4 research outputs found

    Analisis Korelasi Kanonik pada Perilaku Kesehatan dan Karakteristik Sosial Ekonomi di Kota Pati Jawa Tengah

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    One of the general problem that is social and economics which not yet flatten and still meeting of low health case. To know the correlation between social and economics characteristic and behavior of health in Pati of Central Java is used the canonical correlation analysis. The variable that is taken are social and economics characteristic and behavior of health variable, which each consisting of nine indicator variable. Some assumptions like linearity, normal multivariable and do not multicolinearity should be fulfilled. After the assumption have fulfilled, data processing can be done so that obtained a conclusion. The result of canonical correlation analysis indicate that there is a signifikan correlation between social and economics characteristic variable and behavior of health variable. From nine indicator which forming variable of social and economics characteristic, earnings indicator variable, education of mother, expenditure and education of father giving the most dominant of contribution. While from nine behavior of health variable, indicator of balanced nutrient variable, physical activity, eradication of mosquito den, house floor, exclusive ASI, and brush teeth giving the most dominant of contribution. Keywords : Social and Economics Characteristic, Behavioral of Health, Canonical Correlation Analysi

    Adult Women Perception Towards Obesity and Its Intervention Strategies in the Community

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    Obesity was one of the health problems experienced in the society, especially in adult women and the number was increasing rapidly every year. The various factors contribute to the obesity occurrence in adult women and appropriate obesity prevention strategies must be taken. With reference to being needed exploring the obesity perception, its causes, and impact as well as countermeasures strategies based on the needs of the society itself. The study was intended to explore the society perception regarding obesity, ideal weight, and strategies that the society wanted in overcoming obesity. The study was a qualitative study. It was conducted in March-July 2017. The research subjects (participants) were women 25-50 years old, the leader of the Family Welfare education organization, and health workers (nutritionist) in Denpasar city about 22 people. The data were collected included obesity and weight perception, social determinants, the impact of obesity and opinions on obesity prevention strategies. The data were collected through the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) process in adult women, in-depth interviews with the leader of the Family Welfare education organization, and society leaders. It was analyzed and presented descriptively. The results showed that most of the participants stated obesity was identical to overweight. Obesity was a health problem that has an impact on the onset of chronic diseases e.g., diabetes, therefore, less of confidence self. An ideal weight was proportional become a desire. The most participants perceived themselves as fat and far from ideal. They did not want to be fat, however, the various inhibiting factors, unlike dietary habit, were difficult to change, the availability of fast food that was very easily accessible, work, less of exercise, transportation occurred lack of movement. They generally want a comprehensive program through eating arrangements, exercise regularly, education at improving knowledge, and education at balancing menu processing skills. It was carried out together by involving social groups in the community

    Adult Women Perception Towards Obesity and Its Intervention Strategies in the Community: A Qualitative Study

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    Obesity was one of the health problems experienced in the society, especially in adult women and the number was increasing rapidly every year. The various factors contribute to the obesity occurrence in adult women and appropriate obesity prevention strategies must be taken. With reference to being needed exploring the obesity perception, its causes, and impact as well as countermeasures strategies based on the needs of the society itself. The study was intended to explore the society perception regarding obesity, ideal weight, and strategies that the society wanted in overcoming obesity. The study was a qualitative study. It was conducted in March-July 2017. The research subjects (participants) were women 25-50 years old, the leader of the Family Welfare education organization, and health workers (nutritionist) in Denpasar city about 22 people. The data were collected included obesity and weight perception, social determinants, the impact of obesity and opinions on obesity prevention strategies. The data were collected through the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) process in adult women, in-depth interviews with the leader of the Family Welfare education organization, and society leaders. It was analyzed and presented descriptively. The results showed that most of the participants stated obesity was identical to overweight. Obesity was a health problem that has an impact on the onset of chronic diseases e.g., diabetes, therefore, less of confidence self. An ideal weight was proportional become a desire. The most participants perceived themselves as fat and far from ideal. They did not want to be fat, however, the various inhibiting factors, unlike dietary habit, were difficult to change, the availability of Fast food that was very easily accessible, work, less of exercise, transportation occurred lack of movement. They generally want a comprehensive program through eating arrangements, exercise regularly, education at improving knowledge, and education at balancing menu processing skills. It was carried out together by involving social groups in the community