26 research outputs found

    Land Consumption Monitoring with SAR Data and Multispectral Indices

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    Land consumption is the increase in artificial land cover, which is a major issue for environmental sustainability. In Italy, the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) and National System for Environmental Protection (SNPA) have the institutional duty to monitor land consumption yearly, through the photointerpretation of high-resolution images. This study intends to develop a methodology in order to produce maps of land consumption, by the use of the semi-automatic classification of multitemporal images, to reduce the effort of photointerpretation in detecting real changes. The developed methodology uses vegetation indices calculated over time series of images and decision rules. Three variants of the methodology were applied to detect the changes that occurred in Italy between the years 2018 and 2019, and the results were validated using ISPRA official data. The results show that the produced maps include large commission errors, but thanks to the developed methodology, the area to be photointerpreted was reduced to 7300 km2 (2.4% of Italian surface). The third variant of the methodology provided the highest detection of changes: 70.4% of the changes larger than 100 m2 (the pixel size) and over 84.0% of changes above 500 m2. Omissions are mainly related to single pixel changes, while larger changes are detected by at least one pixel in most of the cases. In conclusion, the developed methodology can improve the detection of land consumption, focusing photointerpretation work over selected areas detected automatically

    Land consumption in Italy

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    This paper illustrates a land consumption map for Italy (year 2017) at a scale 1:1,300,000, and the assessment of its changes (2012–2017). We define land consumption as the replacement of a non-artificial land cover to an artificial land cover, both permanent and no-permanent. The maps are a 10 m spatial resolution raster, produced by photointerpretation of very high resolution images and semiautomatic classification of high resolution remote sensing images. An overall accuracy of 97.7% for the map of 2012 and of 99.66% for the map of 2017 was obtained. The results suggest that the method proposed is appropriate to detect land consumption, both for the urban densification and for the sprawling phenomena, from national to local level. Furthermore, because of the high spatial resolution and the classification scheme adopted, it is suitable for an effective monitoring system, compared to other existing classification systems or monitoring programs

    High Resolution Land Cover Integrating Copernicus Products: A 2012–2020 Map of Italy

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    The study involved an in-depth analysis of the main land cover and land use data available nationwide for the Italian territory, in order to produce a reliable cartography for the evaluation of ecosystem services. In detail, data from the land monitoring service of the Copernicus Programme were taken into consideration, while at national level the National Land Consumption Map and some regional land cover and land use maps were analysed. The classification systems were standardized with respect to the European specifications of the EAGLE Group and the data were integrated to produce a land cover map in raster format with a spatial resolution of 10 m. The map was validated and compared with the CORINE Land Cover, showing a significant geometric and thematic improvement, useful for a more detailed and reliable evaluation of ecosystem services. In detail, the map was used to estimate the variation in carbon storage capacity in Italy for the period 2012–2020, linked to the increase in land consumptio

    Land Consumption Mapping with Convolutional Neural Network: Case Study in Italy

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    In recent years, deep learning (DL) algorithms have been widely integrated for remote sensing image classification, but fewer studies have applied it for land consumption (LC). LC is the main factor in land transformation dynamics and it is the first cause of natural habitat loss; therefore, monitoring this phenomenon is extremely important for establishing effective policies and sustainable planning. This paper aims to test a DL algorithm on high-resolution aerial images to verify its applicability to land consumption monitoring. For this purpose, we applied a convolutional neural networks (CNNs) architecture called ResNet50 on a reference dataset of six high-spatial-resolution aerial images for the automatic production of thematic maps with the aim of improving accuracy and reducing costs and time compared with traditional techniques. The comparison with the National Land Consumption Map (LCM) of ISPRA suggests that although deep learning techniques are not widely exploited to map consumed land and to monitor land consumption, it might be a valuable support for monitoring and reporting data on highly dynamic peri-urban areas, especially in view of the rapid evolution of these techniques

    Land Consumption Mapping with Convolutional Neural Network: Case Study in Italy

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    In recent years, deep learning (DL) algorithms have been widely integrated for remote sensing image classification, but fewer studies have applied it for land consumption (LC). LC is the main factor in land transformation dynamics and it is the first cause of natural habitat loss; therefore, monitoring this phenomenon is extremely important for establishing effective policies and sustainable planning. This paper aims to test a DL algorithm on high-resolution aerial images to verify its applicability to land consumption monitoring. For this purpose, we applied a convolutional neural networks (CNNs) architecture called ResNet50 on a reference dataset of six high-spatial-resolution aerial images for the automatic production of thematic maps with the aim of improving accuracy and reducing costs and time compared with traditional techniques. The comparison with the National Land Consumption Map (LCM) of ISPRA suggests that although deep learning techniques are not widely exploited to map consumed land and to monitor land consumption, it might be a valuable support for monitoring and reporting data on highly dynamic peri-urban areas, especially in view of the rapid evolution of these techniques

    Land Cover Mapping with Convolutional Neural Networks Using Sentinel-2 Images: Case Study of Rome

