20 research outputs found

    IgG responses to gSG6-P1 according to adult perception of mosquito bites.

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    <p>Anti-gSG6-P1 IgG responses represented according to the degree of perception of mosquito bites (Fig. 3a) and taking into account the use of bed nets (Fig. 3b). Boxes indicate the middle 50% of the data; horizontal lines in the boxes indicate medians of the individual data; lengths of boxes correspond to the inter-quartile ranges. In Fig. 3B, bed net and non-bed net users are represented white and grey boxes, respectively. The horizontal black dotted line represents the cut-off of IgG responder. Statistical significant differences of specific IgG between bed net and non-bed net users are indicated.</p

    Proportion of use of vector control measures in the populations of 45 districts of Dakar urban region.

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    <p>The proportion of use in the total population (children and adults), children or adults was calculated for each type of vector control measure listed. The standard error of each proportion is indicated in brackets. “n” represents the effectiveness of individuals in each group. “Others” means simultaneous use of two or more of the listed vector control tools by populations.</p

    Factors influencing specific IgG response to gSG6-P1 peptide.

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    <p>Intercept = when the values of all independent variables are zero (e.g. the value of median IgG response in someone with no risk factors). The estimated coefficient and the degree of significance (p-value) are indicated. A positive coefficient means that the explanatory variable increases the probability of IgG response to gSG6-P1, while a negative coefficient means that the variable decreases the probability of IgG response to gSG6-P1.</p

    Localization of the studied sites in Dakar.

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    <p>The 50 blood spot-sampling (in yellow) sites are proportionally localized on the map. Enclosed asterisks represent the 5 prosperous residential districts of the Dakar department in which the collected blood samples were not enough for several reasons. The 45 remaining districts in which sufficient blood spot-samples were collected for immunological assays are numbered from 1 to 45 on the map. DK, PK, GUE and RF are, respectively, Dakar, Pikine, Guediawaye and Rufisque, the four departments of Dakar region. The brown base of the map represents the area not inhabited by humans. The darker areas correlate with the presence of vegetation.</p

    IgG responses to gSG6-P1 according to the use of ITN and age (in children) and sampling period (in adults).

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    <p>Specific IgG responses are shown for ITN (white boxes) and non-ITN (grey boxes) users according to age in children (Fig. 2a) and period of sampling in adults (Fig. 2b). Boxes indicate the middle 50% of the data; horizontal lines in the boxes indicate medians of the individual data; lengths of boxes correspond to the inter-quartile ranges. The horizontal black dotted line represents the cut-off of IgG responder and “n” the effectiveness of each individual group. Statistical significant differences of specific IgG between bed net and non-bed net users are indicated. October 1 and 2, November 1 and 2 and December 1 and 2 represent sampling periods between, respectively, 01<sup>st</sup> –15<sup>th</sup> and 16<sup>th</sup> –31<sup>st</sup> October, 01<sup>st</sup> –15<sup>th</sup> and 16<sup>th</sup> –30<sup>st</sup> November and 01<sup>st</sup> –15<sup>th</sup> and 16<sup>th</sup> –31<sup>st</sup> December 2008.</p

    Implementation of each vector control method in pair villages (population size) in December 2008.

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    <p>LLIN, Long lasting insecticidal net; ITPS-ZF, insecticide treated plastic sheeting-Zero Fly®; ITPS-DL, Durable wall lining; IRS, Insecticide residual spraying.</p>1<p>, Parasitic index (% of infected people) based on a survey done in April 2006.</p>2<p>, IRS done twice in Dec 08 and June 09.</p