81 research outputs found

    An office design and employee stress : an office design that reduces employee’s stress and increases employee productivity

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    We live in times when office space is playing a key role in company and employees' life. Employees productivity is a fundamental element of any businesses' success nowadays. A competitive global environment determines this phenomenon. Workers productivity can be remarkably reduced by high level of stress and poor quality of interior. Both stress and bad working conditions have an influence on employees’ well-being. In addition, they can result in pain and health problems, which as a result can reduce the willingness to work. The main aim of this study was to explore interior design techniques, which can reduce employees’ stress and at the same time increase their productivity. For this purpose, an action-research project was made. The project is composed of a design proposal for an interior design company in Poland. The design solution is based on Biopfilic Design with some elements of Activity Based Working. Biophlic design is a trend in interior design that emphasizes contact with nature. By using this design techniques (plants introduction, sunlight, nice window view for the greenery), it is possible to make workers feel better and at the same time to make them more creative and productive. The role of the Activity Based Working assumption is to match the workplace to the needs of employee. The private and open space, creative room, meeting room, dining room, gym, sauna are designed according to Activity Based Working. Common space is designed to increase collaboration among employee and to reduce the work stress. Ergonomic furniture and introduction of plants are the elements which increase productivity and protect health of both employees and customers. To understand the space and employees’ needs better a questionnaire was made. Using primary data, taking into consideration employees' answers and employers expectations a functional layout was designed. Before doing a design, many books and articles were read to understand an office design subject well. The best office design examples, which came into existence in Poland, were studied and carefully analyzed. Getting acquainted with office projects designed by the best architects was a necessary study which inspired me to continue a design work for Kolanko Company. Two-storey building with specious stockroom was built in Chwaszczyno in Poland. The new building of the company is dedicated to individual customer and architects who want to collaborate with Kolanko Company. New headquarters of Kolanko company may help clients enjoy a better service. Thanks to the showroom clients will be able to see a product before the purchase which makes their choice more conscious. An installation, products exhibitions can facilitate the client’s choice as well as inspire them. The modern office is a mix of twenty years of experience with new technologies in interior design area. The main purpose of new office is to provide the best condition for employee’s well-being and client’s service. There are many studies, which present the influence of office design on workers’ stress and productivity. Poor design can dramatically reduce employee productivity and may contribute to many health problems. There are some design techniques, which can improve work, information flow in an office and well-being of employees. In the project of Kolanko headquarters, office furniture, textures, colors and light, were carefully selected to ensure better working conditions. There are some elements called positive distraction in the project (gym, sauna, dinning area, creative room) that have an impact on reducing stress during work. Plants and the window view have possitive influence on state of being and people's creativit

    Osteoporosis in Men - A Crucial Role of Sex Hormones

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    Addison's Disease Revisited in Poland: Year 2008 versus Year 1990

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    This study aimed at comparing two groups of patients with Addison's disease: A, including 180 patients described in 1991 and B, consisting of 138 patients registered since 1991. The incidence of coexisting autoimmune disorders was evaluated and etiological factors were analyzed. Immunological and imaging studies (computed tomography in group B) were performed. Adrenal autoantibodies were examined by an indirect immunofluorescence technique in group A, and by the assay measuring autoantibodies against steroid 21-hydroxylase in group B. Adrenal autoantibodies were revealed in 37% of patients examined by the immunofluorescence method and in 63% investigated by the modern technique. Tuberculosis was found in 52 patients in the group A and in two patients in the group B; metastatic infiltrations of the adrenals in CT were detected in 16 patients. Probable autoimmune Addison's disease was diagnosed in 125/180 patients (69%) in the group A and in 116/138 patients (84%) in the group B

    Bisfosfoniany w leczeniu osteoporozy - zalecenia a rzeczywistość

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    Osteoporoza jest chorobą cywilizacyjną, więc jej profilaktyka i leczenie muszą być prowadzone na szeroką skalę. Od prawidłowej oceny wskazań dotyczących leczenia zależy to, czy będą leczeni pacjenci faktycznie obciążeni wysokim ryzykiem złamań, czy tylko osoby spełniające densytometryczne kryteria rozpoznania. Od uzupełnienia powszechnych niedoborów wapnia i witaminy D zależy między innymi skuteczność leczenia przeciwzłamaniowego. By terapii, która musi trwać latami, zapewnić sukces, konieczna jest systematyczność, a tej nie da się osiągnąć bez akceptacji ze strony chorego i współpracy z nim. W artykule omówiono czynniki warunkujące skuteczność terapii osteoporozy i krótko przedstawiono wyniki badania kohortowego przeprowadzonego wśród chorych leczonych alendronianem. Forum Medycyny Rodzinnej 2010, tom 4, nr 6, 423-43

    Modification of emission properties of ZnO layers due to plasmonic near-field coupling to Ag nanoislands

