45 research outputs found

    Possible neurotoxicity of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in a subacute rat model

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    Titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2 NPs) have many industrial applications and also appear in various consumers’ goods including foods and medicines. This widespread application raises the question of a potential occupational, environmental and/or intentional human exposure and health hazard. Motility of NPs within the organism and surface reactivity of TiO2 NPs suggests, among others, potential nervous system tixicity. In the present work, rats were intratracheally exposed to TiO2 NPs and functional changes in the nervous system were examined using electrophysiological, behavioural and biochemical methods. The results verified to some extent the neurotoxicity of nano-titanium but also underlined the need for further investigations

    Mechanochemical P-derivatization of 1,3,5-Triaza-7-Phosphaadamantane (PTA) and Silver-Based Coordination Polymers Obtained from the Resulting Phosphabetaines

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    We have described earlier that in aqueous solutions, the reaction of 1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane (PTA) with maleic acid yielded a phosphonium-alkanoate zwitterion. The same reaction with 2-methylmaleic acid (citraconic acid) proceeded much slower. It is reported here, that in the case of glutaconic and itaconic acids (constitutional isomers of citraconic acid), formation of the corresponding phosphabetaines requires significantly shorter reaction times. The new phosphabetaines were isolated and characterized by elemental analysis, multinuclear NMR spectroscopy and ESI-MS spectrometry. Furthermore, their molecular structures in the solid state were determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction (SC-XRD). Synthesis of the phosphabetaines from PTA and unsaturated dicarboxylic acids was also carried out mechanochemically with the use of a planetary ball mill, and the characteristics of the syntheses in solvent and under solvent-free conditions were compared. In aqueous solutions, the reaction of the new phosphabetaines with Ag(CF3SO3) yielded Ag(I)-based coordination polymers. According to the SC-XRD results, in these polymers the Ag(I)-ion coordinates to the N and O donor atoms of the ligands; however, Ag(I)-Ag(I) interactions were also identified. The Ag(I)-based coordination polymer (CP1.2) formed with the glutaconyl derivative of PTA (1) showed considerable antimicrobial activity against both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria and yeast strain

    Bile acid- and ethanol-mediated activation of Orai1 damages pancreatic ductal secretion in acute pancreatitis

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    Sustained intracellular Ca2+ overload in pancreatic acinar and ductal cells is a hallmark of biliary and alcohol-induced acute pancreatitis, which leads to impaired ductal ion and fluid secretion. Orai1 is a plasma membrane Ca2+ channel that mediates extracellular Ca2+ influx upon endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ depletion. Our results showed that Orai1 is expressed on the luminal plasma membrane of the ductal cells and selective Orai1 inhibition impaired Stim1-dependent extracellular Ca2+ influx evoked by bile acids or ethanol combined with non-oxidative ethanol metabolites. The prevention of sustained extracellular Ca2+ influx protected ductal cell secretory functions in in vitro models and maintained exocrine pancreatic secretion in in vivo AP models. Orai1 inhibition prevents the bile acid-, and alcohol-induced damage of the pancreatic ductal secretion and holds the potential of improving the outcome of acute pancreatitis.Regardless of its etiology, sustained intracellular Ca2+ overload is a well-known hallmark of acute pancreatitis (AP). Toxic Ca2+ elevation induces pancreatic ductal cell damage characterized by impaired ion- and fluid secretion -essential to wash out the protein-rich fluid secreted by acinar cells while maintaining the alkaline intra-ductal pH under physiological conditions- and mitochondrial dysfunction. While prevention of ductal cell injury decreases the severity of AP, no specific drug target has yet been identified in the ductal cells. Although Orai1 -a store operated Ca2+ influx channel- is known to contribute to sustained Ca2+ overload in acinar cells, details concerning its expression and function in ductal cells are currently lacking. In this study, we demonstrate that functionally active Orai1 channels reside dominantly in the apical plasma membrane of pancreatic ductal cells. Selective CM5480-mediated Orai1 inhibition impairs Stim1-dependent extracellular Ca2+ influx evoked by bile acids or ethanol combined with non-oxidative ethanol metabolites. Furthermore, prevention of sustained extracellular Ca2+ influx protects ductal cell secretory function in vitro and decrease pancreatic ductal cell death. Finally, Orai1-inhibition partially restores and maintains proper exocrine pancreatic secretion in in vivo AP models. In conclusion, our results indicate that Orai1 inhibition prevents AP-related ductal cell function impairment and holds the potential of improving disease outcome. Abstract figure legend This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Titán-dioxid-nanopálcikák tüdőre kifejtett hatásának állatkísérletes vizsgálata szubakut patkánymodellben = Investigation of the effect of titanium dioxide nanorods on the lungs in a subacute rat model

