2 research outputs found

    Linguistic and metalinguistic elements of the term forgiveness (AFW) in resolving family conflicts in the Holy Quran

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    Islam is a religion of forgiveness, tolerance, and kindness, where God is merciful. Forgiveness and ignoring others' sin attract God's forgiveness and pave the way for receiving His forgiveness and mercy. One of the most important results of the present study is to present a new way of understanding the ambiguities of the Qur'an, and that is to create a scene of the verse in a real way and to understand its ambiguities. This solution can help us to solve some of the historical and semantic ambiguities of the verses that none of the Qur'anic scholars have mentioned so far.Islam es una religi贸n de perd贸n, tolerancia y bondad, donde Dios es el misericordioso. El perd贸n y el ignorar el pecado de los dem谩s atraen el perd贸n de Dios y allanan el camino para recibir su perd贸n y misericordia. Uno de los resultados m谩s importantes del presente estudio es presentar una nueva forma de entender las ambig眉edades del Cor谩n, y es crear una escena del verso de una manera real para comprender sus ambig眉edades. Esta soluci贸n puede ayudarnos a resolver algunas de las m谩s hist贸ricas y sem谩nticas de los vers铆culos que ninguno de los eruditos cor谩nicos ha mencionado hasta ahora