72 research outputs found

    Production of coagulase and termonuclease in 366 strains of staphilococci belonging to different lyogroups.

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    366 human staphylococci were tested for the production of coagulase and thermonuclease and were subdivided into lyogroups. 98% of the isolates showed uniformly positive or uniformly negative results for the production of two enzymes. All uniformly positive strains belonged to the species Staphylococcus aureus, whereas coagulase-thermonuclease negative strains were easily subdivided into five lyogroups. Seven strains produced only one of two enzymes and were identified by analysis of their bacteriolytic activity. Two of these strains were identified as Staphylococcus aureus, one was coagulase negative and the other thermonuclease negative

    Lo stato attuale dell'inquinamento delle acque superficiali nelle Marche: la sistuazione dei fiumi Chienti, Potenza e Giano-Esino

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    Gli AA. prendono in esame lo stato attuale di inquinamento dei fiumi Chienti, Potenza, Giano-Esino. Dai risultati dell'indagine è emerso che, in confronto a precedenti ricerche, la sistuazione di questi fiumi si è ulteriormente aggravata specialmente dove si sono verificati nuovi insediamenti industriali o sono stati potenziati quelli già esistenti (soprattutto bacini del Chienti e dell'esino). Per la salvaguardia delle caratteristiche delle acque superficiali gli autori suggeriscono l'obbligatorietà di idonei impianti di depurazione per quelle industrie che debbono smaltire in esse i loro liquami

    Preliminary characterization of olive somatic mutants from gamma irradiated Frantoio and Leccino plantlets

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    Two compact mutants from ‘Frantoio’ and ‘Leccino’, and one dwarf from ‘Leccino’ obtained from gamma irradiated plantlets were studied. Several positive morphological and physiological differences were recorded when compared to the mother plants. The results indicated the possibility of using them as new cultivars or as rootstocks

    La depressione adolescenziale nell'approccio cognitivistico sistemico-processuale

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