320 research outputs found

    Z-entry technique reduces the risk of trocar-site hernias in obese patients

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    Open laparoscopy and techniques using a Veress needle permit entry into the peritoneal cavity, and are recommended. These approaches require fascial closure of 12mm trocar sites, thereby reducing the risk of trocar-site hernias in obese patients

    Il tempo nel cambiamento organizzativo

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    Il lavoro discute la rilevanza della variabile temporale nel cambiamento delle organizzazioni. Si approfondisce l'approccio metodologico di processo nello studio di casi e si evidenziano le implicazioni dell'estensione dell'indagine a periodi temporali prolungati per l'interpretazione dei fenomeni di cambiamento

    A case of acute aortic dissection type b associated with cushing's syndrome

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    We report a case of a 63-year-old man, with a previous history of hypertension and glucose intolerance associated troncular obesity that was emergently admitted to our Institution for evaluation of a severe, constant posterior chest pain which radiated anteriorly and dyspnoea with a suspected diagnosis of acute aortic dissection. A CT scan of thorax and abdomen demonstrated a dissection starting just below left succlavian artery and extending downward to the left renal artery, involving the celiac tripod and superior mesenteric artery. The dissection was classified as Stanford B, De Bakey III. Moreover, CT scan of abdomen revealed incidentally a left adrenal tumor of 25 mm of diameter. An emergent prosthetic graft was placed just below the origin of the left succlavian artery up-to the diaphragmatic hiatus. Furthermore, a diagnostic evaluation of the mass revealed an increase of cortisol production, and a diagnosis of Cushing's syndrome was done and the patient underwent an adrenalectomy via laparotomic approach. We report an association of acute aortic dissection of acute aortic dissection type B associated to Cushing's syndrome. Cushing's syndrome; Adrenocortical adenoma; Aortic dissection type B

    Epidermal inclusion cyst of the breast . A literature review

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    An epidermal inclusion cyst (EIC) of the breast is a rare, benign condition that may potentially be malignant. The present study conducted a systematic review of the literature in order to identify pathological hypotheses, clinical characteristics, and diagnostic and treatment options. A search for relevant studies was conducted through the Scopus, Embase and Medline databases during September 2014. The search term employed was áżľepidermal inclusion cyst breastáľ˝. Studies were selected if they contained adequate information regarding symptoms at presentation, diagnostic tools, pathology, characteristics, type of procedure performed and follow-up routines. A total of 35 papers describing 91 patients affected by EIC of the breast were identified. Following this, a total of 82 patients, including an additional case supplied from the present study, were selected for further analysis. EIC of the breast typically occurs during the fifth decade of life. A palpable mass of the breast was present in 65 (79%) patients. Ultrasonographic imaging was consistently utilized as a diagnostic tool in all the cases analyzed, whereas fine-needle aspiration cytology was used in 70% of the cases and mammography in 65%. No tumor recurrence was reported at a mean follow-up time of 53 months. The present study demonstrated that elliptical excision is the preferred treatment for EIC of the breast, with pathological analysis required to exclude malignancy

    Successful retrograde recanalization of internal jugular vein passing from omolateral external jugular vein

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    Severe stenosis and/or thrombosis of the internal jugular vein could be managed through a novel technique herein reported. Recanalization can be achieved passing through the omolateral external jugular vein

    Un insolito caso di reazione anafilattica da farmaco: cenni clinici e riflessioni medico-legali

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    We report a case of a cutaneous ulcer in a 49 years-old patient with diabetes and hypertension. Penicillin in pownder for local use was prescribed. A severe anaphylactic reaction was observed. This case leads to some considerations concerning the off-label prescribing, that is to say the prescription of a registered medicine for a use that is not included in the product information. Thus off-label prescribing in dermatology may sometimes be clinically appropriate, it may be associated with a number of clinical, safety and legal issues. Off-label prescribing is acceptable if there is no suitable alternative and an appropriate process for informed consent is needed. The practice of prescribing off-label drugs is common among dermatologists, many of whom had misperceptions about which are the approved indications of the drug and about the legal ramifications of off-label therapies. The authors suggest that understanding the principles of off-label prescribing in conjunction with the mechanisms of drug action in diseases may help clinicians in increasing the safety of their patients and in avoiding legal litigations
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