15 research outputs found

    Management solutions complex for the cost evaluation of residential cultural heritage objects

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    With the development of technology mankind seeks to know its past, to preserve all that remains of the ancestors. In all countries of the world there are so-called objects of cultural heritage (hereinafter - OCH), which are valuable from the point of view of history, architecture, culture, and art. In some of them, people still live. As with other housing owners of OCH make transactions, conclude contracts of sale. But one of the most controversial topics, is the question of assessing the value of such housing. The apartment in a monument house cannot cost the same as in a modern house. The question of market value of such objects is voluminous, as it requires considering several factors: maintenance and restoration costs. There is no unified methodology of valuation of houses which are recognized as OCH. But there is no a database for simple search for similar objects. Undoubtedly there are open data of the objects of analogues, but it's not always possible to find the necessary one. As an object of exploitation, OCN has a peculiarity - it does not presuppose demolition. According to the international standards all OCH in the "ideal" representation should be preserved forever. This is the peculiarity of assessment and work with OCH, inside which there is residential real estate. In this regard, special approaches to solving these problems are required. The article offers mechanisms and managerial solutions to create a methodology for the valuation of such objects

    Conceptual model assessing complex the public-private partnership projects effectiveness

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    The article presents the author’s model assessing complex the public-private partnership (hereinafter PPP) projects effectiveness based on the multifaceted development of this tool for the development of regional economic systems. The relevance of the research topic is since accelerating the pace of fundraising, expanding the range of possible options for public-private partnership agreements, increasing the number of innovative projects increase the problem of developing comprehensive criteria for the PPP effectiveness assessing. Most modern studies are rather narrow in nature and consider only one of the aspects of the development of a PPP instrument: the mutually beneficial union of public and private capital. In this regard, the presented study purpose is to develop a conceptual model for the PPP projects effectiveness comprehensive assessment. The sources of this work are the regulatory legal Russian Federation acts in the field of public-private partnerships, the works of domestic and foreign authors in this area, as well as official information pages from the Internet. The developed model includes three stages of efficiency assessment. At the first stage, a qualitative PPP project assessment is carried out. The principles of integrated PPP projects assessment future model are being formed. The risks are to identify in a PPP project for each stakeholder. The second stage analyzes the value of partnerships. This analysis is based on an assessment of various comparative project performance kinds. At the third stage, a three-aspect assessment of the project’s effectiveness is carried out, considering the potential social result from the project and the benefits of the state and private partners. Based on this, the practical significance of the proposed integrated assessment model is determined, both in the regulations development to justify and the individual PPP projects effectiveness

    Marked intrafamilial variability of exocrine and endocrine pancreatic phenotypes due to a splice site mutation in GATA6

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    The objective of this study was to describe the clinical characteristics of syndromic neonatal diabetes in a family with a GATA6 mutation. A girl, currently aged 12 years 3 months, was born with intrauterine growth retardation: weight 1600 g (–4.3 SDS) at term. After birth, foramen ovale and patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) were diagnosed by echocardiography. Diabetes was diagnosed on the 9th day after birth. Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency was clinically diagnosed at about 2 years of age and pancreatic agenesis was revealed later by magnetic resonance imaging. Her father had undergone surgery during infancy for PDA and had developed insulin dependent diabetes at 12 years of age. Ultrasound revealed a thin pancreas with normal length and anatomical structure. He has subclinical exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, low insulin needs and no late complications of diabetes up to the age of 40 years. Sequencing of GATA6 identified a heterozygous splicing mutation, 1136-2A>G, in the girl and her father. Testing of the paternal grandparents showed that the mutation was likely to have arisen de novo in the father. Identification of a GATA6 mutation explains the cardiac anomalies and diabetes in this family. This case highlights the marked intrafamilial variability of both exocrine and endocrine pancreatic phenotypes in patients with GATA6 mutations.This article is freely available via Open Access. Click on the Additional Link above to access the full-text via the publisher's site

    Programme planning methods for enterprise activities in the territorially concentrated construction complex

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    This article is dedicated to the problem of the lack of a systematic approach in the creation of financial and business plans at construction enterprises. The current policy in the field of long-term management does not imply the existence of a strictly regulated procedure. As a rule, this process each time has a new structure and a new toolkit. And given the current trend towards clustering in the construction sector, such a situation could adversely affect the further development of the entire industry. The article suggests a description of the multi-level management system of a construction enterprise. This system is based on comprehensive programs that allow, through a centralized management function, to streamline the process of solving the basic tasks facing the construction company in the framework of the entire construction industry. The program method proposed by the authors is an addition to the already used planning methods and allows to overcome the difficulties that arise in connection with the territorial concentration of the construction complex

    Planning the amount of construction work by modelling the industry competitive field

