161 research outputs found

    Ensemble Kalman Filter Assimilation of ERT Data for Numerical Modeling of Seawater Intrusion in a Laboratory Experiment

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    Seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers is a worldwide problem exacerbated by aquifer overexploitation and climate changes. To limit the deterioration of water quality caused by saline intrusion, research studies are needed to identify and assess the performance of possible countermeasures, e.g., underground barriers. Within this context, numerical models are fundamental to fully understand the process and for evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed solutions to contain the saltwater wedge; on the other hand, they are typically affected by uncertainty on hydrogeological parameters, as well as initial and boundary conditions. Data assimilation methods such as the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) represent promising tools that can reduce such uncertainties. Here, we present an application of the EnKF to the numerical modeling of a laboratory experiment where seawater intrusion was reproduced in a specifically designed sandbox and continuously monitored with electrical resistivity tomography (ERT). Combining EnKF and the SUTRA model for the simulation of density-dependent flow and transport in porous media, we assimilated the collected ERT data by means of joint and sequential assimilation approaches. In the joint approach, raw ERT data (electrical resistances) are assimilated to update both salt concentration and soil parameters, without the need for an electrical inversion. In the sequential approach, we assimilated electrical conductivities computed from a previously performed electrical inversion. Within both approaches, we suggest dual-step update strategies to minimize the effects of spurious correlations in parameter estimation. The results show that, in both cases, ERT data assimilation can reduce the uncertainty not only on the system state in terms of salt concentration, but also on the most relevant soil parameters, i.e., saturated hydraulic conductivity and longitudinal dispersivity. However, the sequential approach is more prone to filter inbreeding due to the large number of observations assimilated compared to the ensemble size

    Identification of high-permeability subsurface structures with multiple point geostatistics and normal score ensemble Kalman filter

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    Alluvial aquifers are often characterized by the presence of braided high-permeable paleo-riverbeds, which constitute an interconnected preferential flow network whose localization is of fundamental importance to predict flow and transport dynamics. Classic geostatistical approaches based on two-point correlation (i.e., the variogram) cannot describe such particular shapes. In contrast, multiple point geostatistics can describe almost any kind of shape using the empirical probability distribution derived from a training image. However, even with a correct training image the exact positions of the channels are uncertain. State information like groundwater levels can constrain the channel positions using inverse modeling or data assimilation, but the method should be able to handle non-Gaussianity of the parameter distribution. Here the normal score ensemble Kalman filter (NS-EnKF) was chosen as the inverse conditioning algorithm to tackle this issue. Multiple point geostatistics and NS-EnKF have already been tested in synthetic examples, but in this study they are used for the first time in a real-world casestudy. The test site is an alluvial unconfined aquifer in northeastern Italy with an extension of approximately 3 km2. A satellite training image showing the braid shapes of the nearby river and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) images were used as conditioning data to provide information on channel shape, size, and position. Measured groundwater levels were assimilated with the NS-EnKF to update the spatially distributed groundwater parameters (hydraulic conductivity and storage coefficients). Results from the study show that the inversion based on multiple point geostatistics does not outperform the one with a multiGaussian model and that the information from the ERT images did not improve site characterization. These results were further evaluated with a synthetic study that mimics the experimental site. The synthetic results showed that only for a much larger number of conditioning piezometric heads, multiple point geostatistics and ERT could improve aquifer characterization. This shows that state of the art stochastic methods need to be supported by abundant and high-quality subsurface data

    Distributed optical fibre sensing for early detection of shallow landslides triggering

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    A distributed optical fibre sensing system is used to measure landslide-induced strains on an optical fibre buried in a\uc2\ua0large scale physical model of a slope. The fibre sensing cable is deployed at the predefined failure surface and interrogated by means of optical frequency domain reflectometry. The strain evolution is measured with centimetre spatial resolution until the occurrence of the slope failure. Standard legacy sensors measuring soil moisture and pore water pressure are installed at different depths and positions along the slope for comparison and validation. The evolution of the strain field is related to landslide dynamics with unprecedented resolution and insight. In fact, the results of the experiment clearly identify several phases within the evolution of the landslide and show that optical fibres can detect precursory signs of failure well before the collapse, paving the way for the development of more effective early warning systems

    Subsidence due to peatland oxidation in the Venice Lagoon catchment

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    Abstract. The Venice Lagoon is characterized by a fast morphodynamics appreciable not only over the geological scale but also in historical and modern times. The lagoon environment proves very sensitive to even minor modifications of the natural and anthropogenic controlling factors. An important human endeavor accomplished in the past century is the reclamation of the southernmost lagoon area that has been turned into a fertile farmland. The reclaimed soil is reach in organic matter (peat) that may oxidize with release of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. The continuous loss of carbon is causing a pronounced settlement of the farmland that lies below the present sea/lagoon level. This enhances the flood hazard and impacts noticeably on the maintenance and operational costs of the drainage system. Total peatland subsidence is estimated at 1.5 m over the last 70 years with a current rate of 1.5-2 cm/year. The geochemical reaction is primarily controlled by soil water content and temperature, and is much influenced by agricultural practices, crop rotation, and depth to the water table. A small (24 km2) controlled catchment located in the area has been instrumented for accurately monitoring the basic parameters and recording the ground motion. The in situ measurements have been integrated with the combined use of remote sensing data to help cast light on the process and identify the mitigation strategies.Published81-906A. Monitoraggio ambientale, sicurezza e territorioope

