7 research outputs found

    RNA-Induced Conformational Switching and Clustering of G3BP Drive Stress Granule Assembly by Condensation

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    © 2020 The Author(s)Reconstitution of stress granule assembly reveals an autoinhibitory conformation of G3BP that is alleviated by RNA binding, demonstrating how this central node of the stress granule network phase-separates in response to rising cellular RNA concentrations. © 2020 The Author(s)Stressed cells shut down translation, release mRNA molecules from polysomes, and form stress granules (SGs) via a network of interactions that involve G3BP. Here we focus on the mechanistic underpinnings of SG assembly. We show that, under non-stress conditions, G3BP adopts a compact auto-inhibited state stabilized by electrostatic intramolecular interactions between the intrinsically disordered acidic tracts and the positively charged arginine-rich region. Upon release from polysomes, unfolded mRNAs outcompete G3BP auto-inhibitory interactions, engendering a conformational transition that facilitates clustering of G3BP through protein-RNA interactions. Subsequent physical crosslinking of G3BP clusters drives RNA molecules into networked RNA/protein condensates. We show that G3BP condensates impede RNA entanglement and recruit additional client proteins that promote SG maturation or induce a liquid-to-solid transition that may underlie disease. We propose that condensation coupled to conformational rearrangements and heterotypic multivalent interactions may be a general principle underlying RNP granule assembly11sciescopu

    Statins and the Brain: More than Lipid Lowering Agents?

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