9 research outputs found

    The development of gluten - free sourdough bread technology with rowan powder

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    ArticleA new form of technology was developed which focussed on gluten - free bread with gluten - free sourdough and rowan powder (from the botanical species Sorbus aucuparia ). This new form of technology allows organoleptic characteristics to be improved, along wit h structure, texture, microbial spoilage resistance, and the shelf life of gluten - free bread. The gluten - free dry microbial composition with lactic acid bacteria was developed as a starter for sourdough. The lactic acid bacteria, L. brevis E38 , was experim entally selected for dry microbial composition on the basis of its antagonistic activity against ropy bread disease pathogens ( B. subtilis and B. licheniformis ). The dependence was revealed of the accumulation of acetic acid and lactic acid in the sourdoug h on the microbial composition during fermentation. A gluten - free sourdough technology was developed which involved a new starter, rice, and soy flour at a ratio of 0.2:2:1. It was shown that the use of soy protein slows down the fermentation process in th e sourdough. An increase – in acidity levels of between 7.5 – 9.5 times higher in the dough with sourdough and rowan powder when compared to dough without sourdough. Sourdough usage allowed compressibility of the crumb to be increased by between 1.8 – 2 times, with a specific volume of 19.0% and a porosity of 9.8% and 11.5%, and for the sensory characteristics to be improved as perceived by consumers. It was proved that microbial composition with a lactic acid bacteria, L. brevis E38 , inhibits ropy disease and mould development in bread. The results of the present study showed that the addition of sourdough and rowan powder can be used to improve the quality of gluten - free bread

    Accelerated technology of rye bread with improved quality and increased nutritional value

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    ArticleAccelerated bakery technologies do not always ensure high bread quality. The taste and smell of bread is less pronounced when compared with the traditionally prepared bread and it is quickly subjected to microbial spoilage. The aim of the research was to develop an improved composite mixture for the accelerated technology of rye bread, which would improve its quality, nutritional value, extend shelf life and microbiological stability. Rowan powder (botanical species Sorbus aucuparia) as unconventional raw ingredients of high nutritional and biological value was used. Rowan powder has high acidity (40 degrees or 5.7% in terms of malic acid) and contains a wide range of organic acids, including volatile acids (2–3%) and preservative acids (such as sorbic acid), as well as other micro- and macronutrients. New acidifying additive with rowan powder was created. The optimal dosage of rowan powder in the new acidifying additive by 13% per 100 kg of flour allows bread making with higher specific volume, acidity and porosity of the crumb compared with the control sample. The research proves that rowan powder usage in the accelerated bread technology improves its organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators and also increases the content of dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. The content of fibers in custard bread with rowan powder was 1.85 times higher than in the control sample. The rowan powder usage has a positive effect on the preservation of bread freshness during its storage. The rowan powder usage slows down the custard bread mould disease

    Rowan powder based acidifying additive acidifying additive - an alternative to sourdough in the rye-wheat bread production

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    Rye is an important part of the cereal food culture in the Russia and Nordic, Baltic and Eastern European countries. Rye bread is often made of whole-grain flour using long-time sourdough. In Russia, rye bread began to be produced less and less often due to the complexity and duration of its technology. Therefore, the development of fast, natural and safe technologies is relevant. The aim of the research was to develop a nutritional acidifying additive based on plant materials (rowan powder, botanical species Sorbus aucuparia) for accelerated rye-wheat bread technology. With an increase in the new plant additive dosage above 3.5%, the dough lifting capacity deteriorated. The bread specific volume and the crumb compressibility deteriorated when additive dosage was higher than 3.5%. It all may be due to the acidity suppression of yeast activity in the dough. Taste and smell was also better in bread with new additive due to the rowan powder chemical composition. The optimum dosage of new additive rowan powder in rye-wheat bread formulation was 3.5% by weight of the flour. Usage of new additive with 0.1% of sodium diacetate allowed slowing down moulding. New acidifying with rowan powder allowed to create accelerated rye-wheat bread technology and to get bread with high consumer properties

    The influence of the flour amylolytic enzymes activity, dosage of ingredients and bread making method on the sugar content and the bread quality

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    The aim of this study was to study the effect of the sugar dosage, improver dosage, type of bread making methods and the amylolytic activity of five different types of wheat flours on the sugar content and the bread quality. The sugar content in the bread crumb was determined using the Bertrand’s method and was counted for sucrose. When the dough was prepared using accelerated technology, the improver affected the sugar content in the bread due to the starch enzymatic hydrolysis. The effect of improver dosages and sugar dosages on the sugar content in the bread was established. When using the improver, the sugar content exceeded the permitted amount in 1.25 times. No correlation was found between sugar dosage in recipe and bread quality when accelerated bread making way was used because of short fermentation time. The influence of wheat flour amylolytic activity (falling number) on the sugar content in bread was established, including when sugar was absent in the formulation. When sugar presented at bread formulation, the flour amylolytic activity did not significantly affect the bread quality, except the acidity. The bread making way had a greater influence on bread quality than falling number of flour. When sugar absent at bread recipe, the higher was the flour amylolytic activity, the higher was the sugar content in bread made by traditional way due to the starch deterioration. Obtained data have shown that when a baking method is selected, the flour amylolytic activity must be taken into account

