27 research outputs found

    Cleistes Pusilla (orchidaceae): A New Species From Central Brazil

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    Cleistes pusilla Pansarin, a new species of Orchidaceae, is described and illustrated. The relationship of this new species to other taxa of the genus and the need to preserve the natural habitat of some Cleistes species are discussed. © The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 2004.594555558Cameron, K.M., Chase, M.W., Phylogenetic relationships of Pogoniinae (Vanilloideae, Orchidaceae): An herbaceous example of the eastern North America-eastern Asia phytogeographic disjunction (1999) J. Pl. Res., 112, pp. 317-329Dressler, R.L., (1993) Phylogeny and Classification of the Orchid Family, , Cambridge University Press, CambridgeHarris, J.G., Harris, M.W., (1994) Plant Identification Terminology: An Illustrated Glossary, , Spring Lake Publishing, UtahHoehne, F.C., Orchidaceae (1940) Flora Brasilica, 12, pp. 1-254. , F. C. Hoehne (ed.), Fasc. 1, Instituto de Botânica, São PauloMedley, M.E., (1979) Some Aspects of the Life Story of Triphora Trianthophora (Sw.) Rydb. (Three Birds Orchid) with Reference to Its Pollination, , MD Thesis, St Andrews University, St AndrewsPabst, G.F., Dungs, F., (1977) Orchidaceae Brasiliensis, 2. , Kurt Schmersow, HildesheinPansarin, E.R., (2000) Biologia Reprodutiva e Morfologia Floral de Espécies de Orchidaceae Em Diferentes Ambientes No Estado de São Paulo, , MSc Thesis, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, CampinasBiologia floral de de Cleistes macrantha (Barb. Rodr.) Schltr. (Orchidaceae: Vanilloideae: Pogoniinae) (2003) Revista Brasil. Bot., 26, pp. 73-8

    Osmophore Structure And Phylogeny Of Cirrhaea (orchidaceae, Stanhopeinae)

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    Phylogenetic relationships and osmophore evolution of six Cirrhaea spp. were studied. Floral morphology was analysed using fresh flowers, and osmophore anatomy was determined on the basis of fixed flowers. Phylogenetic relationships of Cirrhaea were inferred on the basis of internal transcribed spacer (ITS), matK and trnL-F regions using maximum parsimony and Bayesian analyses. Floral morphology and osmophore structure vary among species. All Cirrhaea osmophores have a secretory epidermis without papillae. Cirrhaea is monophyletic and includes three subclades: (1) C.dependens/C.nasuta, with a secretory cylindrical protuberance at the base of the labellar midlobe; (2) C.fuscolutea/C.longiracemosa, with a secretory tissue at the base of the shell-shaped midlobe; and (3) C.loddigesii/C.seidelii with secretory tissue on the inner surface of the lateral lobes. The features of the flowers and osmophores in Cirrhaea spp. extend our knowledge of the diversity of secretory structures in Stanhopeinae, and demonstrate that floral morphology reflects phylogenetic relationships in Cirrhaea.1763369383Antón, S., Kamińska, M., Stpiczyńska, M., Comparative osmophore structure in the flower of Stanhopea graveolens Lindley and Cycnoches chlorochilon Klotzsch (Orchidaceae) (2012) Acta Agrobotanica, 65, pp. 11-22Ascensão, L., Francisco, A., Cotrim, H., Pais, M.S., Comparative structure of the labellum in Ophrys fusca and O.lutea (Orchidaceae) (2005) American Journal of Botany, 92, pp. 1059-1067Barros, F., Vinhos, F., Rodrigues, V.T., Barberena, F.F.V.A., Fraga, C.N., Pessoa, E.M., Forster, W., Menini Neto, L., Orchidaceae (2014) Lista de Espécies da Flora do Brasil, , http://floradobrasil.jbrj.gov.br/jabot/floradobrasil, Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro. Available at:Cseke, L.J., Kaufman, P.B., Kirakosyan, A., The biology of essential oils in the pollination of flowers (2007) Natural Product Communications, 2, pp. 1317-1336Curry, K.J., McDowell, L.M., Judd, W.S., Stern, W.L., Osmophores, floral features, and systematics of Stanhopea (Orchidaceae) (1991) American Journal of Botany, 78, pp. 610-623Curry, K.J., Stern, W.L., McDowell, L.M., Osmophore