37 research outputs found

    Bioaccumulation of dioxin-like substances and selected brominated flame retardant congeners in the fat and livers of black pigs farmed within the Nebrodi Regional Park of Sicily.

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    An observational study was designed to assess the bioaccumulation of polychlorodibenzodioxins (PCDD) and polychlorodibenzofurans (PCDF), dioxin-like polychlorobiphenyls (DL-PCB), and 13 selected polybromodiphenylethers (PBDE) in autochthonous pigs reared in the Nebrodi Park of Sicily (Italy). Perirenal fat and liver samples were drawn from animals representative of three different outdoor farming systems and from wild pigs and then analyzed for the chemicals mentioned previously. The highest concentrations of PCDD + PCDF and DL-PCB were detected in the fat (0.45 and 0.35 pg World Health Organization toxicity equivalents [WHO-TE] per g of fat base [FB], respectively) and livers (12.7 and 3.28 pg WHO-TE per g FB) of the wild group, whereas the free-ranging group showed the lowest levels (0.05 and 0.03 pg WHO-TE per g FB in fat and 0.78 and 0.27 pg WHO-TE per g FB in livers). The sum of PBDE congeners was highest in wild pigs (0.52 ng/g FB in fat and 5.64 ng/g FB in livers) and lowest in the farmed group (0.14 ng/g FB in fat and 0.28 ng/g FB in livers). The contamination levels in fat and livers of outdoor pigs had mean concentration values lower than those levels reported for intensively indoor-farmed animals. In wild pigs, bioaccumulation was associated with their free grazing in areas characterized by bush fires. The results of this study aid to emphasize the quality of the environment as a factor to guarantee food safety in typical processed pig meat products, specifically from outdoor and extensive Nebrodi farming systems

    Beni comuni. Quarto rapporto sulla cooperazione sociale in Italia

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    A dieci anni dalla prima edizione, il quarto rapporto sulla cooperazione sociale aggiorna e amplia il quadro conoscitivo su uno dei più innovativi fenomeni imprenditoriali, che ha contribuito ad arricchire il panorama delle istituzioni sociali del paese.- Indice #5- Premessa di Marco Demarie #13- Presentazione di Corrado Passera #15- Prefazione di Vilma Mazzocco e Johnny Dotti #21- Cap.I La cooperazione sociale in Italia: tendenze evolutive e scenari di sviluppo, Flaviano Zandonai #33- Cap.II Un quadro teorico sull’impresa sociale, Carlo Borzaga #55- Cap.III Le traiettorie di sviluppo della cooperazione sociale, Gianfranco Marocchi #75- Cap.IV Imprenditorialità sociale tra innovazione e controllo dei mercati, Nereo Zamaro #107- Cap.V Cooperazione sociale e Mezzogiorno, Marco Musella #139- Cap.VI Le culture organizzative della cooperazione sociale: identità in movimento, Luca Fazzi e Sandro Stanzani #151- Cap.VII La cooperazione sociale nella rete del welfare locale, Sergio Pasquinelli #187- Cap.VIII I benefici individuali dei lavoratori svantaggiati nelle imprese sociali, Carlo Borzaga, Monica Loss e Domenico Zalla #207- Cap.IX Cooperazione sociale e qualità dei servizi, Giuseppe Scaratti #237- Cap.X La cooperazione sociale in una prospettiva di genere, Barbara Moreschi #265- Cap.XI Cooperativa sociale come impresa sociale? Le condizioni di imprenditorialità nel terzo settore, Michele Andreaus #285- Cap.XII Oltre il contracting out: nuove forme di relazione con le amministrazioni pubbliche, Franco Dalla Mura #319- Cap.XIII Finalità e organizzazione delle cooperative sociali: alcune indicazioni dal nuovo diritto societario, Antonio Fici #349- Cap.XIV L’impresa sociale in Italia: una quantificazione del fenomeno, Stefano Cima #377- Cap.XV Le condizioni di sviluppo delle imprese sociali nelle regioni del Centro-Nord, Carlo Borzaga e Mariangela Mongera #405- Cap.XVI Dal volontariato all’impresa sociale, Gabriella Bartolomeo e Flaviano Zandonai #439- Cap.XVII L’impresa sociale in Europa: alcuni spunti di comparazione, Paola Iamiceli #457- Cap.XVIII La nuova legge sull’impresa sociale, Felice Scalvini #485- Bibliografia #49

    Private Regulation and Industrial Organisation: The network approach

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    The paper investigates the relation between private transnational regulation through standards and the formation of transnational networks. More particularly, focusing on standards compliance, the analysis is intended to test whether private regulation induces the existence of networks able to: (a) enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of compliance coordination in accordance with a “whole-chain supply approach” to safety regulation; (b) contribute to monitoring along the chain, even when this function is in different ways performed by other players (public authorities, independent certifiers, etc.); (c) possibly and eventually redistribute costs of compliance along the chain. Starting from the observation of contractual practices, mainly within supply chains subject to international certification schemes (for example in the case of food supply chains), different models of networks will be compared depending on: (i) the allocation of monitoring and sanctioning powers (these being assigned to producers, traders or independent actors); (ii) the means of monitoring (peer monitoring v. more formalised monitoring duties); (iii) the types of sanctions (particularly, label/certificate suspension or revocation); (iv) the structure of the network (as based on merely linked contracts or on a mix of contractual and organizational relations)

    Confusione dei patrimoni nelle gestioni finanziarie: profili di responsabilita' del gestore

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    Dottorato di ricerca in diritto civile. 12. ciclo. A.a. 1996-99Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - P.za Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal