5,608 research outputs found

    Ascorbic acid Beta-Carotene and Amino acids in Capsicum (Capsicum annuum) during fruit development in Himalayan Hills

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    Capsicum varieties viz HC-201 & HC-202 developed at ARU, Almora took 35 days from fruit set to ripening. Results showed significant positive correlation for ascorbic acid and Beta-carotene with days to maturity. Out of eight ninhydrin positive products, only seven could be identified viz, hydroxyproline, proline, lysine, 5-alanine, arginine, threonine and methionine, at the later stages of the fruit development. All amino acids except methionine were found either absent or in traces at the earlier stages of fruit development

    Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis: the spectrum of computed tomography appearances

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    AbstractAlthough computed tomography (CT) of the thorax has been compared to plain chest radiography and bronchography for demonstration of central bronchiectasis (CB) in allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA), the CT presentation of the disease is yet to be highlighted. With this in view, the CT appearances in 23 patients with ABPA were evaluated. The scans were assessed for bronchial, parenchymal and pleural abnormalities.Central bronchiectasis was identified in all patients, involving 114 (85%) of the 134 lobes and 210 (52%) of the 406 segments studied. Other bronchial abnormalities such as dilated and totally occluded bronchi (11 patients), air-fluid levels within dilated bronchi (five patients), bronchial wall thickening (10 patients) and parallel-line shadows (seven patients) were also observed.Parenchymal abnormalities, which had a predilection for upper lobes, included consolidation in 10 (43%) patients, collapse in four (17%) patients and parenchymal scarring in 19 (83%) patients. A total of six cavities were seen in three (13%) patients, and an emphysematous bullae was detected in one (4%) patient. The pleura was involved in 10 (43%) patients. Ipsilateral pleural effusion with collapse was observed in one patient, while in nine other patients, parenchymal lesions extended up to the pleura. Concomitant allergic Aspergillus sinusitis (AAS) was also detected in three (13%) of the 23 patients.Computed tomography of the thorax in patients with ABPA provides a sensitive method for the assessment of bronchial, parenchymal and pleural abnormalities, and should constitute a part of the diagnostic work of the disease

    Quality Comparison of Vegetables Dehydrated in Solar Drier and Electrical Oven

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    Ascorbic acid, sugars, dehydration ratio and moisture were determined in the vegetables dehydrated separately in solar drier and in electrical oven under similar conditions by standard methods. Vegetables examined were cabbage, cauliflower, tomato, radish, turnip, lahi, methi and palak. It was revealed that in each case, contents of ascorbic acid were higher in solar-dried vegetables in comparison to oven-dried stuffs. This finding indicated superiority of solar driers over electrical ovens, both in reference to quality of the dehydrated vegetables and its overall cost of operation

    A Complete Set of VSOP Observations of 3C279

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    We have compiled a complete set of VSOP observations of 3C279, consisting of eight 5 GHz, and six 1.6 GHz, VSOP observations, all of which include the VLBA in the ground array. We are using the data-set to determine brightness temperature limits from model-fits to the visibilities, the transverse structure of the jet over its first 20 milliarcseconds, and parsec-scale spectral index maps

    Плавный пуск асинхронного двигателя

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    Актуальность работы. Широкое распространение устройств, называемых Soft Starter, устройств плавного пуска (УПП), а также устройств безударного тока, созданных для ограничения негативной динамики пусковых токов и электромагнитных моментов асинхронного двигателей (АД) с короткозамкнутым ротором, стало результатом эффективного соотношения "цена/качество" для УПП. Однако, проблема реальной, количественной оценки преимуществ и недостатков использования УПП для АД остается актуальной

    Monolayered MoSe2: a candidate for room temperature polaritonics

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    We acknowledge financial support by the state of Bavaria. EC, AK and SH acknowledge the EPSRC Programme "Hybrid Polaritonics" (EP/M025330/1) for support. ST acknowledges support from NSF DMR-1552220. CS acknowledges support by the European Research Council within the project UnLiMIt-2D (grant number 679288).Monolayered MoSe2 is a promising new material to investigate advanced light-matter coupling as it hosts stable and robust excitons with comparably narrow optical resonances. In this work, we investigate the evolution of the lowest lying excitonic transition, the so-called A-valley exciton, with temperature. We find a strong, phonon-induced temperature broadening of the resonance, and more importantly, a reduction of the oscillator strength for increased temperatures, which we describe in the framework of a microscopic model. Based on these experimentally extracted, temperature dependent parameters, we apply a coupled oscillator model to elucidate the possibility to observe the strong coupling regime between the A-exciton and a microcavity resonance in three prototypical photonic architectures with varying mode volumes. We find that the formation of exciton-polaritons up to ambient conditions in compact, monolithic dielectric and Tamm-based structures seems feasible. In contrast, a temperature-induced transition into the weak coupling regime can be expected for structures with extended effective cavity length. Based on these findings, we calculate and draw the phase diagram of polariton Bosonic condensation in a microcavity with embedded MoSe2 monolayers.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Meteorite falls over India during 2003: Petrographic and chemical characterization and cosmogenic records

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    Two meteorite falls observed over India in 2003 led to the recovery of surviving fragments. The Kasauli meteorite that fell in northern India is a single fall, while Kendrapara meteorite is a multiple fall that covered a large coastal region of Orissa. Data for petrographic characteristics and chemical composition suggest that the two meteorites belong to the H group of chondrites, with Kasuali suffering a lesser degree of thermal metamorphism than Kendrapara during their residence in their parent bodies. Cosmogenic records indicate a large size (≥1 m) for the Kendrapara meteoroid that has spent ~5 million years in interplanetary space following its ejection from its parent body until its fall on the Earth. On the other hand, the Kasauli meteoroid spent an unusually long time (~37 Ma) in interplanetary space before its fall and lost ~80% of its original mass during atmospheric ablation