development in Stanhopea anfracta and S.pulla (Orchidaceae) (1988) Lindleyana, 3, pp. 212-220Davies, K.L., Stpiczyńska, M., Labellar micromorphology of Bifrenariinae Dressler (Orchidaceae) (2006) Annals of Botany, 98, pp. 1215-1231Davies, K.L., Stpiczyńska, M., Micromorphology of the labellum and floral spur of Cryptocentrum Benth. and Sepalosaccus Schltr. (Maxillariinae: Orchidaceae) (2007) Annals of Botany, 100, pp. 797-805Davies, K.L., Stpiczyńska, M., Labellar micromorphology of two euglossine-pollinated orchid generaScuticaria Lindl. and Dichaea Lindl (2008) Annals of Botany, 102, pp. 805-824Davies, K.L., Stpiczyńska, M., Comparative histology of floral elaiophores in the orchids Rudolfiella picta (Schltr.) Hoehne (Maxillariinae sensu lato) and Oncidium ornithorhynchum H.B.K. (Oncidiinae sensu lato) (2009) Annals of Botany, 104, pp. 221-234Davies, K.L., Stpiczyńska, M., Comparative labellar anatomy of resin-secreting and putative resin-mimic species of Maxillaria s.l. (Orchidaceae: Maxillariinae) (2012) Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 170, pp. 405-435Davies, K.L., Turner, M.P., Gregg, A., Lipoidal labellar secretions in Maxillaria Ruiz & Pav. (Orchidaceae) (2003) Annals of Botany, 91, pp. 439-446Doyle, J.J., Doyle, J.S., A rapid DNA isolation procedure for small quantities of fresh leaf tissue (1987) Phytochemistry Bulletin, Botanical Society of America, 19, pp. 11-15Dressler, R.L., Pollination by euglossine bees (1968) Evolution, 22, pp. 202-212Dressler, R.L., (1981) The orchids - natural history and classification, , Cambridge: Harvard University PressEndress, P.K., (1994) Diversity and evolutionary biology of tropical flowers, , Cambridge: Cambridge University PressFaegri, K., van der Pijl, L., (1979) The principles of pollination ecology, , Oxford: Pergamon PressFahn, A., (1979) Secretory tissues in plants, , London: Academic PressFelsenstein, J., Confidence limits on phylogenies: an approach using the bootstrap (1985) Evolution, 39, pp. 783-791Fitch, W.M., Toward defining the course of evolution: minimum change for a specific tree topology (1971) Systematic Zoology, 20, pp. 406-416Francisco, A., Ascensão, L., Structure of the osmophore and labellum micromorphology in the sexually deceptive orchids Ophrys bombyliflora and Ophrys tenthredinifera (Orchidaceae) (2013) International Journal of Plant Sciences, 174, pp. 619-636Gerlach, D., (1969) Botanische Mikrotechnik, , Stuttgart: Georg Thieme VerlagGerlach, G., Subtribus: Stanhopeinae (1999) Die Orchideen III/A, pp. 2315-2435. , Schlechter R, ed. Berlin: Paul PareyGovaerts, R., (1999) World checklist of seed plants 3 (1, 2a & 2b): 1-1532, , Deurne: Continental PublishingGovaerts, R., World checklist of monocotyledons database (2003), ACCESS: 1-71827. Kew: The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic GardensJohansen, D.A., (1940) Plant microtechnique, , New York: McGraw HillJohnson, L.A., Soltis, D.E., Phylogenetic inference in Saxifragaceae sensu stricto and Gilia (Polemoniaceae) using matK sequences (1995) Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 82, pp. 149-175Lillie, R.D., (1965) Histopathologic technique and practical histochemistry, , 3rd edn. New York: McGraw-HillMartini, P., Schlindwein, C., Montenegro, A., Pollination, flower longevity, and reproductive biology of Gongogra quinquenervis Ruíz and Pavón (Orchidaceae) in an Atlantic forest fragment of Pernambuco, Brazil (2003) Plant Biology, 5, pp. 495-503Mickeliunas, L., Pansarin, E.R., Sazima, M., Biologia floral, melitofilia e influência de besouros Curculionidae no sucesso reprodutivo de Grobya amherstiae Lindl. (Orchidaceae: Cyrtopodiinae) (2006) Revista Brasileira de Botânica, 29, pp. 251-258Neubig, K.M., Whitten, W.M., Williams, N.H., Blanco, M.A., Endara, L., Burleigh, J.G., Silveira, K., Chase, M.W., Generic recircumscriptions of Oncidiinae (Orchidaceae: Cymbidieae) based on maximum likelihood analysis of combined DNA datasets (2012) Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 168, pp. 117-146Nunes, C.E.P., Castro, M.M., Galetto, L., Sazima, M., Anatomy of the floral nectary of ornithophilous Elleanthus brasiliensis (Lindl.) Rchb.f. (Orchidaceae: Sobralieae) (2013) Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 171, pp. 764-772Pansarin, E.R., (2000) Biologia reprodutiva e morfologia floral de espécies de Orchidaceae em diferentes ambientes no Estado de São Paulo, , Dissertação de mestrado, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, CampinasPansarin, E.R., Aguiar, J.M.R.B.V., Pansarin, L.M., Floral biology and histochemical analysis of Vanilla edwallii Hoehne (Orchidaceae: Vanilloideae): an orchid pollinated by Epicharis (Apidae: Centridini) (2014) Plant Species Biology, 29, pp. 242-252Pansarin, E.R., Amaral, M.C.E., Biologia reprodutiva e polinização de duas espécies de Polystachya no sudeste do Brasil: evidência de pseudocleistogamia em Polystachyeae (Orchidaceae) (2006) Revista Brasileira de Botânica, 29, pp. 423-432Pansarin, E.R., Amaral, M.C.E., Reproductive biology and pollination mechanisms of Epidendrum secundum (Orchidaceae). Floral variation: a consequence of natural hybridization? (2008) Plant Biology, 10, pp. 211-219Pansarin, E.R., Amaral, M.C.E., Reproductive biology and pollination of southeastern Brazilian Stanhopea Frost ex Hook. (Orchidaceae) (2009) Flora, 204, pp. 238-249Pansarin, E.R., Bittrich, V., Amaral, M.C.E., At daybreak - reproductive biology and isolating mechanisms of Cirrhaea dependens (Orchidaceae) (2006) Plant Biology, 8, pp. 494-502Pansarin, L.M., Castro, M., Sazima, M., Osmophore and elaiophores of Grobya amherstiae (Catasetinae, Orchidaceae) and their relation to pollination (2009) Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 159, pp. 408-415Pansarin, L.M., Pansarin, E.R., Sazima, M., Reproductive biology of Cyrtopodium polyphyllum (Orchidaceae): a Cyrtopodiinae pollinated by deceit (2008) Plant Biology, 10, pp. 650-659Posada, D., jModelTest: phylogenetic model averaging (2008) Molecular Biology and Evolution, 25, pp. 1253-1256Pridgeon, A.M., Cribb, P., Chase, M.W., Rasmussen, F.N., (2009) Genera Orchidacearum, vol. 5, , New York: Oxford University PressPridgeon, A.M., Stern, W.L., Osmophores of Scaphosepalum (Orchidaceae) (1985) Botanical Gazette, 146, pp. 115-123Ronquist, F., Huelsenbeck, J.P., MrBayes 3: Bayesian phylogenetic inference under mixed models (2003) Bioinformatics, 19, pp. 1572-1574Singer, R.B., Sazima, M., Abelhas Euglossini como polinizadoras de orquídeas na região de Picinguaba, São Paulo, Brasil (2004) Orquidologia sul-americana: uma compilação científica, pp. 175-187. , Barros F, Kerbauy GB, eds. São Paulo: Secretaria do Meio AmbienteStern, W.L., Curry, K.J., Pridgeon, A.M., Osmophores of Stanhopea (Orchidaceae) (1987) American Journal of Botany, 74, pp. 1323-1331Stpiczyńska, M., Anatomy and ultrastructure of osmphores of Cymbidium tracyanum Rolfe (Orchidaceae) (1993) Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae, 62, pp. 5-9Stpiczyńska, M., Osmophores of the fragrant orchid Gymnadenia conopsea L. (Orchidaceae) (2001) Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae, 70, pp. 91-96Sun, Y., Skinner, D.Z., Liang, G.H., Hulbert, S.H., Phylogenetic analysis of Sorghum and related taxa using internal transcribed spacers of nuclear ribosomal DNA (1994) Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 89, pp. 26-32Swofford, D.L., (2001) PAUP: phylogenetic analysis using parsimony version 4.b.8, , Sunderland, MA: Sinauer AssociatesTaberlet, P., Gielly, L., Pautou, G., Bouvet, J., Universal primers for amplification of three non-coding regions of chloroplast DNA (1991) Plant Molecular Biology, 17, pp. 1105-1109Teixeira, S.P., Borba, E.L., Semir, J., Lip anatomy and its implications for the pollination mechanisms of Bulbophyllum species (Orchidaceae) (2004) Annals of Botany, 93, pp. 499-505Thiele, K., The holy grail of the perfect character: the cladistics treatment