76 research outputs found

    Mixing properties of semiconductor lasers

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    The mixing properties of a semiconductor laser used as a single-ended mixer are discussed and compared with a system consisting of a laser connected at the output of a balanced mixer. In both cases the IF signal is obtained as an amplitude modulation of the optical beam. The second scheme gives the ability to predict more accurately the conversion loss and operating properties of such a mixer. © 1985 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

    A fast solution of poisson's equation in FETs

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    In the present work we propose a fast solution of the Poisson's equation in FETs. The method is valid, if the deep centers are uniformly distributed within 1 μm below the interface between the active layer and the substrate. The implicit method is convenient for the solution of the differential equation. The convergence to the final solution is accelerated significantly if the correction factor of the iterative procedure is considered with appropriate weight. © 1994

    Determination of bulk discharge current in the dielectric film of MEMS capacitive switches

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    The present work presents a new method to calculate the discharge current in the bulk of dielectric films of MEMS capacitive switches. This method takes into account the real MEMS switch with non uniform trapped charge and air gap distributions. The assessment of switches with silicon nitride dielectric film shows that the discharge current transient seems to obey the stretched exponential law. The decay characteristics depend on the polarization field's polarity, a fact that comes along with experimental results obtained from the thermally stimulated depolarization currents (TSDC) method used in MIM capacitors. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Dielectric charging process in A1N RF-MEMS capacitive switches

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    The paper investigates the electrical properties of magnetron sputtered AIN in view of application in RF-MEMS capacitive switches. The assessment is performed with the aid of application of thermally stimulate polarization currents in MIM capacitors and temperature dependence of device capacitance. The study reveals the presence of a surface charge, which is smaller than the expected from material spontaneous polarization, but definitely is responsible for the low degradation rate under certain bias polarization life tests

    Dependence of the mobility limit upon the Fermi level position in direct gap III-V group semiconductors

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    A relation between the shift of the Fermi level and the Hall mobility at room temperature is presented for a variety of direct gap III-V group semiconductors. The theoretical calculations concern particularly the sensitivity of the mobility due to polar optical phonon scattering only to the free carrier concentration and indicate the upper limit of the mobility in the Fermi energy range -10 < ξ < 3. © 1990

    Temperature dependence of Y2O2S:Tb cathodoluminescence

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    The cathodoluminescence of Y2O2S:Tb is studied as a function of the temperature in the range 20°K to 300°K and as a function of the electron beam voltage in the range 3kV to 20kV. The efficiency of this phosphor shows four well expressed peaks in respect to the temperature (at about 40°K, 105°K, 180°K and 290°K) and one peak in respect to the electron beam voltage (at 13kV). © 1988

    Temperature dependence of Y2O2S:Tb cathodoluminescence

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    The cathodoluminescence of Y2O2S:Tb is studied as a function of the temperature in the range 20°K to 300°K and as a function of the electron beam voltage in the range 3kV to 20kV. The efficiency of this phosphor shows four well expressed peaks in respect to the temperature (at about 40°K, 105°K, 180°K and 290°K) and one peak in respect to the electron beam voltage (at 13kV). © 1988

    Degradation of polycrystalline silicon TFTs due to alpha particles irradiation stress

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    The degradation mechanism of poly-Si TFTs due to alpha particles irradiation is investigated. The tested devices exhibit increase in the density of interface states and grain boundaries traps proportional to the radiation fluence, ΔN/N0=KF. The irradiation introduced defects are responsible for the degradation of major device parameters, such as the threshold voltage, the subthreshold swing, the leakage current and the ON mobility and current. Their degradation is found to obey the same law. The analysis of the thermally activated parameters reveals that the irradiation induced defects are lying deep in the semiconductor band gap. Moreover the negative threshold voltage shift is associated to positively charged oxygen vacancies in the gate insulator, called E′ centers. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved