27 research outputs found

    The coevolution between APOBEC3 and retrotransposons in primates

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    Retrotransposons are genetic elements with the ability to replicate in the genome using reverse transcriptase: they have been associated with the development of different biological structures, such as the Central Nervous System (CNS), and their high mutagenic potential has been linked to various diseases, including cancer and neurological disorders. Throughout evolution and over time, Primates and Homo had to cope with infections from viruses and bacteria, and also with endogenous retroelements. Therefore, host genomes have evolved numerous methods to counteract the activity of endogenous and exogenous pathogens, and the APOBEC3 family of mutators is a prime example of a defensive mechanism in this context. In most Primates, there are seven members of the APOBEC3 family of deaminase proteins: among their functions, there is the ability to inhibit the mobilization of retrotransposons and the functionality of viruses. The evolution of the APOBEC3 proteins found in Primates is correlated with the expansion of two major families of retrotransposons, i.e. ERV and LINE-1. In this review, we will discuss how the rapid expansion of the APOBEC3 family is linked to the evolution of retrotransposons, highlighting the strong evolutionary arms race that characterized the history of APOBEC3s and endogenous retroelements in Primates. Moreover, the possible role of this relationship will be assessed in the context of embryonic development and brain-associated diseases

    From single loci to gene networks: adaptation genomics of complex traits in human populations

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    Over the course of the last two decades, the advancement of technological innovations in the field of Molecular Genetics has exponentially enhanced the ability to produce immense amounts of genomic data in a short time and at a fraction of the cost that was necessary to produce a single human genome at the beginning of the current millennium. This incessant progress has also changed the methods with which human genomic data are stored and handled, as well as the power of the analyses that can be carried out, allowing for a shift from the study of single loci linked to very specific phenotypes, to the possibility of dissecting the genomic background of entire populations by managing thousands of high-quality whole genome sequences. After an introduction to the discipline of Molecular Anthropology and an overview of the dispersal of Homo sapiens from Africa, the peopling of Europe and the migratory processes that involved the Italian peninsula, this thesis showcases up-to-date investigative methods, that allow for the analysis of both whole genome sequences and SNP-array data at different levels of detail (from single nucleotide polymorphisms to single genes, to gene networks, to biological pathways). Significant original contributions to knowledge in the fields of Molecular Anthropology and Human Population Genomics are highlighted. In particular, this thesis provides novel and exciting insights into the demography and adaptation events of the Italian population, in relation to the historical and pre-historic migratory waves that contributed to the peopling of Europe and the Mediterranean. Then, it focuses on the single APOE gene, exploring its worldwide variability, evolution and its contribution to a very complex phenotype, such as human longevity. Finally, it explores the demo-evolutionary context of isolated populations in Southern Italy, revealing unexpected neurological pathways as drivers of local differentiation in an innovative analytical perspective

    Meta-Analysis of a New Georeferenced Database on Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Western and Central Mediterranean Seafood

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    The aim of this work was to collect and harmonize the results of several studies achieved over the years, in order to obtain a database of georeferenced observations on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Western and Central Mediterranean seafood. For each observation, some information on the taxonomy and the ecology of the sampled species are reported, as well as details on the investigated hydrocarbon, and spatial and temporal information on sampling. Moreover, two health risk indexes were calculated for each record and included in the database. Through several statistical methods, we conducted a meta‐analysis of the data on some of the species in this database, identifying trends that could be related to the biology of the investigated organisms, as well as to the physico‐chemical properties of each hydrocarbon and to the oceanographic characteristic of this part of the Mediterranean. The analysis of the data showed that, at a consumption rate like the one typical of the Italian population, seafood caught from the area considered in the present work seems to pose a minimal risk to health. However, we also found evidence of an increasing trend of PAH concentrations in Mediterranean mussels, pointing to the need for constant monitoring

    First Bronze Age Human Mitogenomes from Calabria (Grotta Della Monaca, Southern Italy)

