Male in formal sector have the highest probability to commute while by marital status, unmarried male have the highest probability to commute. The level of wage is positively related with the probability to commute although at certain level of wage, an increase in wage increases probability to commute among male lower than probability to commute among female

    Move alone or together: The roles of household structure and characteristics in migration in Indonesia

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    The role of family in migration decision-making is presumed to be more pronounced in developing countries. By perceiving migration of one or more household members as a result of family strategy, some under-explored issues on migration in Indonesia are assessed in this study, namely: to what extent household structure and characteristics explain the likelihood of household members to migrate alone or together. Using the five waves of Indonesian Family Life Surveys, the results of multinomial regressions confirm that to some extent, households that send one member to migrate are different from households that send more than one member to migrate. Male-headed households are more likely to send more than one member to migrate than female-headed households. While marital status of the household heads, the presence of under-five children and school-aged children, counts for migrating alone, these variables do not significantly affect migration of more than one member. I speculate that some family-structure variables that may affect migrating alone may become less instrumental for migrating together because when some household members decide to move together, their household structure may become less relevant than for a person moving alone. Regarding the effect of household assets, house ownership negatively affects migrating alone or together. Land ownership, however, positively influence the likelihood of sending one member, but statistically insignificant for moving together. The land owned may be used for productive activity in the origin while one member is sent away to diversify sources of income. Lastly, because the forty percent poorest quintiles have higher chance to send their members to migrate alone than the rest of the households, while there is no difference across quintiles in the likelihood of migrating together, this finding may indicate that one-person migration can be considered as one of the risk-reduction strategy for family migration for poorer households

    Peranan Sektor Konstruksi Dalam Krisis Ekonomi Indonesia: Tinjauan Terhadap Teori Siklus Bisnis

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    Sejak tahun 1997 kurs Rupiah mengalami depresiasi terhadap Dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) yang dipicu oleh turunnya nilai Bath Thailand terhadap Dollar. Dan seperti efek domino, hal ini mempengaruhi kurs negara di kawasan Asia Tenggara lainnya seperti Malaysia dan Indonesia. Bagi Indonesia sendiri, krisis ini meluas akibatnya ke segala bidang, seperti struktur investasi, perbankan dan keuangan, bahkan ketenagakerjaan. Hal ini terlihat dari didirikannya BPPN untuk mengatasi krisis perbankan, menurunnya kinerja ekonomi sektor riil, khususnya sektor industri, dan meningkatnya jumlah pengangguran terbuka.Banyak ekonom yang telah mencoba menjelaskan fenomena krisis tersebut dengan berbagai teori, tetapi tampaknya sedikit yang mencoba menjelaskannya sebagai bagian dari siklus bisnis. Teori ekonomi mengenai siklus bisnis ini sebenarnya telah lama berkembang, dan telah diuraikan oleh beberapa ahli ekonomi terkenal, contohnya Schumpeter. Bila diklasifikasi, ada empat siklus bisnis dilihat dari jangka waktu terjadinya, yaitu Siklus Kitchen, Siklus Juglar, Siklus Kuznets, dan Gelombang Kondratieff. Siklus Kitchen adalah siklus yang mengalami satu gelombang kegiatan ekonomi, dari titik terendah yang satu ke titik terendah lainnya selama 3-4 tahun. Siklus Juglar meliputi masa waktu 9-11 tahun, dan Siklus Kuznets dalam masa waktu 15-22 tahun. Gelombang Kondratieff sendiri mengalami siklus selama 40-60 tahun. Untuk ketiga jenis siklus bisnis yang pertama, penyebab utama pergerakan gelombang kegiatan ekonomi adalah investasi. Bedanya, Siklus Kitchen menekankan peran investasi dalam stok barang-barang atau inventory investment, yang terdiri dari bahan baku atau penolong, suku cadang, barang setengah jadi maupun final goods. Siklus Juglar sendiri menekankan pada faktor investasi pada barang modal tetap, dan Siklus Kuznets-lah yang menekankan peranan penting dari sektor konstruksi. Gelombang Kondratieff sendiri menekankan peran empat faktor dinamika, yaitu inovasi dan teknologi, peperangan dan revolusi, produksi emas, dan sumber daya alam

    Step-Wise Migration:Evidence from Indonesia

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    The objective of this paper is to study multiple internal migration trajectories in Indonesia, with special attention to step-wise migration. Step-wise migration involves moves with smaller steps from village to nearby small town, to larger town, and then to big cities rather than a direct move from village to urban centres. Using the Indonesian Family Life Surveys 1993, 1997, 2000, 2007, and 2014, the trajectories (migration sequences) of 4,072 migrants are observed from age 12 up to 55. It is found that step-wise migration is evident, but not the predominant type of migration. The dominant migration trajectories are move across the same urban hierarchy and that shifting down urban hierarchy also occurs as in the US (Plane et al 2005) and in Indonesia (Wajdi et al 2015). It is also found that geographical aspects, such as birth region and distance of birth place from DKI Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, do not affect the likelihood of having a typical migration trajectory. Individual variables seem to explain step-wise migration and typical migration trajectory more than the geographical variables