8 research outputs found

    Analysis of histological frequency and pediatric cancer in Rondônia, Western Amazonia (Brazil)

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    Objective:Describe the histological and cancer frequency in children and adolescents attended at the Hospital de Base Dr. Ary Pinheiro and the Hospital de Barretos / Rondônia, Western Amazonia, in the years 2014 and 2015. Method: This is a descriptive, quantitative and transverse study. We used a structured instrument containing a series of variables, such as gender, age, histological types, more frequent neoplasms, lymphomas, leukemias, among others. We asked The Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa em Seres Humanos (Research Ethics Committee) to dispense the Informed Consent Form because the study did not require intervention on the patient or collection of biological material, and no possibility of constraints on patients and their relatives. Results: From 75 cases, 32 (42.7%) were female and 43 (57.3%) were male. Regarding the distribution of patients according to the age group, 21 (28.0%) were younger than 4 years, 12 (16.0%), 5 to 9 years, 17 (22.6%) from 10 to 14 and 25 (33.4%) from 15 to 19. The most frequent histological types by gender were leukemias of myeloproliferative diseases and myelodysplastic diseases with 30% and 50% new cases in the period, followed by lymphomas and reticuloendothelial neoplasms with 16.65% and 20, 0% of the histological types in the period. Leukemia in the hematopoietic and reticuloendothelial system (C42) is the most frequent cancer in both, female and male gender, with 47.5% of cancers in the biennium. The second group of cancers in children from 0 to 19 years old and location of the primary tumor is the encephalon carcinoma (C71), with 11.25% of the new cases. Conclusions: The results presented with their proper nuances are in agreement with the data of studies carried out in Brazil and in other countries

    Quantitative methods and studies of psychic disorders and job satisfaction of teachers of the prison system in the Amazon, Brazil

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    Objective: To analyze the level of mental suffering and the level of job satisfaction in 85% of the teachers of the state education network who work in the prison units in the city of Porto Velho, Rondonia, Amazonia, Brazil. Method: This is a cross-sectional study; and for the data collection, three structured instruments were used: the sociodemographic questionnaire; the Self-Report-Questionnaire Questionnaire (SRQ-20), and the OSI-Occupational Stress Indicator Scale, Measured by Likert Scale. Results: The results showed that 12.5% of the teachers presented minor psychic disorders, considered as indicators of evidence of mental distress. Satisfaction in the work had indexes similar to those found in the literature, presenting the highest proportion in the intermediate variables, that is, their highest frequencies are in the range of some dissatisfaction, with 32.28%; and 32.04% with some satisfaction. The highest index of dissatisfaction is in the variable that refers to salary, with 29.4%. Conclusions: From the results, it is possible to indicate a possible association between job satisfaction and mental suffering. This study will provide great reflections on the teaching practice in prison units and will contribute to the occupational health of teachers working in prison units, allowing a rethinking of public policies in education and health in the context of the prison system

    Factor Analysis and the Social Capital Index: A Study at the Brazil / Bolivia Border

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    Objective: The study aimed to build the level of social capital by neighborhoods Guajará-Mirim border region between the State of Rondônia, Brazil and the Republic of Bolivia, which in recent years has been showing signs of social fragility due advance not virtuous practices. Method: This work made use of research in secondary bases as well as in primary bases. The tabulation of qualitative and quantitative data was performed in Excel (2010) and for their processing performance index construction purposes were calculated following the factorial analysis techniques presented by Hair et al. [19] Santana [20, 21]; and Choi [22]. For this, we made use of the statistical tool SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) for the construction of the indices of social capital. The correlation analysis process was done in Excel. results: It was observed that the capital reached regular levels in Guajará-Mirim neighborhoods not observable, so correlations between the studied parameters, however, it needs to be further studied as factors such as the flooding of the Mamore river may have interfered in any way in the implementation process of the field survey to the residents of the city. It became clear that the municipality of Guajará-Mirim suffers from serious social problems and that most problems are correlated with the increase in alcoholic beverage market in the city and use drugs. However, was not observed as the institutional arrangements are dealing with this problem, that is, as public bodies are relating to discuss actions for concrete solutions to this evil that plagues large portion of the population of Guajará-Mirim, mainly young teenagers residents of Guajá-Mamim. However, we hope to continue this work in order to better understand this mechanism of social network between the actors of this process in the region

    Local Power as the Basis of the Understanding of the Federative Pact

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    The research aimed to describe the existing problems in the relationship between City, State and Federal Government, through the Brazilian Federative Pact, mainly for municipalities with population of less than 50,000 inhabitants. The research is structured from a qualitative perspective. The theoretical framework was built from the local power of the discussion based on the understanding of the federal pact and local interest and the municipality in Brazil. The paper argues that the federal pact is little debated, discussed, much less questioned by society in general, it only strengthens the lack of a legal and institutional framework for coordination and cooperation among federal entities in the country, which results in public policy fragmented the territory and without direction, causing waste of public resources