59 research outputs found

    VCIP135, a novel essential factor for p97/p47-mediated membrane fusion, is required for Golgi and ER assembly in vivo

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    NSF and p97 are ATPases required for the heterotypic fusion of transport vesicles with their target membranes and the homotypic fusion of organelles. NSF uses ATP hydrolysis to dissociate NSF/SNAPs/SNAREs complexes, separating the v- and t-SNAREs, which are then primed for subsequent rounds of fusion. In contrast, p97 does not dissociate the p97/p47/SNARE complex even in the presence of ATP. Now we have identified a novel essential factor for p97/p47-mediated membrane fusion, named VCIP135 (valosin-containing protein [VCP][p97]/p47 complex-interacting protein, p135), and show that it binds to the p97/p47/syntaxin5 complex and dissociates it via p97 catalyzed ATP hydrolysis. In living cells, VCIP135 and p47 are shown to function in Golgi and ER assembly

    PHAROH lncRNA regulates Myc translation in hepatocellular carcinoma via sequestering TIAR.

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma, the most common type of liver malignancy, is one of the most lethal forms of cancer. We identified a long non-coding RNA, Gm19705, that is over-expressed in hepatocellular carcinoma and mouse embryonic stem cells. We named this RNA Pluripotency and Hepatocyte Associated RNA Overexpressed in HCC, or PHAROH. Depletion of PHAROH impacts cell proliferation and migration, which can be rescued by ectopic expression of PHAROH. RNA-seq analysis of PHAROH knockouts revealed that a large number of genes with decreased expression contain a Myc motif in their promoter. MYC is decreased at the protein level, but not the mRNA level. RNA-antisense pulldown identified nucleolysin TIAR, a translational repressor, to bind to a 71-nt hairpin within PHAROH, sequestration of which increases MYC translation. In summary, our data suggest that PHAROH regulates MYC translation by sequestering TIAR and as such represents a potentially exciting diagnostic or therapeutic target in hepatocellular carcinoma

    Oncogenic KRAS engages an RSK1/NF1 pathway to inhibit wild-type RAS signaling in pancreatic cancer.

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is a lethal malignancy with limited treatment options. Although activating mutations of the KRAS GTPase are the predominant dependency present in >90% of PDAC patients, targeting KRAS mutants directly has been challenging in PDAC. Similarly, strategies targeting known KRAS downstream effectors have had limited clinical success due to feedback mechanisms, alternate pathways, and dose-limiting toxicities in normal tissues. Therefore, identifying additional functionally relevant KRAS interactions in PDAC may allow for a better understanding of feedback mechanisms and unveil potential therapeutic targets. Here, we used proximity labeling to identify protein interactors of active KRAS in PDAC cells. We expressed fusions of wild-type (WT) (BirA-KRAS4B), mutant (BirA-KRAS4BG12D), and nontransforming cytosolic double mutant (BirA-KRAS4BG12D/C185S) KRAS with the BirA biotin ligase in murine PDAC cells. Mass spectrometry analysis revealed that RSK1 selectively interacts with membrane-bound KRASG12D, and we demonstrate that this interaction requires NF1 and SPRED2. We find that membrane RSK1 mediates negative feedback on WT RAS signaling and impedes the proliferation of pancreatic cancer cells upon the ablation of mutant KRAS. Our findings link NF1 to the membrane-localized functions of RSK1 and highlight a role for WT RAS signaling in promoting adaptive resistance to mutant KRAS-specific inhibitors in PDAC