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    The Italian peninsula was host to a strong history of migration processes that shaped its genomic variability since prehistoric times. During the Metal Age, Sicily and Southern Italy were the protagonists of intense trade networks and settlements along the Mediterranean. Nonetheless, ancient DNA studies in Southern Italy are, at present, still limited to prehistoric and Roman Apulia. Here, we present the first mitogenomes from a Middle Bronze Age cave burial in Calabria to address this knowledge gap. We adopted a hybridization capture approach, which enabled the recovery of one complete and one partial mitochondrial genome. Phylogenetic analysis assigned these two individuals to the H1e and H5 subhaplogroups, respectively. This preliminary phylogenetic analysis supports affinities with coeval Sicilian populations, along with Linearbandkeramik and Bell Beaker cultures maternal lineages from Central Europe and Iberia. Our work represents a starting point which contributes to the comprehension of migrations and population dynamics in Southern Italy, and highlights this knowledge gap yet to be filled by genomic studies

    Evidence of Polygenic Adaptation to High Altitude from Tibetan and Sherpa Genomes

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    Although Tibetans and Sherpa present several physiological adjustments evolved to cope with selective pressures imposed by the high-altitude environment, especially hypobaric hypoxia, few selective sweeps at a limited number of hypoxia related genes were confirmed by multiple genomic studies. Nevertheless, variants at these loci were found to be associated only with downregulation of the erythropoietic cascade, which represents an indirect aspect of the considered adaptive phenotype. Accordingly, the genetic basis of Tibetan/Sherpa adaptive traits remains to be fully elucidated, in part due to limitations of selection scans implemented so far and mostly relying on the hard sweep model.In order to overcome this issue, we used whole-genome sequence data and several selection statistics as input for gene network analyses aimed at testing for the occurrence of polygenic adaptation in these high-altitude Himalayan populations. Being able to detect also subtle genomic signatures ascribable to weak positive selection at multiple genes of the same functional subnetwork, this approach allowed us to infer adaptive evolution at loci individually showing small effect sizes, but belonging to highly interconnected biological pathways overall involved in angiogenetic processes.Therefore, these findings pinpointed a series of selective events neglected so far, which likely contributed to the augmented tissue blood perfusion observed in Tibetans and Sherpa, thus uncovering the genetic determinants of a key biological mechanism that underlies their adaptation to high altitude

    Amyloid Precursor Protein A713T Mutation in Calabrian Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease: A Population Genomics Approach to Estimate Inheritance from a Common Ancestor

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    Mutation A713T in the amyloid precursor protein (APP) has been linked to cases of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) and cerebrovascular disease. Despite its rarity, it has been observed in several families from the same geographical area, in the Calabria region in Southern Italy. Genotyping of 720,000 genome-wide SNPs with the HumanOmniExpress BeadChip was performed for six patients that were representative of apparently unrelated Calabrian families, as well as a Belgian subject of Italian descent (all with the same A713T mutation and disease). Their genomic structure and genetic relationships were analyzed. Demographic reconstruction and coalescent theory were applied to estimate the time of the most recent common ancestor (tMRCA) among patients. Results show that all A713T carriers fell into the genetic variability of Southern Italy and were not more closely related to each other than to any other healthy Calabrian individual. However, five out of seven patients shared a 1.7 Mbp-long DNA segment centered on the A713T mutation, making it possible to estimate a tMRCA for its common origin in the Calabrian region dating back over 1000 years. The analysis of affected individuals with methodologies based on human population genomics thus provides informative insights in support of clinical observations and biomedical research

