5 research outputs found

    Vitamin D supplementation among Polish medical university students: a cross-sectional study

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    Background. The data on vitamin D (VD) supplementation rationales and rates among undergraduates of medical universities is limited. We aimed to investigate the rate of students who declare VD supplementation, and factors that influence the decision on VD supplementation. Material and methods. A cross-sectional survey study among medical university students was performed from November 2018 through April 2019. The anonymous questionnaire contained questions about VD supplementation, persons from a student environment, who supplement or recommend VD intake, the most important personal rationale for initiation of or resignation from VD supplementation, the daily dose of VD, the period of supplementation, sex, BMI category, and age. In statistical analysis logistic regression analysis was performed. Results. A total of 595 completed surveys were collected. 303 (50.9%) of the respondents declared VD supplementation. The main personal rationales for VD intake were: knowledge acquired during the studies – 153 (52.1%), knowledge gained beyond the studies – 45 (14.9%), and medical specialist recommendation – 34 (11.2%). The main reasons for resignation from VD supplementation were: lack of motivation – 199 (68.2%), considering the supplementation as a waste of money – 20 (6.8%), and personal belief in little significance of VD for health – 14 (4.8%). VD supplementation was positively associated with studying in the medicine faculty (OR, 95% CI: 1.89, 1.33–2.68), family doctor’s recommendation (1.82, 1.05–3.14), and medical specialist’s recommendation (4.03, 2.15–7.54), and negatively related to friends’ recommendations (0.58, 0.38–0.90). Conclusion. Half of the undergraduates declared VD supplementation. Studying in the medicine faculty and physician’s recommendations were positively associated with VD intake. VD supplementation should be promoted among students

    siRNA preparations in gene therapy of ovarian cancer

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    According to statistics, ovarian cancer is the fourth cause of death due to gynecologic cancer. It results from late diagnosis of the disease, caused by the lack of characteristic symptoms, as well as from unsatisfactory treatment methods due to e.g. cell resistance to chemotherapy. The search for new therapies is still in progress. It is believed that preparations whose activity is based on RNA interference, i.e. gene silencing with the use of siRNA, are a promising group of new antineoplastic medications. Fire et al. were awarded the Nobel Prize for discovering this phenomenon. The phenomenon of siRNA interference in healthy cells is a natural protective mechanism. Genes are silenced in the cytoplasm with the use of the Dicer enzyme. siRNA gene preparations are delivered into cells with the use of viral methods such as AAV or adenoviruses, as well as non-viral methods e.g. with the use of liposomes. Clinical trials concerning siRNA preparations are now in the first phase. They are conducted on two gene preparations: CALAA-01 and siRNA nanomolecule directed against PLK1. In this paper attention was drawn to the therapeutic meaning of siRNA sequences in relation to the following genes: MDR1, VEGF, MMP, CD44, HER2, SHH, STAT. Both experimental and clinical studies give hope for the use of the described mechanisms in fight with ovarian cancer in the future.Rak jajnika według statystyk zajmuje czwarte miejsce wśród zgonów z powodu nowotworów ginekologicznych. Wynika to zarówno z późnego rozpoznania choroby, spowodowanego brakiem charakterystycznych objawów, jak i stale niezadowalających efektów leczenia, m.in. ze względu na oporność komórek na chemioterapię. Poszukiwanie nowych metod terapii jest więc nadal aktualne. Uważa się, że obiecującą grupą potencjalnych leków przeciwnowotworowych mogą być preparaty, których aktywność opiera się na zjawisku interferencji RNA, czyli wyciszaniu genów za pomocą siRNA. Za odkrycie tego zjawiska Fire i wsp. zostali uhonorowani Nagrodą Nobla. Zjawisko interferencji siRNA w prawidłowych komórkach jest naturalnym mechanizmem obronnym. Do wyciszenia genów dochodzi w cytoplazmie przy udziale enzymu Dicer. Preparaty genowe siRNA wprowadza się do komórek, wykorzystując metody wirusowe, takie jak AAV czy adenowirusy, a także za pomocą metod niewirusowych, np. z zastosowaniem liposomów. Badania kliniczne preparatów genowych siRNA znajdują się obecnie w pierwszej fazie. Prowadzone są na dwóch preparatach genowych CALAA-01 oraz na nanocząsteczce siRNA skierowanej przeciw PLK1. W niniejszej pracy skupiono uwagę na terapeutycznym znaczeniu sekwencji siRNA w stosunku do genów: MDR1, VEGF, MMP, CD44, HER2, SHH, STAT. Zarówno badania eksperymentalne, jak i kliniczne niosą nadzieję na wykorzystanie w przyszłości omawianego mechanizmu do walki z rakiem jajnika

