3 research outputs found

    Marketing digital y capital de marca en la empresa Radio Metropolitana E.I.R.L. de la ciudad del Cusco - 2017.

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar el grado de relación del marketing digital y el capital de marca en la empresa radio Metropolitana E.I.R.L de la ciudad del Cusco 2017. La cual inicio sus actividades en forma piloto el 6 de Agosto de 1993, certificando su presencia oficialmente el 25 de Marzo de 1994 en los 107.1 MHz de la frecuencia modulada, actualmente difunde sus contenidos por medio de la difusión radial, y albergando algunos medios digitales en menor escala. La investigación responde al enfoque cuantitativo, cuyo alcance es descriptivo-correlacional, con diseño no experimental, la población de estudio fue de aproximadamente 33101 habitantes del distrito Wanchaq. Conformados por personas en edades entre 30 a más años, tomando una muestra de 380 usuarios de radio metropolitana, que hayan accedido alguna vez a los medios digitales de la empresa, como instrumento se utilizó la encuesta, los resultados fueron procesados por el software estadístico Excel y Spss 22. La cual fue aplicada al total de la muestra. Los resultados de la investigación muestran que con un porcentaje de 27.9% de los encuestados expresan que tiene un marketing digital regular, de igual manera con el capital de marca, al 92% de confiabilidad utilizando la prueba Chi Cuadrado X2= 85.352, se puede afirmar que existe una relación significativa entre el marketing digital y el capital de marca en la empresa radio Metropolitana E.I.R.L; dado que p = 0.000< 0.05 , así mismo el grado de relación encontrada mediante el coeficiente de Spearman es de r = 0.432, es decir que a medida que mejora el marketing digital también mejorará el capital de marca.The present research aimed at determining the relation between digital marketing and brand equity in the company Metropolitana E.I.R.L of Cusco city 2017. This radio start with it’s activities in a pilot mode in august 6 of 1993, then it became an official radio in march 25 of 1994,with a modulated frequency of 107.7 MHz. Currently disseminates its contents through radio broadcasting, and hosting some digital media on a smaller scale. The research responds to the quantitative approach, whose scope is descriptive-correlational, with design nonexperimental, the study population was of approximately 33101 habitants of Wanchaq district. Conformed by people aged between 30 to more years old, taking a sample of 380 users of Radio Metropolitana, Who have ever accessed the digital media of the company, as instrument was used the survey, the results were processed by the statistical software Excel and Spss 22. Which was applied to the total of the sample. The results of the research show that with a percentage of 27.9% of respondents say, that they have a regular digital marketing, similarly with brand equity, to 92% reliability using the Chi square test X2 = 85,352, it can be stated that there is a significant relationship between digital marketing and brand equity in the metropolitan radio company EIRL; Given that p = 0.000 <0.05, likewise the degree of relationship found by the spearman coefficient is r = 0.432, that is, as digital marketing improves, brand equity will also improve.Tesi

    Intermediate-Salinity Systems at High Altitudes in the Peruvian Andes Unveil a High Diversity and Abundance of Bacteria and Viruses

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    Intermediate-salinity environments are distributed around the world. Here, we present a snapshot characterization of two Peruvian thalassohaline environments at high altitude, Maras and Acos, which provide an excellent opportunity to increase our understanding of these ecosystems. The main goal of this study was to assess the structure and functional diversity of the communities of microorganisms in an intermediate-salinity environment, and we used a metagenomic shotgun approach for this analysis. These Andean hypersaline systems exhibited high bacterial diversity and abundance of the phyla Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Balneolaeota, and Actinobacteria; in contrast, Archaea from the phyla Euryarchaeota, Thaumarchaeota, and Crenarchaeota were identified in low abundance. Acos harbored a more diverse prokaryotic community and a higher number of unique species compared with Maras. In addition, we obtained the draft genomes of two bacteria, Halomonas elongata and Idiomarina loihiensis, as well as the viral genomes of Enterobacteria lambda-like phage and Halomonas elongata-like phage and 27 partial novel viral halophilic genomes. The functional metagenome annotation showed a high abundance of sequences associated with detoxification, DNA repair, cell wall and capsule formation, and nucleotide metabolism; sequences for these functions were overexpressed mainly in bacteria and also in some archaea and viruses. Thus, their metabolic profiles afford a decrease in oxidative stress as well as the assimilation of nitrogen, a critical energy source for survival. Our work represents the first microbial characterization of a community structure in samples collected from Peruvian hypersaline systems