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    A simple fabrication method of Ag nanoislands on ZnO films is presented. Continuous wave and time-resolved photoluminescence and transmission are employed to investigate modifications of visible and UV emissions of ZnO brought about by coupling to localized surface plasmons residing on Ag nanoislands. The size of the nanoislands, determining their absorption and scattering efficiencies, is found to be an important factor governing plasmonic modification of optical response of ZnO films. The presence of the Ag nanoislands of appropriate dimensions causes a strong (threefold) increase in emission intensity and up to 1.5 times faster recombination. The experimental results are successfully described by model calculations within the Mie theory.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    ProSAAS peptide of the granin protein family in biochemical diagnostics of pheochromocytoma

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    Introduction: Pheochromocytoma is a hormonally active tumour originating from neuroendocrine cells of the adrenal medulla. Chromogranin A (CgA) and peptide proSAAS belong to the family of granins and are present in neuroendocrine cells of adrenal medulla, from where they are released to circulation, along with catecholamines. The aim of this study was to assess the usability of proSAAS peptide assay in patients with adrenal pheochromocytoma. Material and methods: 23 patients (13 females and 10 males) with adrenal pheochromocytoma (benign in 18 patients and malignant in 5) confirmed by histopathology examination, and 35 blood donors as a control group. Plasma free metanephrines, CgA, and proSAAS peptide levels were measured in all participants. Results: CgA and proSAAS levels in the group of pheochromocytoma patients vs. the control were: 209 ng/mL and 0.8 ng/mL vs. 59 ng/mL and 0.3 ng/mL (p < 0.001), respectively. The following sensitivity and specificity indexes were obtained from ROC curves for CgA: 83% and 92%, respectively, and for the proSAAS peptide: 39% and 88%, respectively. The combination of 2 parameters: normetanephrine and proSAAS (96% and 100%) had a high diagnostic value, and the value of all determined parameters together (metanephrine, normetanephrine, CgA, and proSAAS) was 100%. Conclusion: A single determination of the proSAAS peptide level is associated with a rather low diagnostic value. But collective determination of CgA and proSAAS may be an additional, valuable tool in biochemical diagnostics of pheochromocytoma

    The relationship between androgens concentrations (testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate) and metabolic syndrome in non-obese elderly men