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    Absztrakt: Bevezetés: Napjainkban a nanotechnológia intenzív terjedésével nő a munkahelyi és lakossági nanorészecske-expozíció veszélye. Jelenleg azonban kevés tudományosan megalapozott, ellentmondásmentes ismeret áll rendelkezésre a nehézfém nanorészecskék toxicitásáról és potenciális egészségkárosító hatásairól. Célkitűzés: Szubakut, intratrachealisan instillált, pálcika alakú titán-dioxid (TiO2)-nanorészecskék indukálta tüdőszövet-károsodás vizsgálata morfológiai, kémiai és biokémiai módszerekkel, patkánymodellben. Módszer: Az általános toxicitást (test- és szervtömegváltozás), a lokális (alveolaris üregekben/epithelben, hilusi nyirokcsomóban zajló) akut és krónikus celluláris toxicitást (gyulladás, sejtpusztulás), továbbá az oxidatív stresszt fény- és elektronmikroszkópiával, valamint biokémiai (lipidperoxidáció, reaktívoxigén-gyök, proinflammatoricus citokin expressziója) úton mértük. Eredmények: A kezelt csoportok testtömegében dózis- és időfüggő eltérés nem volt, azonban a tüdők tömege és Ti-tartalma a dózissal arányosan nőtt. A tüdőszövet fény- és elektronmikroszkópos vizsgálata igazolta a nanorészecskék jelenlétét az alveolaris térben szabadon és az alveolaris epitheltől független macrophagok phagosomáiban. A lokális akut alveolitis krónikussá válását alátámasztotta az alveolaris régió macrophagszámának dózisfüggő növekedése, az interstitium ödémája és megvastagodása, valamint egyes proinflammatoricus citokinek (interleukin-1a, LIX, L-szelektin, vascularis endothelialis növekedési faktor) fokozott expressziója. A kezelt állatok tüdőszövetében az oxidatív stressz és a lipidperoxidáció jelentősen fokozódott. A kezelt tüdők tömege, Ti-tartalma és a lipidperoxidáció mértéke között korrelációt találtunk. Az alveolaris epithel-capillaris endothel barrier elégtelenségére utaltak a nanorészecskékkel telt falósejtek a hilusi nyirokcsomóban, ami felveti a nanorészecskék szisztémás keringésbe és távolabbi szervekbe jutásának és akut szisztémás gyulladás kialakulásának lehetőségét. Következtetés: Az alsó légutakba jutott TiO2-nanorészecskék etiológiai tényezőként szerepelhetnek az akut, illetve idült légúti gyulladással és/vagy progrediáló fibrosissal és obstrukcióval járó légzőszervi betegségek (például idült obstruktív tüdőbetegség, asztma) kialakulásában és/vagy progressziójában, melyben jelentősége lehet az autophagiának és az immunválasz (lymphocytaműködés) károsodásának. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(2): 57–66. | Abstract: Introduction: The development of nanotechnology increases the risk of occupational and population-level exposure to nanoparticles nowadays. However, scientifically based knowledge relating to the toxicity of heavy metal nanoparticles and potential health damage is insufficient. Aim: Investigation of lung tissue damage induced by titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanorods in subacute intratracheal instillation by morphological, chemical and biochemical methods in rat model. Method: General toxicity (changes of body and organ weights), local acute and chronic cellular toxicity (in alveolar spaces and epithelium, in hilar lymph nodes) and oxidative stress were examined using light and electron microscopy, and biochemical methods (reactive oxygen species, lipid peroxidation, expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines). Results: No dose- and time-dependent alteration was found in the body weight of the treated groups; but the mass and Ti content of lungs increased with dose. Light and electron microscopy of the lung tissue verified the presence of nanoparticles, free in the alveolar space and within phagosomes of macrophages not attached to alveolar epithelium. Chronification of local acute alveolitis was supported by dose-dependent increase of macrophage count in the alveolar region, oedema and thickening of interstitium, and increased expression of certain pro-inflammatory cytokines (interleukin-1a, LIX, L-selectin, vascular endothelial growth factor). Oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation increased substantially in the treated rats’ lungs, and correlation was found between Ti content and lipid peroxidation. Insufficiency of the alveolar epithelial and capillary endothelial barrier was indicated by nanoparticle-laden phagocytes in hilar lymph nodes, suggesting nanoparticles reaching systemic circulation and distant organs, inducing systemic acute inflammation. Conclusion: TiO2 nanoparticles, reaching lower airways, may be etiological factors in the causation or aggravation of pulmonary diseases with acute and chronic airways inflammation and/or progressive fibrosis and obstruction (e.g., chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or asthma). Autophagy and damaged immune response (lymphocytic activity) may have here a role. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(2): 57–66

    Impaired regulation of PMCA activity by defective CFTR expression promotes epithelial cell damage in alcoholic pancreatitis and hepatitis

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    Alcoholic pancreatitis and hepatitis are frequent, potentially lethal diseases with limited treatment options. Our previous study reported that the expression of CFTR Cl- channel is impaired by ethanol in pancreatic ductal cells leading to more severe alcohol-induced pancreatitis. In addition to determining epithelial ion secretion, CFTR has multiple interactions with other proteins, which may influence intracellular Ca2+ signaling. Thus, we aimed to investigate the impact of ethanol-mediated CFTR damage on intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis in pancreatic ductal epithelial cells and cholangiocytes. Human and mouse pancreas and liver samples and organoids were used to study ion secretion, intracellular signaling, protein expression and interaction. The effect of PMCA4 inhibition was analyzed in a mouse model of alcohol-induced pancreatitis. The decreased CFTR expression impaired PMCA function and resulted in sustained intracellular Ca2+ elevation in ethanol-treated and mouse and human pancreatic organoids. Liver samples derived from alcoholic hepatitis patients and ethanol-treated mouse liver organoids showed decreased CFTR expression and function, and impaired PMCA4 activity. PMCA4 co-localizes and physically interacts with CFTR on the apical membrane of polarized epithelial cells, where CFTR-dependent calmodulin recruitment determines PMCA4 activity. The sustained intracellular Ca2+ elevation in the absence of CFTR inhibited mitochondrial function and was accompanied with increased apoptosis in pancreatic epithelial cells and PMCA4 inhibition increased the severity of alcohol-induced AP in mice. Our results suggest that improving Ca2+ extrusion in epithelial cells may be a potential novel therapeutic approach to protect the exocrine pancreatic function in alcoholic pancreatitis and prevent the development of cholestasis in alcoholic hepatitis