57 research outputs found

    Dean Flow Dynamics in Low-Aspect Ratio Spiral Microchannels

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    A wide range of microfluidic cell-sorting devices has emerged in recent years, based on both passive and active methods of separation. Curvilinear channel geometries are often used in these systems due to presence of secondary flows, which can provide high throughput and sorting efficiency. Most of these devices are designed on the assumption of two counter rotating Dean vortices present in the curved rectangular channels and existing in the state of steady rotation and amplitude. In this work, we investigate these secondary flows in low aspect ratio spiral rectangular microchannels and define their development with respect to the channel aspect ratio and Dean number. This work is the first to experimentally and numerically investigate Dean flows in microchannels for Re > 100, and show presence of secondary Dean vortices beyond a critical Dean number. We further demonstrate the impact of these multiple vortices on particle and cell focusing. Ultimately, this work offers new insights into secondary flow instabilities for low-aspect ratio, spiral microchannels, with improved flow models for design of more precise and efficient microfluidic devices for applications such as cell sorting and micromixing

    Manganese in residential drinking water from a community-initiated case study in Massachusetts

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    Background: Manganese (Mn) is a metal commonly found in drinking water, but the level that is safe for consumption is unknown. In the United States (U.S.), Mn is not regulated in drinking water and data on water Mn concentrations are temporally and spatially sparse. Objective: Examine temporal and spatial variability of Mn concentrations in repeated tap water samples in a case study of Holliston, Massachusetts (MA), U.S., where drinking water is pumped from shallow aquifers that are vulnerable to Mn contamination. Methods: We collected 79 residential tap water samples from 21 households between September 2018 and December 2019. Mn concentrations were measured using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. We calculated descriptive statistics and percent of samples exceeding aesthetic (secondary maximum containment level; SMCL) and lifetime health advisory (LHA) guidelines of 50 µg/L and 300 µg/L, respectively. We compared these concentrations to concurrent and historic water Mn concentrations from publicly available data across MA. Results: The median Mn concentration in Holliston residential tap water was 2.3 µg/L and levels were highly variable (range: 0.03–5,301.8 µg/L). Mn concentrations exceeded the SMCL and LHA in 14% and 12% of samples, respectively. Based on publicly available data across MA from 1994–2022, median Mn concentration was 17.0 µg/L (N = 37,210; range: 1–159,000 µg/L). On average 40% of samples each year exceeded the SMCL and 9% exceeded the LHA. Samples from publicly available data were not evenly distributed between MA towns or across sampling years. Impact statement: This study is one of the first to examine Mn concentrations in drinking water both spatially and temporally in the U.S. Findings suggest that concentrations of Mn in drinking water frequently exceed current guidelines and occur at concentrations shown to be associated with adverse health outcomes, especially for vulnerable and susceptible subpopulations like children. Future studies that comprehensively examine exposure to Mn in drinking water and its associations with children’s health are needed to protect public health. © 2023, The Author(s)

    Heterogeneous Immunoassay Using Channels and Droplets in a Digital Microfluidic Platform

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    This work presents a heterogeneous immunoassay using the integrated functionalities of a channel and droplets in a digital microfluidic (DMF) platform. Droplet functionality in DMF allows for the programmable manipulation of discrete sample and reagent droplets in the range of nanoliters. Pressure-driven channels become advantageous over droplets when sample must be washed, as the supernatant can be thoroughly removed in a convenient and rapid manner while the sample is immobilized. Herein, we demonstrate a magnetic bead-based, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using ~60 nL of human interleukin-6 (IL-6) sample. The wash buffer was introduced in the form of a wall-less virtual electrowetting channel by a syringe pump at the flow rate of 10 μL/min with ~100% bead retention rate. Critical parameters such as sample wash flow rate and bead retention rate were optimized for reliable assay results. A colorimetric readout was analyzed in the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) color space without the need for costly equipment. The concepts presented in this work are potentially applicable in rapid neonatal disease screening using a finger prick blood sample in a DMF platform

    Potentiometric Sensor System with Self-Calibration for Long-Term, In Situ Measurements

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    We built an integrated solid-contact ion-selective electrode (SCISE) system with the functionality of self-calibration. A multiplexed SCISE sensor (K+ and NO3− vs. Ag/AgCl) was fabricated on printed-circuit board (PCB) substrates and was subsequently embedded into a microfluidic flow cell for self-calibration and flow-through analysis. A PCB circuit that includes modules for both sensor readout and fluid control was developed. The sensors showed a fast and near-Nernstian response (56.6 for the K+ electrode and −57.4 mV/dec for the NO3− electrode) and maintained their performance for at least three weeks. The sensors also showed a highly reproducible response in an automated two-point calibration, demonstrating the potential for in situ monitoring. Lastly, the sensor system was successfully applied to measure mineral nutrients in plant sap samples