of morphometric data (1991) Cladistics, 9, pp. 275-304Vogel, S., Die Duftdrüsen der Orchideen (1962) Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur: Abhandlungen der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse, 10, pp. 603-763Vogel, S., Duftdrüsen im Dienste der Bestäubung: Über Bau und Funktion der Osmophoren (1963) Abhandlungen der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz, Jahrgang, 1962, pp. 599-763Vogel, S., Das sexuelle Anlockungsprinzip der Catasetinen- und Stanhopeen-Blüten und die wahre Funktion ihres sogenannten Futtergewebes (1963) Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift, 100, pp. 308-337Wiens, J.J., Character analysis in morphological phylogenetics: problems and solutions (2001) Systematic Biology, 50, pp. 689-699Whitten, W.M., Williams, N.H., Chase, M.W., Subtribal and generic relationship of Maxillarieae (Orchidaceae) with emphasis on Stanhopeinae: combined molecular evidence (2000) American Journal of Botany, 87, pp. 1842-1856Wiemer, A.P., Benitez-Vieyra, S., Cocucci, A.A., Raguso, R.A., Sérsic, A.N., A simple floral fragrance and unusual osmophore structure in Cyclopogon elatus (Orchidaceae) (2009) Plant Biology, 11, pp. 506-514Williams, N.H., The biology of orchids and euglossine bees (1982) Orchid biology and perspectives, pp. 119-171. , Arditti J, ed. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University PressWilliams, N.H., Dodson, C.H., Selective attraction of male euglossine bees to orchid floral fragrances and its importance in long distance pollen flow (1972) Evolution, 26, pp. 84-95Wortley, A.H., Scotland, R.W., The effect of combining molecular and morphological data in published phylogenetic analyses (2006) Systematic Biology, 55, pp. 677-68

    Reproductive Biology And Pollination Of Two Species Of Polystachya Hook. In Southeastern Brazil: Evidence Of Pseudocleistogamy In Polystachyeae (orchidaceae) [biologia Reprodutiva E Polinização De Duas Espécies De Polystachya Hook. No Sudeste Do Brasil: Evidência De Pseudocleistogamia Em Polystachyeae (orchidaceae)]

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    Phenology, floral biology, pollinators, breeding system and natural fruit set of Polystachya estrellensis Rchb. f. and P. concreta (Jacq.) Garay & H. R. Sweet were studied in mesophytic forests at Serra do Japi, and in mangroves at a seashore plain at Picinguaba, respectively. Both study areas are natural reserves in southeastern Brazil. Both species flower in summer, are epiphytes and produce terminal inflorescences with up to 150 non-resupinate flowers. The flowers produce a citric fragrance, mainly in the warmest hours of the day. Both species are pollinated by solitary and social small native bees, which collect pseudopollen from the lip of the flowers. The pollinarium is placed frontally on the head of the bees, when they are collecting pseudopollen. Polystachya estrellensis and P. concreta are self-compatible. The majority of flowers of P. estrellensis (96,7%) is cleistogamous, while P. concreta produces only chasmogamous flowers. The cleistogamous flowers of P. estrellensis present dimensions and number of floral elements identical to the chasmogamous, a phenomenon called pseudocleistogamy. The chasmogamous flowers of P. estrellensis, as well as all flowers of P. concreta are pollinator dependent. The natural fruit set of P. estrellensis was higher than that of P. concreta as a consequence of pseudocleistogamy. In mesophytic forests of the Serra do Japi, in which the fruit set of several orchid species is low, mainly because of pollinator scarcity, the strategy presented by P. estrellensis is an important factor that increases the reproductive success of this species, compared with to the non-autogamous members of Epidendroideae that occur in the same region.293423432ACKERMAN, J.D., Mechanisms and evolution of food-deceptive pollination systems in orchids (1986) Lindleyana, 1, pp. 108-113ACKERMAN, J.D., Limitations to sexual reproduction in Encyclia krugii (Orchidaceae) (1989) Systematic Botany, 14, pp. 101-109ACKERMAN, J.D., (1995) An orchid flora of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, , New York Botanical Garden, New YorkALLARD, R.W., JAIN, S.K., WORKMAN, P.L., The genetics of inbreeding species (1968) Advances in Genetics, 14, pp. 55-131BECK, G. 1914. 