    Haemodynamics and oxygenation improvement induced by high frequency percussive ventilation in a patient with hypoxia following cardiac surgery: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>High frequency percussive ventilation is a ventilatory technique that delivers small bursts of high flow respiratory gas into the lungs at high rates. It is classified as a pneumatically powered, pressure-regulated, time-cycled, high-frequency flow interrupter modality of ventilation. High frequency percussive ventilation improves the arterial partial pressure of oxygen with the same positive end expiratory pressure and fractional inspiratory oxygen level as conventional ventilation using a minor mean airway pressure in an open circuit. It reduces the barotraumatic events in a hypoxic patient who has low lung-compliance. To the best of our knowledge, there have been no papers published about this ventilation modality in patients with severe hypoxaemia after cardiac surgery.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 75-year-old Caucasian man with an ejection fraction of 27 percent, developed a lung infection with severe hypoxaemia [partial pressure of oxygen/fractional inspiratory oxygen of 90] ten days after cardiac surgery. Conventional ventilation did not improve the gas exchange. He was treated with high frequency percussive ventilation for 12 hours with a low conventional respiratory rate (five per minute). His cardiac output and systemic and pulmonary pressures were monitored.</p> <p>Compared to conventional ventilation, high frequency percussive ventilation gives an improvement of the partial pressure of oxygen from 90 to 190 mmHg with the same fractional inspiratory oxygen and positive end expiratory pressure level. His right ventricular stroke work index was lowered from 19 to seven g-m/m<sup>2</sup>/beat; his pulmonary vascular resistance index from 267 to 190 dynes•seconds/cm<sup>5</sup>/m<sup>2</sup>; left ventricular stroke work index from 28 to 16 gm-m/m<sup>2</sup>/beat; and his pulmonary arterial wedge pressure was lowered from 32 to 24 mmHg with a lower mean airway pressure compared to conventional ventilation. His cardiac index (2.7 L/min/m<sup>2</sup>) and ejection fraction (27 percent) did not change.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Although the high frequency percussive ventilation was started ten days after the conventional ventilation, it still improved the gas exchange. The reduction of right ventricular stroke work index, left ventricular stroke work index, pulmonary vascular resistance index and pulmonary arterial wedge pressure is directly related to the lower respiratory mean airway pressure and the consequent afterload reduction.</p

    Il deflusso di detriti galleggianti nei corsi d'acqua

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    Nella lezione sono esaminati i fenomeni d\u2019interazione dei detriti legnosi di rilevanti dimensioni con le sezioni dei corsi d\u2019acqua che li trasportano e con i manufatti, principalmente pile e spalle dei ponti, che essi incontrano defluendo verso valle. A tale scopo vengono discusse - sulla base della letteratura esistente - le metodologie di stima della produzione di materiale legnoso, le modalit\ue0 di movimento dei grandi tronchi nei torrenti e nei fiumi, e le condizioni che favoriscono l\u2019aggregazione dei detriti attorno ad ostacoli fissi. Alcuni esempi di manufatti per la trattenuta di corpi galleggianti chiudono la nota


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    Dopo una breve introduzione relativa alle problematiche dei detriti galleggianti in alveo e ai fenomeni erosivi localizzati, la prima parte della lezione descrive alcuni risultati di una serie di sperimentazioni mirate a definire la forma e le dimensioni degli ammassi che si realizzano attorno alle pile da ponte. La seconda parte tratta invece degli incrementi di scavo causati da questi ammassi, confrontando i risultati di una recente studio basato su forme reali degli ammassi con le indicazioni reperibili in letteratura. Viene nel complesso messo chiaramente in luce come, in presenza dei detriti legnosi, si realizzi un generale incremento dello scavo localizzato, il cui massimo valore risulta circa del 30% superiore a quello conseguente alla presenza della sola pila in alveo


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    Nella lezione \ue8 affrontato il problema della crescente necessit\ue0 di dati necessari ad alimentare i modelli complessi che descrivono i processi di flusso e trasporto che si realizzano negli acquiferi naturalmente eterogenei. In particolare si descrive come le tecniche di assimilazioni dati possano essere utili nel dedurre i parametri propri di una for-mazione porosa essendo capaci allo stesso tempo di gestire l\u2019incertezza delle misure. Dopo la descrizione di alcune tecniche riconducibili al filtro di Kalman, necessaria nel suo formalismo matematico per comprenderne appieno i limiti, \ue8 riportata come esem-pio una applicazione di recente sviluppata da alcuni ricercatori dell\u2019universit\ue0 di Padova relativa alla identificazione dei parametri negli acquiferi naturali basata sull\u2019interpretazione di prove con traccianti