8 research outputs found

    Abnormal changes in the occlusion and the order of the teeth аs a result of the premature loss of one or a group of teeth

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    Съхранението на функционалната пълноценност на временните зъби до периода на физиологичната им смяна е условие за оформяне на нормална зъбно-челюстна система. За съжаление, въпреки превенцията и съвременните методи за лечение на пулпната патология понякога временните зъби не могат да бъдат запазени и тяхната ранна загуба е обективна необходимост. Преждевременната загуба на временни зъби е рисков фактор за възникване на зъбно-челюстни деформации. Целта на литературния обзор е да се проучат промените в нареждането на зъбите и оклузията, които настъпват след преждевременна загуба на временните зъби. Анализът на промените би начертал правилния комплексен подход на лечение на децата с преждевременна загуба на временни зъби.The preservation of the primary teeth to the period of their physiological exfoliation is necessary for forming a normal tooth-jaw system. Unfortunately, despite prevention and modern methods of the pulp pathology treatment, sometimes temporary teeth cannot be saved and their early loss is an objective necessity. The premature loss of the deciduous teeth is a risk factor for the occurrence of an orthodontic deformations. The aim of the literature review is to examine the changes in the order of teeth and occlusion that occur after premature temporary teeth loss. The analysis of this changes show the right holistic approach of treating the children with premature loss of deciduous teeth

    Premature loss of primary teeth of children with mixed dentition

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    Временните зъби играят ключова роля в растежа и развитието на децата. Освен неоспоримото им значение за естетиката, храненето, говора, друга тяхна основна функция е запазване на място за постоянните зъби до техния пробив, както и правилното развитие на зъбните дъги и оклузията (6). Цел на настоящия литературен обзор е да разгледа рисковите фактори, водещи до преждевременна загуба на временни. Обзорът ни дава насоки за комплексна профилактика и лечение при деца с ранна загуба на временни зъби в зависимост от рисковия им профил.Primary teeth have a critical role in the growth and development of the children. In addition to their role in esthetics, eating, speech, the other main function of a primary tooth is to hold space for the permanent successor until it is ready to erupt, such as the normal development of the dental arches and the occlusion..The aim of the literature review is to present the risk factors of the early tooth loss .Тhe review can give a guidance for the complex treatment and prophylaxis of children with premature teeth loss, depending on their risk profile

    Root-end filling materials - review

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    The aim of this study is to describe different root-end filling materials according to the literature and to compare their antibacterial activity, sealing ability, biocompatibility and microleakageThe purpose of a root-end filling is to establish a seal between the root canal space and the periapical tissues. A number of materials have been suggested for use as root end fillings, including gutta-percha, amalgam, Cavit, intermediate restorative material (IRM), super EBA, glass ionomers, composite resins, carboxylate cements, zinc phosphate cements, zinc oxide-eugenol cements and mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA)

    Comparison of the rates of bone regeneration in sinus lift grafting with a calcium-phosphate paste between the 6th and the 9th month - a clinical case

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    Maxillary sinus floor augmentation has been used for occlusal rehabilitation with prosthetic appliances installed over dental implants in the posterior maxilla despite the fact that this region often presents loss of alveolar bone and increased maxillary sinus pneumatization, particularly when all of the molars are absent. The shortage and quality of the remaining bone often implies a challenge when rehabilitating with dental implants. Different kinds of grafts have been used in an endeavour to solve these problems. The aim of thisstudy is to find out if there is a significant difference in the bone formation between the 6th- and the 9th - month periods after sinus lift grafting with a calcium- phosphate paste (Maxresorb inj. (Botiss Dental, Berlin, Germany)). For this purpose a bilateral sinus lift has been made by own methodology. Results showed no significant difference in the percentage of newly formed bone in the sixth and the ninth month, which warrants the dental implants to be placed on the sixth month post-sinus lifting

    Questionnaire survey about the awareness of dentists on materials used for retrograde filling

