17 research outputs found

    RNase L Mediates Transient Control of The Interferon Response Through Modulation of The Double-stranded RNA-Dependent Protein Kinase PKR

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    The transient control of diverse biological responses that occurs in response to varied forms of stress is often a highly regulated process. During the interferon (IFN) response, translational repression due to phosphorylation of eukaryotic initiation factor 2α, eIF2α, by the double-stranded RNA-dependent protein kinase, PKR, constitutes a means of inhibiting viral replication. Here we show that the transient nature of the IFN response against acute viral infections is regulated, at least in part, by RNase L. During the IFN antiviral response in RNase L-null cells, PKR mRNA stability was enhanced, PKR induction was increased, and the phosphorylated form of eIF2α appeared with extended kinetics compared with similarly treated wild type cells. An enhanced IFN response in RNase L-null cells was also demonstrated by monitoring inhibition of viral protein synthesis. Furthermore, ectopic expression of RNase L from a plasmid vector prevented the IFN induction of PKR. These results suggest a role for RNase L in the transient control of the IFN response and possibly of other cytokine and stress responses

    RNase L Mediates Transient Control of The Interferon Response Through Modulation of The Double-stranded RNA-Dependent Protein Kinase PKR

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    The transient control of diverse biological responses that occurs in response to varied forms of stress is often a highly regulated process. During the interferon (IFN) response, translational repression due to phosphorylation of eukaryotic initiation factor 2α, eIF2α, by the double-stranded RNA-dependent protein kinase, PKR, constitutes a means of inhibiting viral replication. Here we show that the transient nature of the IFN response against acute viral infections is regulated, at least in part, by RNase L. During the IFN antiviral response in RNase L-null cells, PKR mRNA stability was enhanced, PKR induction was increased, and the phosphorylated form of eIF2α appeared with extended kinetics compared with similarly treated wild type cells. An enhanced IFN response in RNase L-null cells was also demonstrated by monitoring inhibition of viral protein synthesis. Furthermore, ectopic expression of RNase L from a plasmid vector prevented the IFN induction of PKR. These results suggest a role for RNase L in the transient control of the IFN response and possibly of other cytokine and stress responses

    The east gene of Drosophila melanogaster is expressed in the developing embryonic nervous system and is required for normal olfactory and gustatory responses of the adult

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    Drosophila melanogaster larvae and adults respond to a wide range of chemosensory stimuli. We describe the genetics and developmental expression of the east gene, mutations which result in adult-specific chemosensory defects. The original isolate of east is semidominant for the behavioral phenotype. Several mutations have been generated, some of which are recessive lethals and others that are viable alleles that show a recessive, adult-specific, chemosensory defect. No larval chemosensory defects were observed. The east gene is expressed in the neurogenic region at the time of neuroblast segregation and in cells in the peripheral and central nervous system. Our results suggest that east<SUP>+</SUP> expression in the nervous system is required for a normal adult chemosensory response and both increases and decreases in levels of the gene product result in a mutant phenotype

    Genetics of olfactory behavior in Drosophila melanogaster

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    We have used a behavioral genetic approach to identify six V-linked loci which specify olfaction in Drosophila melanogasier. Mutations in five of these genes lead to partial anosmias affecting responses either to aldehydes (olfA, olfB, olfE and olfF) or to acetate esters (olfC). Only one of the mutants obtained in our screening (olfD) resulted in a insensitivity to several different odorants. olfA, olfE and olfC map close together in a small region of the chromosome between 7C and 7D. The alleles at the olfC locus fall into two phenotypic classes according to their responses to different acetate esters. The two groups of olfC alleles interact in-trans


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    RNase L Plays a Role in the Antiviral Response to West Nile Virus

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    Alleles at the Flv locus determine disease outcome after a flavivirus infection in mice. Although comparable numbers of congenic resistant and susceptible mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEFs) are infected by the flavivirus West Nile virus (WNV), resistant MEFs produce ∼100- to 150-fold lower titers than susceptible ones and flavivirus titers in the brains of resistant and susceptible animals can differ by >10,000-fold. The Flv locus was previously identified as the 2′-5′ oligoadenylate synthetase 1b (Oas1b) gene. Oas gene expression is up-regulated by interferon (IFN), and after activation by double-stranded RNA, some mouse synthetases produce 2-5A, which activates latent RNase L to degrade viral and cellular RNAs. To determine whether the lower levels of intracellular flavivirus genomic RNA from resistant mice detected in cells at all times after infection were mediated by RNase L, RNase L activity levels in congenic resistant and susceptible cells were compared. Similar moderate levels of RNase L activation by transfected 2-5A were observed in both types of uninfected cells. After WNV infection, the mRNAs of IFN-β and three Oas genes were up-regulated to similar levels in both types of cells. However, significant levels of RNase L activity were not detected until 72 h after WNV infection and the patterns of viral RNA cleavage products generated were similar in both types of cells. When RNase L activity was down-regulated in resistant cells via stable expression of a dominant negative RNase L mutant, ∼5- to 10-times-higher yields of WNV were produced. Similarly, about ∼5- to 10-times-higher virus yields were produced by susceptible C57BL/6 RNase L(−/−) cells compared to RNase L(+/+) cells that were either left untreated or pretreated with IFN and/or poly(I) · poly(C). The data indicate that WNV genomic RNA is susceptible to RNase L cleavage and that RNase L plays a role in the cellular antiviral response to flaviviruses. The results suggest that RNase L activation is not a major component of the Oas1b-mediated flavivirus resistance phenotype

    A Phylogenetically Conserved RNA Structure in the Poliovirus Open Reading Frame Inhibits the Antiviral Endoribonuclease RNase Lâ–¿