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Arditti, ed, Timber Press, Oregon, vCATLING, P.M., CATLING, V.R., A synopsis of breeding systems and pollination in North American orchids (1991) Lindleyana, 6, pp. 187-210CESAR, O., MONTEIRO, R., Florística e fitossociologia de restinga em Picinguaba (Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar), município de Ubatuba, SP (1995) Naturalia, 20, pp. 89-105CLAY, K., Environmental and genetic determinants of cleistogamy in a natural population of the grass Danthonia spicata (1982) Evolution, 36, pp. 734-741CLAY, K., Variation in the degree of cleistogamy within and among species of the grass Danthonia (1983) American Journal of Botany, 70, pp. 835-843DAVIES, K.L., TURNER, M.P., Pseudopollen in Dendrobium unicum Seidenf. (Orchidaceae): Reward or deception? (2004) Annals of Botany, 94, pp. 129-132DAVIES, K.L., TURNER, M.P., Pseudopollen in Eria Lindl. Section Mycaranthes Rchb. f. 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    Reproductive Biology And Pollination Mechanisms Of Epidendrum Secundum (orchidaceae). Floral Variation: A Consequence Of Natural Hybridization?

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    The phenology, flower morphology, pollination mechanism and reproductive biology of Epidendrum secundum were studied in a semi-deciduous forest at the Serra do Japi (SJ), and in the Atlantic rain forest of Picinguaba, both natural reserves in the State of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. E. secundum flowers all year round, with a flowering peak between September and January. This species is either a lithophytic or terrestrial herb in the SJ, whereas, in Picinguaba, it grows mainly in disturbed areas along roadsides. E. secundum is pollinated by several species of diurnal Lepidoptera at both study sites. In Picinguaba, where E. secundum is sympatric with E. fulgens and both share the same pollinators, pollen transference between these two species was recorded. E. secundum is self-compatible but pollinator-dependent. It is inter-compatible with E. fulgens, producing fertile seeds. In contrast to the population of the SJ, in the Picinguaba region, floral morphology is quite variable among plants and some individuals present flowers with characteristics in-between both sympatric species, suggesting that natural hybridization occasionally occurs. The anthropogenic perturbation is probably the cause of the occurrence of E. secundum in the Picinguaba region, enabling its contact with E. fulgens. © 2008 German Botanical Society and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands.102211219Ackerman, J.D., Mechanisms and evolution of food-deceptive pollination systems in orchids (1986) Lindleyana, 1, pp. 108-113Ackerman, J.D., Limitations to sexual reproduction in Encyclia krugii (Orchidaceae) (1989) Systematic Botany, 14, pp. 101-109Ackerman, J.D., (1995) An Orchid Flora of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. 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    Taxonomic Notes On Pogonieae (orchidaceae): Cleistesiopsis, A New Genus Segregated From Cleistes, And Description Of Two New South American Species, Cleistes Batistana And C. Elongata