    Evaluation of Performance and Tunability of a Co-Flow Inertial Microfluidic Device

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    Microfluidics has gained a lot of attention for biological sample separation and purification methods over recent years. From many active and passive microfluidic techniques, inertial microfluidics offers a simple and efficient method to demonstrate various biological applications. One prevalent limitation of this method is its lack of tunability for different applications once the microfluidic devices are fabricated. In this work, we develop and characterize a co-flow inertial microfluidic device that is tunable in multiple ways for adaptation to different application requirements. In particular, flow rate, flow rate ratio and output resistance ratio are systematically evaluated for flexibility of the cutoff size of the device and modification of the separation performance post-fabrication. Typically, a mixture of single size particles is used to determine cutoff sizes for the outlets, yet this fails to provide accurate prediction for efficiency and purity for a more complex biological sample. Thus, we use particles with continuous size distribution (2–32 μm) for separation demonstration under conditions of various flow rates, flow rate ratios and resistance ratios. We also use A549 cancer cell line with continuous size distribution (12–27 μm) as an added demonstration. Our results indicate inertial microfluidic devices possess the tunability that offers multiple ways to improve device performance for adaptation to different applications even after the devices are prototyped

    Viscoelastic microfluidics: progress and challanges

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    The manipulation of cells and particles suspended in viscoelastic fluids in microchannels has drawn increasing attention, in part due to the ability for single-stream three-dimensional focusing in simple channel geometries. Improvement in the understanding of non-Newtonian effects on particle dynamics has led to expanding exploration of focusing and sorting particles and cells using viscoelastic microfluidics. Multiple factors, such as the driving forces arising from fluid elasticity and inertia, the effect of fluid rheology, the physical properties of particles and cells, and channel geometry, actively interact and compete together to govern the intricate migration behavior of particles and cells in microchannels. Here, we review the viscoelastic fluid physics and the hydrodynamic forces in such flows and identify three pairs of competing forces/effects that collectively govern viscoelastic migration. We discuss migration dynamics, focusing positions, numerical simulations, and recent progress in viscoelastic microfluidic applications as well as the remaining challenges. Finally, we hope that an improved understanding of viscoelastic flows in microfluidics can lead to increased sophistication of microfluidic platforms in clinical diagnostics and biomedical research

    Culture-Based Biochip for Environmental Monitoring

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    In this paper, we describe the development of a culture-based biochip for detecting mycobacteria in environmental samples. The biochips use the paraffinophilic nature of mycobacteria to rapidly detect and differentiate them from non-target microorganisms. New methods of depositing and patterning paraffin were developed to fabricate prototype biochips. Biochips were experimentally tested to demonstrate rapid detection of mycobacteria in environmental samples collected from a municipal sewage treatment plant. Our successful demonstration of the culture-based biochip technology presents an alternative approach for developing new technology to track microorganisms in complex environmental samples

    Continuous particle separation in spiral microchannels using dean flows and differential migration

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    Microparticle separation and concentration based on size has become indispensable in many biomedical and environmental applications. In this paper we describe a passive microfluidic device with spiral microchannel geometry for complete separation of particles. The design takes advantage of the inertial lift and viscous drag forces acting on particles of various sizes to achieve differential migration, and hence separation, of microparticles. The dominant inertial forces and the Dean rotation force due to the spiral microchannel geometry cause the larger particles to occupy a single equilibrium position near the inner microchannel wall. The smaller particles migrate to the outer half of the channel under the influence of Dean forces resulting in the formation of two distinct particle streams which are collected in two separate outputs. This is the first demonstration that takes advantage of the dual role of Dean forces for focusing larger particles in a single equilibrium position and transposing the smaller particles from the inner half to the outer half of the microchannel cross-section. The 5-loop spiral microchannel 100 mm wide and 50 mm high was used to successfully demonstrate a complete separation of 7.32 mm and 1.9 mm particles at Dean number De = 0.47. Analytical analysis supporting the experiments and models is also presented. The simple planar structure of the separator offers simple fabrication and makes it ideal for integration with on-chip microfluidic systems, such as micro total analysis systems (mTAS) or lab-on-a-chip (LOC) for continuous filtration and separation applications
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