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    Introduction: The metabolic syndrome characterized by central obesity, insulin and lipid dysregulation, and hypertension, is a precursor state for atherosclerotic process and, in consequence, cardiovascular disease. Decline of both testicular and adrenal function with aging causes a decrease in androgen concentration in men. It has been postulated that low levels of total testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) are associated with unfavorable levels of several strong cardiovascular disease risk factors, such as lipids and blood pleasure, which are components of the metabolic syndrome, and insulin levels. Both testosterone and DHEA-S deficiency are risk factors of obesity and insulin resistance, but it is not clear, whether this possible influence is independent. The aim of this study was to determined whether lower androgens (testosterone and DHEA-S) levels are associated with the development of metabolic syndrome in non-obese elderly men as well as analysis, whether these sex hormones influents on measured parameters separately. Material and methods: Together 85 men age from 60 to 70 years (mean 66.3 &plusmn; 1.5 years; mean &plusmn; SEM) were analyzed. Testosterone levels < 4 ng/ml or DHEA levels < 2000 ng/ml and BMI < 30 kg/m2 were including criteria. Patients were divided into three groups: 52 with testosterone deficiency (L-T), 32 with DHEA deficiency (L-DHEA-S) and 67 with deficiency of both sex hormones (L-T/DHEA-S). The influence of sex hormones deficiency in these groups on blood pressure, lipids, visceral obesity and fasting glucose were measured (according to metabolic syndrome definition NCEP III/IDF). Results: Testosterone levels in L-T, L-DHEA and L-T/DHEA-S groups were respectively 3.19 &plusmn; 0.23 ng/ml, 4.89 &plusmn; 0.45 ng/ml and 3.25 &plusmn; 0.34 g/ml (p < 0.002). While DHEA-S levels were respectively 2498 &plusmn; 98 ng/ml, 1435 &plusmn; 1010 ng/ml and 1501 &plusmn; &plusmn; 89 ng/ml). BMI values do not differ between groups. Waist circumference was significantly higher in L-T/DHEA-S group than in L-T i L-DHEA-S groups (respectively: 99.9 &plusmn; 6,1 cm, 97.1 &plusmn; 7.1 cm i 96.2 &plusmn; 6.4 cm; mean &plusmn; SD, p < 0.05 vs. L-T and L-DHEA-S groups). Mean triglycerides concentration in L-T/DHEA-S group was significantly higher than in L-T and L-DHEA-S groups (respectively: 188.2 &plusmn; 13.3 mg/dl, 161.7 &plusmn; 14.7 mg/dl and 152.2 &plusmn; 12.8 mg/dl (mean &plusmn; SD; p < 0.02 vs. L-T and L-DHEA-S groups). Analysis of prevalence of risk factors showed, that in L-T/DHEA-S group they were more frequent than in other groups. The most significant percentage difference was observed for triglycerides: concentration &#8805; 150 mg/dl was measured in 31% men in L-T group, 28% men in L-DHEA-S group and 42% men in L-T/DHEA-S group. According metabolic syndrome definition NCEP III/IDF prevalence of this syndrome was: 71% patients in L-T/DHEA-S group, 67% patients in L-T group and 64% patients in L-DHEA-S group. Conclusions: The DHEA-S and testosterone deficiency was a significant and independent risk factor of the metabolic syndrome in non-obese elderly men. It seems, that triglycerides concentration and waist circumference are more sensitive then others parameters to reflect the influence of sex hormones deficiency on risk of the metabolic syndrome in elderly men.Wstęp: Zespół metaboliczny charakteryzuje się otyłością wisceralną, zaburzeniami metabolizmu insuliny i lipidów oraz nadciśnieniem tętniczym. Jest on czynnikiem ryzyka miażdżycy i chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego. Postępujące wraz z wiekiem zmiany w wydzielaniu androgenów gonadowych i nadnerczowych prowadzą do ich niedoboru u starszych mężczyzn. Przypuszcza się, że niskie stężenia testosteronu całkowitego i siarczanu dehydroepiandrosteronu (DHEA-S, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate) wpływają niekorzystnie na stężenia lipidów i ciśnienie tętnicze, stanowiąc ryzyko chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego. Niedobory zarówno testosteronu, jak i DHEA-S są także czynnikami ryzyka otyłości i oporności na insulinę. Nie wiadomo jednak, czy niskie stężenia testosteronu i DHEA-S wpływają na te czynniki niezależnie od siebie. Celem niniejszej pracy jest określenie, czy niskie stężenia hormonów płciowych (testosteronu i DHEA-S) wiążą się z występowaniem zespołu metabolicznego u starszych, nieotyłych mężczyzn, oraz odpowiedź na pytanie, czy wpływ niedoboru tych hormonów jest niezależny od siebie. Materiał i metody: Analizie poddano łącznie 85 mężczyzn w przedziale wiekowym 60-70 lat (śr. 66,3 &#177; 1,5 lat &#177; SEM). Kryteriami, które decydowały o włączeniu do badania były stężenia testosteronu poniżej 4 ng/ml lub DHEA-S poniżej 2000 ng/ml oraz wskaźnik masy ciała (BMI, body mass index) poniżej 30 kg/m2. Badanych podzielono na 3 grupy: 52 z niedoborem testosteronu (L-T), 32 z niedoborem DHEA-S (L-DHEA-S) i 67 z niedoborem obu hormonów (L-T/DHEA-S). Oceniano wpływ niedoboru hormonów w poszczególnych grupach na ciśnienie tętnicze, lipidy, obwód talii i glikemię na czczo (wg definicji zespołu metabolicznego - NCEP III/IDF). Wyniki: Średnie stężenia testosteronu w grupach L-T, L-DHEA-S i L-T/DHEA-S wynosiły odpowiednio: 3,19 &#177; 0,23 ng/ml, 4,89 &#177; 0,45 ng/ml i 3,25 &#177; 0,34 g/ml, różniąc się w sposób istotny (p < 0,002). Średnie stężenia DHEA-S wynosiły odpowiednio 2498 &#177; 98 ng/ml, 1435 &#177; 1010 ng/ml i 1501 &#177; 89 ng/ml. Wartości BMI nie różniły się istotnie pomiędzy grupami. Obwód w talii był istotnie większy w grupie L-T/DHEA-S w stosunku do grup L-T i L-DHEA-S (odpowiednio: 99,9 &#177; 6,1 cm, 97,1 &#177; &#177; 7,1 cm i 96,2 &#177; 6,4 cm; śr. &#177; SD, p < 0,05 vs. grupy L-T i L-DHEA-S). Średnie stężenie triglicerydów w grupie L-T/DHEAS było istotnie wyższe niż obserwowane w grupach L-T i L-DHEA-S i wynosiło odpowiednio: 188,2 &#177; 13,3 mg/dl, 161,7 &#177; &#177; 14,7 mg/dl oraz 152,2 &#177; 12,8 mg/dl (śr. &#177; SD; p < 0,02 vs. grupy L-T i L-DHEA-S). Analizując częstość występowania poszczególnych czynników ryzyka, zaobserwowano, że występowały one częściej w grupie L-T/DHEA-S niż w 2 pozostałych grupach. Najistotniejsza różnica procentowa występowała w przypadku stężenia triglicerydów: stężenie większe lub równe 150 mg/dl wykazano u 31% mężczyzn w grupie L-T, 28% mężczyzn w grupie L-DHEA-S i 42% mężczyzn w grupie L-T/ /DHEA-S. Według definicji NCEP III/IDF zespół metaboliczny wykazano u 71% pacjentów w grupie L-T/DHEA-S, 67% pacjentów w grupie L-T i 64% pacjentów w grupie L-DHEA-S. Wnioski: Niedobory testosteronu i DHEA-S są istotnym i niezależnym od siebie czynnikiem ryzyka zespołu metabolicznego u starszych, nieotyłych mężczyzn. Wydaje się, że stężenie triglicerydów oraz obwód talii najlepiej odzwierciedlają wpływ niedoboru androgenów na ryzyko zespołu metabolicznego