    Impact of using the developed starter culture on the quality of sourdough, dough and wheat bread

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    ArticleThere is no technological necessity of sourdough usage when preparing wheat bread as it can be prepared without sourdough but only with yeast using. However, sourdough helps to solve such problems as fast microbial spoilage, unexpressed taste and smell, crumbling crumb. The use of sourdough prepared with directional cultivation of microorganisms allows to produce high-quality competitive bread. Developing a starter culture with an optimized microbial composition was the purpose of this study, allowing the quality and the microbiological stability of wheat bread improving. A new starter microbial composition for the sourdough was developed. Lactic acid bacteria strains L. plantarum Е90, L. brevis Е120 and yeast S. cerevisiae Y139 were selected for the new composition. It was proven that the rice products using to microorganism immobilization allows saving the largest number of living cells after drying and during storage. The rate of acid accumulation in sourdough was established. The sourdough dynamic viscosity decrease at the end of fermentation by 2.2 times was established, which means that the fermentation process leads to the sourdough liquefactio. The optimal dosage was established (5–10% flour in sourdough). This dosage provided good physico-chemical and organoleptic quality indicators of bread. It was proved that the sourdough usage allows getting good-quality bread even when the flour with unsatisfactory amylolytic activity (high drop number) is used. Slowing down the microbial spoilage in sourdough bread was proven. In general, the developed sourdough wheat bread biotechnology improves bread quality and its resistance to the ropy-bread disease

    Evaluation of selected lactic acid bacteria as starter cultures for gluten-free sourdough bread production

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    Received: January 30th, 2021 ; Accepted: April 8th, 2021 ; Published: May 19th, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] is one of the most promising technologies for gluten-free bread. The selection of appropriate starter cultures for the production of gluten-free sourdoughs is of a great importance, since not all microorganisms can adapt equally to the same raw material. The aim was to create a new starter microbial composition for gluten-free sourdough preparation, allowing improving the quality and the microbiological safety of gluten-free bread. Screening was conducted on 8 strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and 5 strains of yeast previously isolated from spontaneously fermenting rice and buckwheat sourdoughs. The strain S. cerevisiae Y205 had the highest fermentative activity and alcohols content. The lactic acid bacteria L. brevis E139 and L. plantarum Е138 were also experimentally selected for new gluten-free sourdoughs on the basis of acidity and volatile acids production and antagonistic activity. Two types of microbial composition were created and its influence on sourdough biotechnological indicators was studied. Sourdough with L. plantarum Е138 had in 1.2 times lower titratable acidity, in 3.4 times lower volatile acids content compared to sourdough with L. brevis E139. Alcohol content was the same in both sourdoughs similarly to yeast cells amount. Sourdough dough proofing time increased in 1.2–1.3 times compared to the control. Sourdough did not affect the specific volume, porosity and compressibility of gluten-free bread, but its sensory characteristics were improved. Bread made with sourdoughs had more pronounced taste and flavor, brighter crust color and better texture compared bread without sourdough. The microbiological safety of sourdough gluten-free bread was also increased, especially when L. brevis E139 was used

    Taxonomic structure of bacterial communities in sourdoughs of spontaneous fermentation

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    The article is devoted to the study of the microbiome of spontaneously fermented sourdoughs. The aim of the work was to study the influence of the technological parameters of sourdough propagations on the taxonomic structure of the microbiome of spontaneously fermented sourdoughs. Two spontaneously fermented sourdoughs were studied: dense rye sourdough and liquid rye sourdough, both prepared using the same batch of peeled rye flour. To study the taxonomic structure of the sourdough microbiome in dynamics, the method of high-throughput sequencing of 16S rRNA gene fragments of microorganisms was used. It was shown that the technological parameters of sourdough (humidity, temperature) do not affect the taxonomic composition of the microbiome of dense rye or liquid rye sourdough at the phylum/class/genus level. It was found that during the first three days of propagations, bacteria from the phyla Proteobacteria and Firmicutes dominated in the microbial community. In the phylum Proteobacteria, microorganisms from the order Enterobacterales took a large share, which persisted for three days of backslopping. The phylum Firmicutes was represented by lactic acid bacteria of the genera Weissella, Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc, Pediococcus, Lactococcus. It was established by classical microbiological methods that after a day of fermentation, the number of lactic acid bacteria cells was significantly higher in liquid rye sourdough compared to dense one. However, with further propagation of sourdoughs, the number of cells was comparable, while significant changes occurred at the level of genera and species. It was shown that as the relative number of lactic acid bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus increased, a gradual displacement of the coccal forms of Lactococcus, Leuconostoc, Weissella, Pediococcus happened. With further propagation of sourdough after 10 days, the position of the dominant groups of bacteria was occupied by representatives of the phylum Firmicutes, lactic acid bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus. The influence of the mode and parameters of the sourdough on the species composition of lactobacilli, which demonstrated a low bacterial diversity, is shown. In the first three days of propagations, lactobacilli L. curvatus, L. brevis, and Lactiplantibacillus sp. dominated in both sourdoughs. After a month of backslopping, Fructilactobacillus sanfranciscensis and Companilactobacillus sp. dominated in dense rye sourdough, and L. pontis dominated in liquid rye sourdough