40 research outputs found

    Evaluation of nitrites and nitrates food intake in the students’ group

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    W pracy dokonano oceny pobrania azotanów(III) i azotanów(V) z żywnością w grupie studentów w 2008 roku. Badania wykonano z wykorzystaniem kwestionariusza spożycia żywności, tj. trzydniowego bieżącego notowania oraz dostępnych danych literaturowych dotyczących zawartości azotanów(III) i (V) w produktach spożywczych. Wyliczone średnie pobranie tych związków odniesiono do dopuszczalnego dziennego pobrania (ADI). Wykazano, że pobranie azotanów(III) wynosiło średnio 1,7 mg NaNO2/osobę/dzień, co stanowiło 28,0% wartości ADI, a w przypadku azotanów(V) 77,3 mg NaNO3/osobę/ dzień, co stanowiło 25,1% dopuszczalnych ilości. Największe pobranie azotanu(III) sodu odnotowano z przetworów mięsnych, które wnosiły do diety 56,5% tych związków oraz produktów zbożowych (20%). Azotan(V) sodu głównie pochodził z warzyw i przetworów warzywnych, wnoszących do diety 76,1% ogólnej jego ilości, w tym ziemniaki dostarczały 17,1%, kapusta 15,5%, buraki 13,7% ich ilości. Mężczyźni pobierali z całodzienną racją pokarmową 2,4-krotnie więcej azotanów( III) w stosunku do kobiet. Pobranie azotanów(V) nie różniło się istotnie statystycznie u kobiet i mężczyzn.The aim of study was to determine the intake of nitrites and nitrates in daily food rations of the students’ group in 2008 using 3-day dietary food records method and literature mean values of nitrates and nitrites in food products. Intakes of these compounds were calculated and compared to acceptable daily intake (ADI). The average intake of nitrites was 1.7 mg NaNO2/per person/day (28.0% of ADI), nitrates 77.3 mg NaNO3/per person/day that means 25.4% of ADI. The largest nitrites food intake was noticed for meat products supplied 56.5% of nitrites and cereals (20%). Whereas vegetables and their products supplied 76.1% of nitrates: potatoes 17.1%, cabbage 15.5%, beetroots 13.7%. Calculated nitrites intake for men was 2.4 higher than for women. There were no significant differences of nitrates intake between men and women groups


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    Attitudes towards social robots in education:Enthusiast, practical, troubled, sceptic, and mindfully positive

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    While social robots bring new opportunities for education, they also come with moral challenges. Therefore, there is a need for moral guidelines for the responsible implementation of these robots. When developing such guidelines, it is important to include different stakeholder perspectives. Existing (qualitative) studies regarding these perspectives however mainly focus on single stakeholders. In this exploratory study, we examine and compare the attitudes of multiple stakeholders on the use of social robots in primary education, using a novel questionnaire that covers various aspects of moral issues mentioned in earlier studies. Furthermore, we also group the stakeholders based on similarities in attitudes and examine which socio-demographic characteristics influence these attitude types. Based on the results, we identify five distinct attitude profiles and show that the probability of belonging to a specific profile is affected by such characteristics as stakeholder type, age, education and income. Our results also indicate that social robots have the potential to be implemented in education in a morally responsible way that takes into account the attitudes of various stakeholders, although there are multiple moral issues that need to be addressed first. Finally, we present seven (practical) implications for a responsible application of social robots in education following from our results. These implications provide valuable insights into how social robots should be implemented

    Synergistic Effect of ELF-Magnetic Field and IR-Radiation on Tinnitus Patients

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    The LED light therapy and magnetostimulation is an innovative method of treatment used in Viofor JPS System. Simultaneous application of both types of electromagnetic radiation increases the therapy effectiveness by the synergy effect. It is recommended in analgesic, anti-inflammatory treatment, and to support immune system of the organism. The mechanism of biological effect of variable magnetic fields and light are of similar nature at the tissue level. When applying magnetostimulation and light together, it shortens the time of therapy. The LED light therapy and magnetostimulation is supposed to be an alternative supporting method to therapies used to treat tinnitus so far

    Effect of ELF Magnetic Stimulation on Distortion Product of Otoacoustic Emission in Tinnitus Patients

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    One of the methods for objective evaluation of the hearing system is based on acoustic otoemissions. Particularly promising is the method based on measurement of the distortion product of otoacoustic emission as it is connected to the problem of tinnitus. Slow-varying magnetic field of low induction has been used in therapy of many diseases and ailments. It is expected that magnetostimulation will be effective in treatment of certain types of tinnitus by inducing the return of the organism to homeostasis. The aim of this study was to identify the changes in distortion product of otoacoustic emission levels in patients, prior and after the magnetostimulation. However any significant changes were found among patients with tinnitus, for the control group statistically important changes in distortion product of otoacoustic emission levels were observed

    Governance and Adaptation to Innovative Modes of Higher Education Provision

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    At a time when more students than ever are attending higher education, its provision is becoming more fluid, global and competitive. For example, developments in new technologies mean that higher education institutions (HEIs) can make their courses available all over the world. These developments bring into question the traditional delivery model of higher education institutions, which tends to be confined to physical — and hence geographically defined — course offerings. This report examines innovative modes of higher education provision, as well as ways in which the management and governance of higher education are changing in support of innovations in higher education provision. As such, it ties in with the European Commission's objectives to enhance the quality of higher education in an environment where globalisation and the attractiveness of the European higher education area need to be reinforced. This report also issues policy recommendations regarding the governance and management of new modes of higher education provision in order to enhance the attractiveness and relevance of European higher education and to increase the strategic capacities of HEIs to manage resources efficiently and effectively. Finally, it also promotes an awareness of the importance of cultural and linguistic diversity within Europe by bringing together a team of researchers representing varied backgrounds, organisational cultures and experiences

    Magnetic resonance imaging of multiple sclerosis at 7.0 Tesla

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    The overall goal of this article is to demonstrate a state-of-the-art ultrahigh field (UHF) magnetic resonance (MR) protocol of the brain at 7.0 Tesla in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. MS is a chronic inflammatory, demyelinating, neurodegenerative disease that is characterized by white and gray matter lesions. Detection of spatially and temporally disseminated T2-hyperintense lesions by the use of MRI at 1.5 T and 3 T represents a crucial diagnostic tool in clinical practice to establish accurate diagnosis of MS based on the current version of the 2017 McDonald criteria. However, the differentiation of MS lesions from brain white matter lesions of other origins can sometimes be challenging due to their resembling morphology at lower magnetic field strengths (typically 3 T). Ultrahigh field MR (UHF-MR) benefits from increased signal-to-noise ratio and enhanced spatial resolution, both key to superior imaging for more accurate and definitive diagnoses of subtle lesions. Hence, MRI at 7.0 T has shown encouraging results to overcome the challenges of MS differential diagnosis by providing MS-specific neuroimaging markers (e.g., central vein sign, hypointense rim structures and differentiation of MS grey matter lesions). These markers and others can be identified by other MR contrasts other than T1 and T2 (T2*, phase, diffusion) and substantially improve the differentiation of MS lesions from those occurring in other neuroinflammatory conditions such as neuromyelitis optica and Susac syndrome. In this article, we describe our current technical approach to study cerebral white and grey matter lesions in MS patients at 7.0 T using different MR acquisition methods. The up-to-date protocol includes the preparation of the MR setup including the radio-frequency coils customized for UHF-MR, standardized screening, safety and interview procedures with MS patients, patient positioning in the MR scanner and acquisition of dedicated brain scans tailored for examining MS