100 research outputs found

    De Dante a Homero, de Gravina a Vico

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    Se sigue muy de cerca el proceso de búsqueda de semejanzas y diferencias entre Homero y Dante, como creadores de lenguas y de modelos de conducta, tema que preocupó a Vico en varias ocasiones y para cuyo desarrollo se inspiró fundamentalmente en las ideas de Gravina al respecto.One very follows close by the process search of similarities and differences between Homero and Dante, like creators of languages and models of conduct, subject that worried to Vico in several occasions and for whose development was inspired fundamentally by the ideas of Gravina on the matter

    Vico y la naturaleza de las religiones de las naciones

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    Se muestran los elementos que pueden llevar a mantener abierta la indagación y el debate sobre la religiosidad de Vico y sus relaciones con las cuatro religiones (gentil-pagana, judaica, cristiana, musulmana).Here are offered the elements which might bring to an open investigation and discussion about Vico’s religiosity and his relation with the four religions (Paganism, Judaism, Christianity, and Muslim)

    Fabula narratur

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    Traducción del italiano por José M. Sevilla FernándezEl Autor rememora su acercamiento a los textos de Vico y su relación con ellos; y la influencia que sobre su lectura de los clásicos han ejercido sus maestros, en especial Nicola Badaloni. Este profesor vinculó al Autor a una edición de las Obras filosóficas y jurídicas de Vico; y más tarde contribuyó en el proyecto de la edición crítica nacional de las Obras, promovido por el “Centro di Studi Vichiani”. El Autor, que ha dedicado conocidos ensayos y estudios a Vico y a Spinoza, destaca su preferencia por el autor holandés.The Author recalls the way he approached and became acquainted with the texts of Vico, and the influence that his teachers exercised over him while reading the classics, especially Nicola Badaloni. This professor involved the Author in the edition of the philosophical and legal works of Vico; and later, to the project of the national critical edition of his Works, promoted by the “Centro di Studi Vichiani”. The Author, who has dedicated well-known essays and studies to Vico and Spinoza, highlights his preference for the Dutch author.L’Autore intende in questa sede ripercorrere il suo approccio e la sua relazione con i testi di Vico, nonché l’influenza che i suoi maestri hanno esercitato sulla lettura dei classici, in particolare Nicola Badaloni. Questo professore coinvolse l’Autore in un’edizione delle opere filosofiche e giuridiche di Vico e, successivamente, contribuì al progetto dell’edizione critica nazionale delle Opere promossa dal “Centro di Studi Vichiani”. L’Autore, che ha dedicato ben noti saggi e studi a Vico e a Spinoza, mette in luce la sua preferenza per l’autore olandese

    Spinoza, l’individuo e la concordia

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    Concord may be recognised in the relationship between individuals living under the guide of reason; however it must be planned within society intended as a whole. Spinoza investigates this asymmetry: although society is a fundamental need and, for any rational human being, the best form of common living is the one lead by reason, the vast majority (multitudo) does not live under the guide of reason, but rather under the guide of passions. Those interpretations that attribute to the so called multitudo some form of spontaneous self-organised democratic wisdom, capable of ensuring a positive future, are to be considered mystical. The appendix to part IV of Spinoza’s Ethics clearly demonstrates that concord is possible only within the relationship between single individuals, and that therefore man’s task is to educate others to reason. Concord, as freedom, is considered a “private” virtue not in a egoistical or possessive sense, but because only singles can achieve it and transmit it to others, whereas it can not raise spontaneously from some sort of collective individuality

    The role of spectrophotometry in the diagnosis of melanoma

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    Background. Spectrophotometry (SPT) could represent a promising technique for the diagnosis of cutaneous melanoma (CM) at earlier stages of the disease. Starting from our experience, we further assessed the role of SPT in CM early detection. Methods. During a health campaign for malignant melanoma at National Cancer Institute of Naples, we identified a subset of 54 lesions to be addressed to surgical excision and histological examination. Before surgery, all patients were investigated by clinical and epiluminescence microscopy (ELM) screenings; selected lesions underwent spectrophotometer analysis. For SPT, we used a video spectrophotometer imaging system (Spectroshade® MHT S.p.A., Verona, Italy). Results. Among the 54 patients harbouring cutaneous pigmented lesions, we performed comparison between results from the SPT screening and the histological diagnoses as well as evaluation of both sensitivity and specificity in detecting CM using either SPT or conventional approaches. For all pigmented lesions, agreement between histology and SPT classification was 57.4%. The sensitivity and specificity of SPT in detecting melanoma were 66.6% and 76.2%, respectively. Conclusions. Although SPT is still considered as a valuable diagnostic tool for CM, its low accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity represent the main hamper for the introduction of such a methodology in clinical practice. Dermoscopy remains the best diagnostic tool for the preoperative diagnosis of pigmented skin lesions

    Ricordo di un amico

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    Spruit, Leen; Totaro, Pina: "The Vatican Manuscript of Spinoza’s Ethica"

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    Une nouvelle édition critique de l’Éthique

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    AUTOUR DE LA PHILOLOGIE Dans un livre remarquable qui est récemment paru en Italie sous le titre Filologia e libertà, un auteur éminent dans le domaine des disciplines classiques, Luciano Canfora, soutient la thèse d’une liaison étroite entre les activités intellectuelles visant à la reconstruction rigoureuse des textes et la liberté d’esprit dans le sens le plus plein. La cible de Canfora est constituée notamment par les documents des pontifes romains à partir du concile de Trente du xvie si..