4 research outputs found


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    Objective: To evaluate the survival of the patients with heart failure in the Cardiology Center in Tirana, to evaluate the cost effectiveness of carvedilol versus metoprolol.Methods: 239 patients (pts) suffering chronic heart failure of different aetiologies, on traditional treatment for heart failure (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, diuretics, digoxin), with ejection fraction<50%, in NYHA class II-IV, were randomised to carvedilol 6.25-25 mg/day, or metoprolol 50-100 mg/day, or nebivolol 5 mg/day or treated only with the traditional treatment for they have contraindications regarding the use of β–blockers, followed for a two-year period.Results: There were included 239 patients of mild, moderate and severe heart failure, NYHA II-IV, with the fraction of ejection<50 hospitalized in the University clinic of cardiology of Tirana, followed for a two-year period; 83 patients (34.7%) were treated with Carvedilol; 70 patients (29.2%) were treated with metoprolol, 21 patients were treated with nebivolol (8.7%), and 65 patients (27.1%) were treated only with the traditional therapy (TTh).Conclusion: The use of carvedilol along with the traditional therapy of heart failure assures a higher survival rate and a lower hospitalization rate but an increase of cost of treatment of 216 €a year compared to metoprolol in addition with traditional therapy.Â

    The traditional use of medical plants in the areas of Zhupa, Opoja and Gora in Prizren

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    The areas of Opoja, Gora and Zupa in the district of Prizren are populated by the Albanian, Bosnian and Goran communities. These areas are distinguished for their rich flora and fauna. Continuing our reasearch work in the field of Ethnopharmacognosy, we started this study with the purpose of evidencing and scientific documenting these medical plants and their preparation, which are aplied in the traditional medicine in the areas of Prizren, in order to save and enrich our knowledge of ethnobotany, as a first step in scientific evaluation of medical plants. Data was collected using interviews conducted with residents of these areas during different time periods 2016 - 2019. A total of 90 residents belonging to the Albanian, Bosnian, Goran, Turkey and Roma communities were interviewed. Voucher plant specimens were deposited in the herbarium. The collected data have been compared with the existing Ethnobotanic and Phytotherapeutic in Kosovo and around Kosovo. A total of 82 species of plantas belonging to different botanical families were collected. The most abundand ones were; Rosaceae family (14 species), Asteraceae (5 species), and Gentianaceae (4 species). The plants were raported to be used in the treatment of various diseases, mainly those of the respiratory system (asthma,bronchitis), gastrointestinal disordes and wound healing. Chamomile results to be the most udes medical plants by alla the communities that participated in the study. Other plants used the most by the Albanian and Bosnian community are; Elder and Saint John’s wort, for the Goran community: Saint John’s wort and Yarrow, for the Roma community: Common mettle and Linden whereas for the Turkish community are: Saint John’s wort and Bitter melon. This study identified the most commonly plants and formulations used commonly by the abovementioned communities. Investigating phytochemical and pharmacological properites through further studies of this vegetation represent not only scientific interest but they will also contribute to the overall development of these areas


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    Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate and compare the antifungal activity of essential oil of Origanum vulgare and Rosmarinus officinalis collected in north region of Albania, and how is it modified by microencapsulation with β-cyclodextrin (β-CD).Methods: Chemical composition of both isolated essential oils was determined by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The disc diffusion method was used to screen the antifungal activities of essential oils, before and after microencapsulation, against following dermatophytes: M. gypseum, M. canis, A. cajetani, T. violaceum, T. mentagrophytes, E. floccosum,T. rubrum, T. tonsurans and phytopatogens B. cinerea and P. oryzae.Results: The major identified compounds for Rosmarinus officinalis and Origanum vulgare essential oils, by GC/MS analyses, were respectively: 1, 8cineol, camphor, verbenone, borneol and carvacrol, thymol for O. vulgare essential oil. Maximum antifungal activity of essential oil of O. vulgare was observed against T. tonsurans, T. violaceum, T. floccosum,T. mentagrophytes. Meanwhile the essential oil of R. officinalis exhibits a moderate antifungal activity against T. violaceum. The essential oils demonstrated higher inhibition zones after microencapsulation in β-cylcodextrine.Conclusion: From the results obtained we can conclude as follows: 1. Antifungal activity of Origanum vulgare essential oil is higher compare to the antifungal activity of Rosmarinus officinalis ones due to high content of carvacrol in Origanum vulgare essential oil. 2. Microencapsulation does not change the antifungal activity of both essential oils; this should consent to achieve the optimal antifungal activity with minimum side effects of essential oil, and improved stability upon storage due to benefits of microencapsulation in β-cyclodextrine. Moreover, after encapsulation improved activity were observed.Â