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    Целта на анкетно проучване е да се изследва и анализира познанието и мнението на лекари по дентална медицина относно материалите и методите използвани за обтуриране на ретрограден кавитет при апикална остеотомия. За нуждите на предстоящото проучване е създадена специална анонимна анкетна карта, която е попълнена от 120 лекари по дентална медицина от Софийска и Варненска област. Анкетата е проведена по време на научни и образователни събития на територията на гр. София и гр. Варна. Продължителността на проведеното изследване обхваща период от 60 дни.От получените резултати става ясно, че процентът на лекарите, които правят ретроградна заплънка е по-малко от половината (43%). 54 % от анкетираните наблюдават по-добри резултати при случаи без ретроградна заплънка или не намират разлика в двата метода. 57 % използват МТА като материал за ретроградна обтурация и 13% от анкетираните използват амалгама, въпреки че това отдавна е отречено.The aim of our study is to evaluate and analyze the opinion amongst Bulgarian dentists from Varna and Sofia about the materials and methods used for retrograde obturation. The results are based on the answers amongst 120 dentists on an individual questionnaire for a period of 60 days. The survey was conducted during scientific and educational events in the city of Varna and Sofia.The results show that 43 % of the dentists usually perform a retrograde cavity for a retrograde filling.54% of the respondents observe better outcomes in cases without retrograde obturation or do not find a difference between the two methods. 57% use MTA for retrograde filling and 13% still use amalgam, despite its proven disadvantages.The aim of our study is to evaluate and analyze the opinion amongst Bulgarian dentists from Varna and Sofia about the materials and methods used for ret- rograde obturation. The results are based on the an- swers amongst 120 dentists on an individual question- naire for a period of 60 days. The survey was conduct- ed during scientific and educational events in the city of Varna and Sofia.The results show that 43% of the dentists usual- ly perform a retrograde cavity for a retrograde filling. 54% of the respondents observe better outcomes in cas- es without retrograde obturation or do not find a dif- ference between the two methods. 57% use MTA for retrograde filling and 13% still use amalgam, despite its proven disadvantages

    Influence of the Type of Grating Materials on the Rate of Bone Regeneration in Sinus Floor Elevation with Lateral Approach and Deferred Placement of Implants /// Влияние на вида на костновъзстановителните материали върху темповете на костна регенерация при повдигане на синусния под с латерален достъп и отсрочено поставяне на имплантати

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    [EN] Maxillary sinus floor augmentation has been used for occlusal rehabilitation with prosthetic appliances installed over dental implants in the posterior maxilla despite the fact that this region often presents loss of alveolar bone and increased maxillary sinus pneumatization, particularly when all of the molars are absent. The shortage and quality of the remaining bone often implies a challenge when rehabilitating with dental implants. Different kinds of grafts have been used in an endeavour to solve these problems.[BG] Денталната имплантология е една от най – бързо развиващите се области на денталната медицина през последните години. В наши дни денталните имплантати се използват рутинно за заместването на един или повече липсващи зъби. Времето и натрупаният доказателствен материал определят този метод на лечение като сигурен и надежден за голям брой от пациентите. В някои от случаите обаче той се оказва неприложим или поне не без съответната предварителна подготовка. Такива се явяват клиничните ситуации, в които липсва необходимото количество костно вещество или то е с качества, които не позволяват поставянето на оптималните за дадения случай дентални имплантати. Често такава е клиничната картина в дисталните участъци на горната челюст, където костта обикновено е с недостатъчна плътност (D3, D4) и където нормално се намира максиларният синус

    Surgical vs Non-surgical Retreatment of Endodontic Cases - Factors, Influencing the Retreatment Choice

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    Introduction: Endodontic retreatment describes a root canal procedure performed on a tooth that has previously had a root canal treatment. One of the main reasons for the failure of the initial treatment is bacterial contamination, leading to an inflammatory response characterized as apical periodontitis, granuloma, radicular cyst or abscess. The preservation of the tooth in such cases requires a retreatment, which can be performed non-surgical, surgical or combined.The aim or this work is to systemize the main indications for each treatment option by describing their advantages, disadvantages, as well as possible difficulties when performing it.Materials and Methods: We have studied numerous articles and publications, so that we can present the main factors influencing the different retreatment options. In order to visualize some of the main indications, requiring a retreatment, we are presenting a clinical case, which demonstrates a combined -surgical and non-surgical retreatment of an endodontically treated tooth.Results: When considering treatment for a tooth that has not healed successfully with root canal therapy there are some factors to pay attention to such as root canal system anatomy, root length, patency along the root canal, level of the lesion, structural integrity of the tooth, periodontal status and possibility of coronal reconstruction. All retreatment options present difficulties and possible risks which can lead to non-healing of the apical pathology, possible damaging of the tooth stability and even tooth loss.Conclusion: The longevity of an endodontically retreated tooth depends on the accuracy of the diagnosis, root canal irrigation, preparation, obturation and final restoration. Proper follow-ups, both clinical and radiographic, and thoughtful consideration of the retreatment option - surgical, non-surgical or combined can lead to long-term success and preservation of the tooth