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    RNase L is an antiviral endoribonuclease that cleaves viral mRNAs after single-stranded UA and UU dinucleotides. Poliovirus (PV) mRNA is surprisingly resistant to cleavage by RNase L due to an RNA structure in the 3CPro open reading frame (ORF). The RNA structure associated with the inhibition of RNase L is phylogenetically conserved in group C enteroviruses, including PV type 1 (PV1), PV2, PV3, coxsackie A virus 11 (CAV11), CAV13, CAV17, CAV20, CAV21, and CAV24. The RNA structure is not present in other human enteroviruses (group A, B, or D enteroviruses). Coxsackievirus B3 mRNA and hepatitis C virus mRNA were fully sensitive to cleavage by RNase L. HeLa cells expressing either wild-type RNase L or a dominant-negative mutant RNase L were used to examine the effects of RNase L on PV replication. PV replication was not inhibited by RNase L activity, but rRNA cleavage characteristic of RNase L activity was detected late during the course of PV infection, after assembly of intracellular virus. Rather than inhibiting PV replication, RNase L activity was associated with larger plaques and better cell-to-cell spread. Mutations in the RNA structure associated with the inhibition of RNase L did not affect the magnitude of PV replication in HeLa cells expressing RNase L, consistent with the absence of observed RNase L activity until after virus assembly. Thus, PV carries an RNA structure in the 3C protease ORF that potently inhibits the endonuclease activity of RNase L, but this RNA structure does not prevent RNase L activity late during the course of infection, as virus assembly nears completion

    Human Telomerase RNA Degradation by 2\u27-5\u27-Linked Oligoadenylate Antisense Chimeras in a Cell-Free System, Cultured Tumor Cells, and Murine Xenograft Models

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    Ribonuclease L (RNase L) is a latent single-stranded RNA-directed endoribonuclease that is activated on binding to short 2\u27-5\u27-linked oligoadenylates (2-5A), a feature that has led to its use in antisense therapeutic strategies. By attaching a 2-5A moiety to the 5\u27 terminus of standard antisense oligonucleotides, it is possible to activate RNase L and guide it to specific RNAs for degradation. These 2-5A antisense chimeras have been used successfully to target a variety of cellular and viral RNAs. Telomerase is a nuclear ribonucleoprotein complex that elongates telomeric DNA and contributes to cellular immortalization. Telomerase is composed of a protein catalytic subunit and an RNA (hTR or TERC) component, both of which are critical for holoenzyme activity. We describe the characterization of 2-5A antisense chimeras targeting the hTR component of telomerase (2-5A antihTR). Newly designed 2-5A anti-hTR molecules were assayed for their abilities to selectively degrade hTR in a cell-free system. Of the five chimeras tested, one (RBI011) degraded hTR by 97%, and two others (RBI013 and RBI009) were also found to be highly active (73-76% degradation). The ability of transfected RBI011, and its homolog RBI254, to degrade hTR in cultured tumor cells was assessed by real-time RT-PCR. In these studies, RBI011 and RBI254 effectively degraded hTR in a variety of hTR-positive tumor cell lines. The hTR degradation studies were extended to growth assays to determine whether hTR ablation affected tumor cell viability or proliferation. RBI254 treatment resulted in reduced tumor cell viability over the course of 4-day growth assays, effects that were augmented by cotreatment with interferon-beta. To extend these results to an in vivo system, nude mice were implanted subcutaneously or orthotopically with hTR-positive prostate tumors and treated with RBI254. RBI254-treated mice exhibited enhanced tumor cell apoptosis and reduced tumor volume as compared with controls. These findings demonstrated the effectiveness of highly active forms of 2-5A antisense against hTR, and also highlight the usefulness of the cell-free system in predicting chimera efficacy before to inception of cell-based and in vivo studies

    2-5A Antisense Directed against Telomerase RNA Produces Apoptosis in Ovarian Cancer Cells

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    Objective. RNase L is converted to an active form upon binding short 2′,5′-oligoadenylates (2-5A). To direct RNase L to an RNA target, 2-5A is attached to an antisense oligonucleotide (2-5A antisense). This chimera can be directed against telomerase—an RNA–protein complex that elongates telomeric DNA and is involved in cellular immortalization. Our objective is to investigate the effect of 2-5A antisense by targeting telomerase RNA (hTR) in the ovarian cancer cell line, HEY-1B. Methods. Baseline RNase L levels and telomerase activities were measured in both HEY-1B and normal ovarian epithelial cells (NOE). Cells were treated daily with chimeric oligonuclotides (ODN) directed against four different hTR sites, or control ODNs including nonchimeric antisense, 2-5A fused to a mismatched sequence, or inactive 2-5A fused to antisense. At 48 h, apoptosis was evaluated using the TUNEL assay. After six daily ODN administrations, telomerase activity was redetermined, and at 7 days viability counts were obtained. Results. Both cell lines expressed similar levels of RNase L. Hey-1B displayed telomerase activity while NOE did not. After 7 days of transfection, 2-5A antisense ODNs caused profound cell death in the HEY-1B cells, but not in the NOE cells. This effect was seen regardless of hTR target site, and ODN controls showed no significant decrease in cell viability in either cell line. HEY1B cells treated with 2-5A antisense against hTR showed a decrease in telomerase activity and a profound induction of programmed cell death. Conclusions. The results suggest that 2-5A antisense directed against telomerase RNA results in apoptotic cell death in ovarian cancer cells, but not normal ovarian epithelial cells. The 2-5A antisense strategy may hold a considerable advantage over the conventional antisense approach in targeting cancer-causing genes