7,735 research outputs found

    On the biparametric quantum deformation of GL(2) x GL(1)

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    We study the biparametric quantum deformation of GL(2) x GL(1) and exhibit its cross-product structure. We derive explictly the associated dual algebra, i.e., the quantised universal enveloping algebra employing the R-matrix procedure. This facilitates construction of a bicovariant differential calculus which is also shown to have a cross-product structure. Finally, a Jordanian analogue of the deformation is presented as a cross-product algebra.Comment: 16 pages LaTeX, published in JM

    Contraction of the G_r,s Quantum Group to its Nonstandard analogue and corresponding Coloured Quantum Groups

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    The quantum group G_r,s provides a realisation of the two parameter quantum GL_p,q(2) which is known to be related to the two parameter nonstandard GL_hh'(2) group via a contraction method. We apply the contraction procedure to G_r,s and obtain a new Jordanian quantum group G_m,k. Furthermore, we provide a realisation of GL_h,h'(2) in terms of G_m,k. The contraction procedure is then extended to the coloured quantum group GL_r{\lambda,\mu}(2) to yield a new Jordanian quantum group GL_m{\lambda,\mu}(2). Both G_r,s and G_m,k are then generalised to their coloured versions which inturn provide similar realisations of GL_r{\lambda,\mu}(2) and GL_m{\lambda,\mu}(2).Comment: 22 pages LaTeX, to be published in J. Math. Phy

    Coloured extension of GL_q(2) and its dual algebra

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    We address the problem of duality between the coloured extension of the quantised algebra of functions on a group and that of its quantised universal enveloping algebra i.e. its dual. In particular, we derive explicitly the algebra dual to the coloured extension of GL_q(2) using the coloured RLL relations and exhibit its Hopf structure. This leads to a coloured generalisation of the R-matrix procedure to construct a bicovariant differential calculus on the coloured version of GL_q(2). In addition, we also propose a coloured generalisation of the geometric approach to quantum group duality given by Sudbery and Dobrev.Comment: 10 pages LaTeX. Talk given at the "XXIII International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics", July 31 - August 05, 2000, Dubna (Russia); to appear in the proceeding

    Real-Time Data Processing in the Muon System of the D0 Detector

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    This paper presents a real-time application of the 16-bit fixed point Digital Signal Processors (DSPs), in the Muon System of the D0 detector located at the Fermilab Tevatron, presently the world's highest-energy hadron collider. As part of the Upgrade for a run beginning in the year 2000, the system is required to process data at an input event rate of 10 KHz without incurring significant deadtime in readout. The ADSP21csp01 processor has high I/O bandwidth, single cycle instruction execution and fast task switching support to provide efficient multisignal processing. The processor's internal memory consists of 4K words of Program Memory and 4K words of Data Memory. In addition there is an external memory of 32K words for general event buffering and 16K words of Dual Port Memory for input data queuing. This DSP fulfills the requirement of the Muon subdetector systems for data readout. All error handling, buffering, formatting and transferring of the data to the various trigger levels of the data acquisition system is done in software. The algorithms developed for the system complete these tasks in about 20 microseconds per event.Comment: 4 pages, Presented and published at the 11th IEEE NPSS Real Time Conference, held at Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, from June 14-18, 199

    Exact results for Casimir interactions between dielectric bodies: The weak-coupling or van der Waals Limit

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    In earlier papers we have applied multiple scattering techniques to calculate Casimir forces due to scalar fields between different bodies described by delta function potentials. When the coupling to the potentials became weak, closed-form results were obtained. We simplify this weak-coupling technique and apply it to the case of tenuous dielectric bodies, in which case the method involves the summation of van der Waals (Casimir-Polder) interactions. Once again exact results for finite bodies can be obtained. We present closed formulas describing the interaction between spheres and between cylinders, and between an infinite plate and a retangular slab of finite size. For such a slab, we consider the torque acting on it, and find non-trivial equilibrium points can occur.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    How does Casimir energy fall? III. Inertial forces on vacuum energy

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    We have recently demonstrated that Casimir energy due to parallel plates, including its divergent parts, falls like conventional mass in a weak gravitational field. The divergent parts were suitably interpreted as renormalizing the bare masses of the plates. Here we corroborate our result regarding the inertial nature of Casimir energy by calculating the centripetal force on a Casimir apparatus rotating with constant angular speed. We show that the centripetal force is independent of the orientation of the Casimir apparatus in a frame whose origin is at the center of inertia of the apparatus.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, contribution to QFEXT07 proceeding

    A (p,q) Deformation of the Universal Enveloping Superalgebra U(osp(2/2))

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    We investigate a two parameter quantum deformation of the universal enveloping orthosymplectic superalgebra U(osp(2/2)) by extending the Faddeev-Reshetikhin-Takhtajan formalism to the supersymetric case. It is shown that Up,q(osp(2/2))U_{p,q}(osp(2/2)) possesses a non-commutative, non-cocommutative Hopf algebra structure. All the results are expressed in the standard form using quantum Chevalley basis.Comment: 8 pages; IC/93/41

    Electromagnetic semitransparent δ\delta-function plate: Casimir interaction energy between parallel infinitesimally thin plates

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    We derive boundary conditions for electromagnetic fields on a δ\delta-function plate. The optical properties of such a plate are shown to necessarily be anisotropic in that they only depend on the transverse properties of the plate. We unambiguously obtain the boundary conditions for a perfectly conducting δ\delta-function plate in the limit of infinite dielectric response. We show that a material does not "optically vanish" in the thin-plate limit. The thin-plate limit of a plasma slab of thickness dd with plasma frequency ωp2=ζp/d\omega_p^2=\zeta_p/d reduces to a δ\delta-function plate for frequencies (ω=iζ\omega=i\zeta) satisfying ζd≪ζpd≪1\zeta d \ll \sqrt{\zeta_p d} \ll 1. We show that the Casimir interaction energy between two parallel perfectly conducting δ\delta-function plates is the same as that for parallel perfectly conducting slabs. Similarly, we show that the interaction energy between an atom and a perfect electrically conducting δ\delta-function plate is the usual Casimir-Polder energy, which is verified by considering the thin-plate limit of dielectric slabs. The "thick" and "thin" boundary conditions considered by Bordag are found to be identical in the sense that they lead to the same electromagnetic fields.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, references adde

    Radar systems for the water resources mission, volume 2

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    The application of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) in monitoring and managing earth resources was examined. The function of spaceborne radar is to provide maps and map imagery to be used for earth resource and oceanographic applications. Spaceborne radar has the capability of mapping the entire United States regardless of inclement weather; however, the imagery must have a high degree of resolution to be meaningful. Attaining this resolution is possible with the SAR system. Imagery of the required quality must first meet mission parameters in the following areas: antenna patterns, azimuth and range ambiguities, coverage, and angle of incidence
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