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    A new genus, Cleistesiopsis, was segregated from Cleistes based on morphological and molecular characteristics, and two new species of Cleistes: C. batistana and C. elongata, both occurring in the Brazilian Central Plateau (Central-Western Brazil), are described and illustrated. Furthermore, a key to genera currently recognised within Pogonieae is presented. © 2008 The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens.633441448Ames, O., (1922) Orchidaceae, Illustrations and Studies of the Family Orchidaceae Issuing from the Ames Botanical Laboratory North Easton, 7, p. 21. , Massachussetts, Boston, New York The Merrymount Press, BostonBrown, P.M., (1995) N. Amer. Native Orchid J., 11, p. 8Brown, P.M., Wunderlin, R.P., A new combination in the genus Pogonia (1997) N. Amer. Native Orchid J., 3, pp. 450-452. , 4Brown, R., (1913) Hortus Kewensis Ed. 2, 5. , W. T. Aiton. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, & Brown, LondonCameron, K.M., Phylogeny and biogeography of Pogoniinae (Vanilloideae: Orchidaceae) (1999) North Amer. Nat. Orchid J., 5, pp. 152-163Cameron, K.M., Pridgeon, A.M., Cribb, P.J., Chase, M.W., Rasmussen, F.N., Vanilloideae (2003) Genera Orchidacearum, 3. , Oxford University Press OxfordCameron, K.M., Utility of plastid psaB gene sequences for investigating intrafamilial relationships within Orchidaceae (2004) Molec. Phylogenet. Evol., 31, pp. 1157-1180Cameron, K.M., Chase, M.W., Seed morphology of vanilloid orchids (Vanilloideae: Orchidaceae) (1998) Lindleyana, 13, pp. 148-169Cameron, K.M., Chase, M.W., Phylogenetic relationships of Pogoniinae (Vanilloideae, Orchidaceae): An herbaceous example of the eastern North America - Eastern Asia phytogeographic disjunction (1999) J. Plant Res., 112, pp. 317-329Cameron, K.M., Chase, M.W., Whitten, W.M., Kores, P.J., Jarrell, D.C., Albert, V.A., Yukawa, T., Goldman, D.H., A phylogenetic analysis of the Orchidaceae: Evidence from rbcL nucleotide sequences (1999) Amer. J. Bot., 86, pp. 208-224Catling, P.M., Gregg, K.B., Systematics of the genus Cleistes in North America (1992) Lindleyana, 7, pp. 57-73Chase, M.W., Cameron, K.M., Barrett, R.L., Freudenstein, J.V., Dixon, K.W., Kell, S.P., Barrett, R.L., Cribb, P.J., DNA data and Orchidaceae systematics: A new phylogenetic classification (2003) Orchid Conservation, , Natural History Publications (Borneo) Kota KinabaluDressler, R.L., (1993) Phylogeny and Classification of the Orchid Family, , Cambridge University Press CambridgeFernald, M.L., Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Havard University - No. CLXII. Identifications and reidentifications of North American Plants (1946) Rhodora, 48, pp. 184-197Freudenstein, J.V., Van Den Berg, C., Goldman, D.H., Kores, P.J., Molvray, M., Chase, M.W., An expanded plastid DNA phylogeny of Orchidaceae and analyses of Jackknife branch support strategy (2004) Amer. J. Bot., 91, pp. 149-157Gregg, K.B., Reproductive biology of the orchid Cleistes divaricata (L.) Ames var. bifaria Fernald growing in a West Virginia meadow (1989) Castanea, 54, pp. 57-78Gregg, K.B., Reproductive strategy of Cleistes divaricata (Orchidaceae) (1991) Amer. J. Bot., 78, pp. 350-360Gregg, K.B., Defrauding the deceitful orchid: Pollen collection by pollinators of Cleistes divaricata and C. bifaria (1991) Lindleyana, 6, pp. 214-220Harris, J.G., Harris, M.W., (1994) Plant Identification Terminology: An Illustrated Glossary, , Spring Lake Publishing Spring LakeLinnaeus, (1753) Species Plantarum. L., , Salvii, StockholmPansarin, E.R., Biologia floral de Cleistes macrantha (Barb. Rodr.) Schltr. (Orchidaceae: Vanilloideae: Pogoniinae) (2003) Rev. Brasil. Bot., 26, pp. 73-80Pansarin, E.R., Cleistes pusilla: A new species from Central Brazil (2004) Kew Bull., 59, pp. 555-558Pansarin, E.R., (2005) Sistemática Filogenética e Biologia Floral de Pogoniinae Sul - Americanas, e Revisão Taxonômica e Análise Das Ceras Epicuticulares Do Gênero Cleistes Rich. Ex Lindl. (Orchidaceae), , PhD Thesis. Universidade Estadual de Campinas CampinasPansarin, E.R., Salatino, A., Salatino, M.L.F., Phylogeny of South American Pogonieae (Orchidaceae, Vanilloideae) based on sequences of nuclear ribosomal (ITS) and chloroplast (psaB, rbcL rps16, and trnL-F) DNA with emphasis on Cleistes and discussion of biogeographic implications (2008) Org. Divers. Evol., 8, pp. 171-18