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    Land cover monitoring is crucial to understand land transformations at a global, regional and local level, and the development of innovative methodologies is necessary in order to define appropriate policies and land management practices. Deep learning techniques have recently been demonstrated as a useful method for land cover mapping through the classification of remote sensing imagery. This research aims to test and compare the predictive models created using the convolutional neural networks (CNNs) VGG16, DenseNet121 and ResNet50 on multitemporal and single-date Sentinel-2 satellite data. The most promising model was the VGG16 both with single-date and multi-temporal images, which reach an overall accuracy of 71% and which was used to produce an automatically generated EAGLE-compliant land cover map of Rome for 2019. The methodology is part of the land mapping activities of ISPRA and exploits its main products as input and support data. In this sense, it is a first attempt to develop a high-update-frequency land cover classification tool for dynamic areas to be integrated in the framework of the ISPRA monitoring activities for the Italian territory

    High Resolution Land Cover Integrating Copernicus Products: A 2012–2020 Map of Italy

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    The study involved an in-depth analysis of the main land cover and land use data available nationwide for the Italian territory, in order to produce a reliable cartography for the evaluation of ecosystem services. In detail, data from the land monitoring service of the Copernicus Programme were taken into consideration, while at national level the National Land Consumption Map and some regional land cover and land use maps were analysed. The classification systems were standardized with respect to the European specifications of the EAGLE Group and the data were integrated to produce a land cover map in raster format with a spatial resolution of 10 m. The map was validated and compared with the CORINE Land Cover, showing a significant geometric and thematic improvement, useful for a more detailed and reliable evaluation of ecosystem services. In detail, the map was used to estimate the variation in carbon storage capacity in Italy for the period 2012–2020, linked to the increase in land consumptio

    Ecosystem Mapping and Accounting in Italy Based on Copernicus and National Data through Integration of EAGLE and SEEA-EA Frameworks

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    Developing appropriate tools to understand and protect ecosystems and the services they provide is of unprecedented importance. This work describes the activity performed by ISPRA for the mapping of the types of ecosystems and the evaluation of their related ecosystem services, to meet the needs of the “ecosystem extent account” and “ecosystem services physical account” activities envisaged by the SEEA-EA framework. A map of the types of ecosystems is proposed, obtained by integrating the main Copernicus data with the ISPRA National Land Consumption Map, according to the MAES (Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services) classification system. The crop production and carbon stock values for 2018 were then calculated and aggregated with respect to each ecosystem. The ecosystem accounting was based on the land cover map produced by ISPRA integrating, according to an EAGLE compliant classification system, the same Copernicus and National input data used for mapping the types of ecosystems. The analysis shows the importance of an integrated reading of the main monitoring tools and the advantages in terms of compatibility and comparability, with a view to enhancing the potential of Copernicus land monitoring instruments also in the context of ecosystem accounting activities

    Ecosystem Mapping and Accounting in Italy Based on Copernicus and National Data through Integration of EAGLE and SEEA-EA Frameworks

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    Developing appropriate tools to understand and protect ecosystems and the services they provide is of unprecedented importance. This work describes the activity performed by ISPRA for the mapping of the types of ecosystems and the evaluation of their related ecosystem services, to meet the needs of the “ecosystem extent account” and “ecosystem services physical account” activities envisaged by the SEEA-EA framework. A map of the types of ecosystems is proposed, obtained by integrating the main Copernicus data with the ISPRA National Land Consumption Map, according to the MAES (Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services) classification system. The crop production and carbon stock values for 2018 were then calculated and aggregated with respect to each ecosystem. The ecosystem accounting was based on the land cover map produced by ISPRA integrating, according to an EAGLE compliant classification system, the same Copernicus and National input data used for mapping the types of ecosystems. The analysis shows the importance of an integrated reading of the main monitoring tools and the advantages in terms of compatibility and comparability, with a view to enhancing the potential of Copernicus land monitoring instruments also in the context of ecosystem accounting activities

    Land Consumption Dynamics and Urban–Rural Continuum Mapping in Italy for SDG 11.3.1 Indicator Assessment

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    For the first time in human history, over half of the world’s population lives in urban areas. This rapid growth makes cities more vulnerable, increasing the need to monitor urban dynamics and its sustainability. The aim of this work is to examine the spatial extent of urban areas, to identify the urban–rural continuum, to understand urbanization processes, and to monitor Sustainable Development Goal 11. In this paper, we apply the methodology developed by the European Commission-Joint Research Center for the classification of the degree of urbanization of the Italian territory, using the ISPRA land consumption map and the ISTAT population data. The analysis shows that the availability of detailed and updated spatialized population data is essential to calculate SDG indicator 11.3.1, which assesses the ratio of land consumption rate to population growth rate. Three new indicators are also proposed to describe the main trends in urban sprawl, analyzing the spatial distribution of land consumption in terms of infill and settlement dispersion. The research shows good results in identifying class boundaries and describing the Italian urbanized landscape, highlighting the need for more detailed spatialized demographic data. The classification obtained lends itself to a variety of applications, such as monitoring land consumption, settlement dynamics, or the urban heat islands, and assessing the presence and state of green infrastructures in the urban context, driving the development of policies in urban areas toward sustainable choices focused on urban regeneration