    Human Pangenomics: Promises and Challenges of a Distributed Genomic Reference

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    A pangenome is a collection of the common and unique genomes that are present in a given species. It combines the genetic information of all the genomes sampled, resulting in a large and diverse range of genetic material. Pangenomic analysis offers several advantages compared to traditional genomic research. For example, a pangenome is not bound by the physical constraints of a single genome, so it can capture more genetic variability. Thanks to the introduction of the concept of pangenome, it is possible to use exceedingly detailed sequence data to study the evolutionary history of two different species, or how populations within a species differ genetically. In the wake of the Human Pangenome Project, this review aims at discussing the advantages of the pangenome around human genetic variation, which are then framed around how pangenomic data can inform population genetics, phylogenetics, and public health policy by providing insights into the genetic basis of diseases or determining personalized treatments, targeting the specific genetic profile of an individual. Moreover, technical limitations, ethical concerns, and legal considerations are discussed

    Inferring Signatures of Positive Selection in Whole-Genome Sequencing Data: An Overview of Haplotype-Based Methods

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    Signatures of positive selection in the genome are a characteristic mark of adaptation that can reveal an ongoing, recent, or ancient response to environmental change throughout the evolution of a population. New sources of food, climate conditions, and exposure to pathogens are only some of the possible sources of selective pressure, and the rise of advantageous genetic variants is a crucial determinant of survival and reproduction. In this context, the ability to detect these signatures of selection may pinpoint genetic variants that are responsible for a significant change in gene regulation, gene expression, or protein synthesis, structure, and function. This review focuses on statistical methods that take advantage of linkage disequilibrium and haplotype determination to reveal signatures of positive selection in whole-genome sequencing data, showing that they emerge from different descriptions of the same underlying event. Moreover, considerations are provided around the application of these statistics to different species, their suitability for ancient DNA, and the usefulness of discovering variants under selection for biomedicine and public health in an evolutionary medicine framework

    Polymorphic transposable elements provide new insights on high-altitude adaptation in the Tibetan Plateau

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    Several studies demonstrated that populations living in the Tibetan plateau are genetically and physiologically adapted to high-altitude conditions, showing genomic signatures ascribable to the action of natural selection. However, so far most of them relied solely on inferences drawn from the analysis of coding variants and point mutations. To fill this gap, we focused on the possible role of polymorphic transposable elements in influencing the adaptation of Tibetan and Sherpa highlanders. To do so, we compared high-altitude and middle/low-lander individuals of East Asian ancestry by performing in silico analyses and differentiation tests on 118 modern and ancient samples. We detected several transposable elements associated with high altitude, which map genes involved in cardiovascular, hematological, chem-dependent and respiratory conditions, suggesting that metabolic and signaling pathways taking part in these functions are disproportionately impacted by the effect of environmental stressors in high-altitude individuals. To our knowledge, our study is the first hinting to a possible role of transposable elements in the adaptation of Tibetan and Sherpa highlanders

    Rare Amyloid Precursor Protein Point Mutations Recapitulate Worldwide Migration and Admixture in Healthy Individuals: Implications for the Study of Neurodegeneration

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    Genetic discoveries related to Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias have been performed using either large cohorts of affected subjects or multiple individuals from the same pedigree, therefore disregarding mutations in the context of healthy groups. Moreover, a large portion of studies so far have been performed on individuals of European ancestry, with a remarkable lack of epidemiological and genomic data from underrepresented populations. In the present study, 70 single-point mutations on the APP gene in a publicly available genetic dataset that included 2504 healthy individuals from 26 populations were scanned, and their distribution was analyzed. Furthermore, after gametic phase reconstruction, a pairwise comparison of the segments surrounding the mutations was performed to reveal patterns of haplotype sharing that could point to specific cross-population and cross-ancestry admixture events. Eight mutations were detected in the worldwide dataset, with several of them being specific for a single individual, population, or macroarea. Patterns of segment sharing reflected recent historical events of migration and admixture possibly linked to colonization campaigns. These observations reveal the population dynamics of the considered APP mutations in worldwide human groups and support the development of ancestry-informed screening practices for the improvement of precision and personalized approaches to neurodegeneration and dementia