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    The article gives the author’s interpretation of concepts such as the model of competitive field and competitive market conditions in the field, and shows how to quantify the competitive field provided adequate statistical base for the operation of enterprises in market competition. The authors offer a competitively construction company with a model of the competitive field, which gives the following definition: a model of a competitive field is a graph crossing function of the life cycle of concrete products construction companies. However, the model cannot afford to manage the process, it only helps to visualize the situation. To control you need to select a specific element of the model, which can be quantified. The authors make it through the competitive field, which is defined as a closed path created by the intersection of functions depending on the market price of the construction product by product positioning in the market of the time. For a quantitative analysis of the competitive field size must use the main economic-mathematical methods and types of statistical analysis of competition

    Model development of expert estimation of quality of transport interchange functioning

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    This article is dedicated to the development of new and effective intellectual model of road junction for the modern urban space. Significant reserves lie in improving the organization of traffic. Effective traffic management in these conditions should ensure the loading of the transport network to the point of its capacity and maintain a continuous uniform movement, albeit at relatively low speeds. In addition, to meet the needs of the modern economy and society in reducing transport costs and increasing the speed of delivery of goods, transport companies have to use the means of modern technology, and modernize the organization of their business. This article is devoted to the formation of a knowledge-based system analysis, methods of mathematical modelling and simulation, the enlarged model for evaluating the performance of transport interchanges, which is supposed to solve the problem of high load of the road network, taking into account not only quantitative parameters, which characterize the system under consideration, but also the legal basis for the formation of relations between all subjects of the transport interchange

    Management solutions complex for the cost evaluation of residential cultural heritage objects

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    With the development of technology mankind seeks to know its past, to preserve all that remains of the ancestors. In all countries of the world there are so-called objects of cultural heritage (hereinafter - OCH), which are valuable from the point of view of history, architecture, culture, and art. In some of them, people still live. As with other housing owners of OCH make transactions, conclude contracts of sale. But one of the most controversial topics, is the question of assessing the value of such housing. The apartment in a monument house cannot cost the same as in a modern house. The question of market value of such objects is voluminous, as it requires considering several factors: maintenance and restoration costs. There is no unified methodology of valuation of houses which are recognized as OCH. But there is no a database for simple search for similar objects. Undoubtedly there are open data of the objects of analogues, but it's not always possible to find the necessary one. As an object of exploitation, OCN has a peculiarity - it does not presuppose demolition. According to the international standards all OCH in the "ideal" representation should be preserved forever. This is the peculiarity of assessment and work with OCH, inside which there is residential real estate. In this regard, special approaches to solving these problems are required. The article offers mechanisms and managerial solutions to create a methodology for the valuation of such objects

    Adaptation of functional systems theory for the operative analysis of information flow

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    The article is dedicated to the features of the development of the information economy, which relies on high technology to further the continuity of the information flow, and therefore the business continuity of individual economic entities. In particular, the authors suggest modifying and optimizing the process of transmission and processing of data within a single marketing system based on the theory of functional systems. The authors give a description of the functioning of the info graphics model for marketing information system, which allows to structure the external input information at two flows at the first stage, and at the second - to create a database of relative indicators to forecast the activity of the company as a whole. Author research was conducted in the marketing sector, a separate organization. Moreover, under the marketing researches is the systematic gathering, processing and analysis of data about issues relating to marketing products and services, competition, consumers, prices, opportunities of the company and others, oriented to specification of available data or to obtaining new information to make managerial decision. Also changes in political, legal, economical, scientific and technological, demographical and other conditions of operation of an enterprise are targets of market research

    Model development of expert estimation of quality of transport interchange functioning

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    This article is dedicated to the development of new and effective intellectual model of road junction for the modern urban space. Significant reserves lie in improving the organization of traffic. Effective traffic management in these conditions should ensure the loading of the transport network to the point of its capacity and maintain a continuous uniform movement, albeit at relatively low speeds. In addition, to meet the needs of the modern economy and society in reducing transport costs and increasing the speed of delivery of goods, transport companies have to use the means of modern technology, and modernize the organization of their business. This article is devoted to the formation of a knowledge-based system analysis, methods of mathematical modelling and simulation, the enlarged model for evaluating the performance of transport interchanges, which is supposed to solve the problem of high load of the road network, taking into account not only quantitative parameters, which characterize the system under consideration, but also the legal basis for the formation of relations between all subjects of the transport interchange

    Adaptation of functional systems theory for the operative analysis of information flow

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    The article is dedicated to the features of the development of the information economy, which relies on high technology to further the continuity of the information flow, and therefore the business continuity of individual economic entities. In particular, the authors suggest modifying and optimizing the process of transmission and processing of data within a single marketing system based on the theory of functional systems. The authors give a description of the functioning of the info graphics model for marketing information system, which allows to structure the external input information at two flows at the first stage, and at the second - to create a database of relative indicators to forecast the activity of the company as a whole. Author research was conducted in the marketing sector, a separate organization. Moreover, under the marketing researches is the systematic gathering, processing and analysis of data about issues relating to marketing products and services, competition, consumers, prices, opportunities of the company and others, oriented to specification of available data or to obtaining new information to make managerial decision. Also changes in political, legal, economical, scientific and technological, demographical and other conditions of operation of an enterprise are targets of market research