    Unique DNA Polymerase kappa Interactome Suggests Novel Cellular Functions

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    Translesion DNA synthesis (TLS) polymerases evolved to tolerate DNA damage that bypasses DNA lesions, thus preventing genomic instability. Multiple TLS polymerases exist with different damage tolerance capabilities, since they have low fidelity their access to the replication fork must be regulated to minimize mutations. The current paradigm is that a combination of kinetic partitioning and protein-protein interactions are used to regulate TLS polymerase activity. A major knowledge-gap in elucidating the roles of these polymerases is that it is difficult to identify which polymerase is active in a specific situation. We designed and synthesized a novel nucleotide analog N2 -benzyl- 2'-deoxyguanosine (EBndG) that is highly selective toward DNA polymerase kappa (Pol κ), a Y family TLS polymerase. Pol k can bypass bulky lesions in the minor groove generated by a metabolite benzo[a]pyrene diolepoxide (BPDE), an environmental carcinogen. Although Pol κ has been identified to have multiple cellular roles, the mechanisms regulating its different cellular activities are unknown. To interrogate the identity of proteins surrounding the Pol κ active sites, we performed an extensive study using modified iPOND (isolation of proteins on nascent DNA), called iPoKD (isolation of proteins on Pol kappa synthesized DNA). Human cell lines were treated with BPDE, subsequently 5-ethynyl-2'-deoxyuridine (EdU) or EBndG was added and proteins bound to the DNA containing EdU and EBndG were analyzed by mass spectrometry. In addition, we performed quantitative analysis of the Pol κ active sites interactome using iPoKD followed by iTRAQ (isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation). Our data identified DNA replication and repair proteins previously identified with EdU pull-downs; and interestingly enrichment of RNA binding, ribosome biogenesis, nucleolar proteins and transcriptional repressive complex(es) associated with EBndG pull-downs. Chromatin modifiers, histone chaperones and histone variants are identified suggesting changes in chromatin structure that facilitates Pol κ-mediated DNA lesion bypass, repair and restorative process. identification of unique proteins associated with EBndG-containing DNA, suggests novel roles for Pol κ's activity in the cell. Using super-resolution confocal microscopy, Pol κ activity is identified in the nucleolus after BPDE damage. EBndG is observed in the nucleolar DNA and Pol κ 's activity regulated by the canonical polycomb-complex recruited by the PARylation of PARP1. BPDE lead to transcriptional stress and repression that is gradually recovered. We are investigating whether Pol κ maintains ribosomal DNA integrity after BPDE damage and is required for TLS DNA synthesis or repair. Pol κ active site associated candidate proteins are being validated using CRISPR-Cas9 knockout or siRNA knockdown strategies. These data will provide first insight into Pol κ's core interactome, it's regulation, chromatin surrounding Pol κ active sites and its novel cellular roles

    Amino Acid Sequence Analysis Of The Small Subunit Of Ribulose Bisphosphate Carboxylase From Fucus (Phaeophyceae)1

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    This paper reports for the first time amino acid sequence information for the small subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase / oxygenase (Rubisco) from a non-green alga. N-terminal sequences are presented for the polypeptide from three species of the genus Fucus (Phaeophyceae). Although homologous to small subunit polypeptides from other organisms, the Fucus sequences exhibit a unique N-terminal section resembling neither cyanobacterial nor chlorophytic sequences. This difference may be a consequence of the plastid DNA coding arrangement for the small subunit in chromophytes, a situation reported for the related organism Olisthodiscus but not previously investigated at the amino acid sequence level

    Single Oligonucleotide Capture of RNA And Temperature Elution Series ( SOCRATES ) for Identification of RNA-binding Proteins

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    The importance of studying the mechanistic aspects of long non-coding RNAs is being increasingly emphasized as more and more regulatory RNAs are being discovered. Non-coding RNA sequences directly associate with generic RNA-binding proteins as well as specific proteins, which cooperate in the downstream functions of the RNA and can also be dysregulated in various physiologic states and/or diseases. While current methods exist for identifying RNA-protein interactions, these methods require high quantities of input cells or use pooled capture reagents that may increase non-specific binding. We have developed a method to efficiently capture specific RNAs using less than one million input cells. One single oligonucleotide is used to pull down the target RNA of choice and oligonucleotide selection is driven by sequence accessibility. We perform thermal elution to specifically elute the target RNA and its associated proteins, which are identified by mass spectrometry. Ultimately, two target and control oligonucleotides are used to create an enrichment map of interacting proteins of interest. This protocol was validated in: eLife (2021), DOI: 10.7554/eLife.68263

    The coiled-coil membrane protein golgin-84 is a novel rab effector required for Golgi ribbon formation

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    Fragmentation of the mammalian Golgi apparatus during mitosis requires the phosphorylation of a specific subset of Golgi-associated proteins. We have used a biochemical approach to characterize these proteins and report here the identification of golgin-84 as a novel mitotic target. Using cryoelectron microscopy we could localize golgin-84 to the cis-Golgi network and found that it is enriched on tubules emanating from the lateral edges of, and often connecting, Golgi stacks. Golgin-84 binds to active rab1 but not cis-Golgi matrix proteins. Overexpression or depletion of golgin-84 results in fragmentation of the Golgi ribbon. Strikingly, the Golgi ribbon is converted into mini-stacks constituting only approximately 25% of the volume of a normal Golgi apparatus upon golgin-84 depletion. These mini-stacks are able to carry out protein transport, though with reduced efficiency compared with a normal Golgi apparatus. Our results suggest that golgin-84 plays a key role in the assembly and maintenance of the Golgi ribbon in mammalian cells
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