    The Interferon-Gamma Release Assay versus the Tuberculin Skin Test in the Diagnosis of <i>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</i> Infection in BCG-Vaccinated Children and Adolescents Exposed or Not Exposed to Contagious TB

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    Background: Children have an increased risk of developing active tuberculosis (TB) after exposure to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb), and they are more likely to develop the most severe forms of TB. Rapid diagnosis and treatment of latent M.tb infection (LTBI) is essential to lessen the devastating consequences of TB in children. Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate TST (tuberculin skin test) and IGRA (interferon-gamma release assay) utility in identifying LTBI in a cohort of Bacille Calmette–Guérin (BCG)-vaccinated Polish children and adolescents exposed or not exposed to contagious TB. In addition, we asked whether quantitative assessment of IGRA results could be valuable in predicting active TB disease. Results: Of the 235 recruited volunteers, 89 (38%) were TST-positive (TST+), 74 (32%) were IGRA-positive (IGRA+), and 62 (26%) were both TST+ and IGRA+. The frequency of TST positivity was significantly higher in the group with (59%) than without TB contact (18%). The percentage of TST+ subjects increased with age from 36% in the youngest children (10 years). All positive IGRA results were found solely in the group of children with TB contact. There was a significant increase in the rate of positive IGRA results with age, from 9% in the youngest to 48% in the oldest group. The 10 mm TST cutoff showed good sensitivity and specificity in both TB exposed and nonexposed children and was associated with excellent negative predictive value, especially among nonexposed volunteers. Mean IFN-γ concentrations in IGRA cultures were significantly higher in the group of LTBI compared to the children with active TB disease, both TST+ and TST−. Conclusions: Both TST and IGRA can be used as screening tests for BCG-vaccinated children and adolescents exposed to contagious TB

    Polish excavations at Tell el-Mura in the Nile Delta : preliminary report 2013-2015

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    Tell el-Murra, located in the north-eastern part of the Nile Delta, is the subject of excavations conducted by the Institute of Archaeology of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, following surveys carried out in 2008 and 2010-11. Settlement remains dating to the Predynastic Lower Egyptian culture through the end of the Old Kingdom period as well as an Early Dynastic cemetery have been explored. This report focuses on the results of recent research in the south-western (trench S3 and test trench S3B) and north-eastern (trench T5) parts of the site, conducted in the 2013-15 excavation seasons. In trench S3, 23 graves from the Early Dynastic period were explored and several others located, including both, simple pit burials and chamber graves. The bodies were usually laid on and covered by matting. In seveeral cases, they were buried in pottery cofÞ ns. The burial goods comprised mainly pottery and stone vessels. In trench T5, remains of the settlement from the Old Kingdom period were explored, including storage pits and rounded silos as well as rectangular buildings constructed from dried bricks. The pottery material comprised mostly potsherds; however, a few complete or almost complete vessels were attested as well. Petrographic analyses of pottery samples and an archaeozoological study of bones collected from both the settlement and cemetery are also presented

    Delivering Genetic Testing for Patients with Prostate Cancer: Moving Beyond Provider Knowledge as a Barrier to Care

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    Introduction The 2018 National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines for prostate cancer genetic testing expanded access to genetic services. Few studies have examined how this change has affected provider practice outside of large cancer centers. Methods We conducted a qualitative study of multi-disciplinary health care providers treating patients with prostate cancer at a safety-net hospital. Participants completed an interview that addressed knowledge, practices, and contextual factors related to providing genetic services to patients with prostate cancer. A thematic analysis using both inductive and deductive coding was undertaken. Results Seventeen providers completed interviews. Challenges in identifying eligible patients for genetic testing stemmed from a lack of a) systems that facilitate routine patient identification, and b) readily available family history data for eligibility determination. Providers identified non-medical patient characteristics that influenced their referral process, including health literacy, language, cultural beliefs, patient distress, and cost. Providers who see patients at different times along the cancer care continuum viewed benefits of testing differently. Conclusion The use of digital technologies that systematically identify those eligible for genetic testing referrals may mitigate some but not all challenges identified in this study. Further research should determine how individual provider perceptions influence referral practices and patient access to genetics both within and across cancer specialties