337 research outputs found


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    In the article, on the basis of own experience and literary information the represented results of functional ability of hepatocytes by estimation of separate indexes of albuminous, carbohydrate and density lipoproteins exchange in 45 women which were in perimenopauseof life. Asa result of the conducted researches the presence of expressed is set disproteinemia, especially in the structure of so called the level of ceruloplasmin and fibrinogen fraction, the substantial increase of level of lipoproteins high closeness is marked atthe simultaneous making progress decline of maintenance of general cholesterol and concentration of lipoproteins low closeness. The indicated changes are the certificate of metabolic imbalance, conditioned by a hormonal disbalance.В статье, на основании собственного опыта и литературных данных представлены результаты функциональной возможности гепатоцитов путем оценки отдельных показателей белкового, углеводного и липидного обмена у 45 женщин, которые находились у пременопаузальном периоде жизни. В результате проведенных обследований установлено наличие выраженной диспротеинемии, особенно в структуре так называемых острофазных белков, отмечено существенное повышение уровня липопротеидов высокой плотности при одновременном прогрессирующем понижении содержания общего холестерина и концентрации липопротеидов низкой плотности. Указанные изменения есть свидетельством метаболической дисадаптации, обусловленной гормональным дисбалансом.В статті, на основі власного досвіду та літературних даних представлені результати функціональноїздатності гепатоцитів шляхом оцінки окремих показників білкового, вуглеводного та ліпідного обміну у 45 жінок, які знаходилися у перименопаузальному періоді життя. В результаті проведених досліджень встановлено наявність вираженоїдиспротеінемії, особливо у структурі так званих гострофазних білків, відмічено суттєве підвищення рівня ліпопротеїдів високої щільності при одночасному прогресуючому зниженні вмісту загального холестерину та концентраціїліпопротеідів низькоїіщільності. Вказані зміни є свідченням метаболічної дисадаптації, зумовленої'гормональним дисбалансом

    Identification of extra neutral gauge bosons at the International Linear Collider

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    Heavy neutral gauge bosons, Z's, are predicted by many theoretical schemes of physics beyond the Standard Model, and intensive searches for their signatures will be performed at present and future high energy colliders. It is quite possible that Z's are heavy enough to lie beyond the discovery reach expected at the CERN Large Hadron Collider LHC, in which case only indirect signatures of Z' exchanges may occur at future colliders, through deviations of the measured cross sections from the Standard Model predictions. We here discuss in this context the foreseeable sensitivity to Z's of fermion-pair production cross sections at an e^+e^- linear collider, especially as regards the potential of distinguishing different Z' models once such deviations are observed. Specifically, we assess the discovery and identification reaches on Z' gauge bosons pertinent to the E_6, LR, ALR and SSM classes of models, that should be attained at the planned International Linear Collider (ILC). With the high experimental accuracies expected at the ILC, the discovery and the identification reaches on the Z' models under consideration could be increased substantially. In particular, the identification among the different models could be achieved for values of Z' masses in the discovery (but beyond the identification) reach of the LHC. An important role in enhancing such reaches is played by the electron (and possibly the positron) longitudinally polarized beams. Also, although the purely leptonic processes are experimentally cleaner, the measurements of c- and b-quark pair production cross sections are found to carry important, and complementary, information on these searches.Comment: 21 page

    Quantum spin chains with site dissipation

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    We use Monte Carlo simulations to study chains of Ising- and XY-spins with dissipation coupling to the site variables. The phase diagram and critical exponents of the dissipative Ising chain in a transverse magnetic field have been computed previously, and here we consider a universal ratio of susceptibilities. We furthermore present the phase diagram and exponents of the dissipative XY-chain, which exhibits a second order phase transition. All our results compare well with the predictions from a dissipative ϕ4\phi^4 field theory

    Translationally invariant nonlinear Schrodinger lattices

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    Persistence of stationary and traveling single-humped localized solutions in the spatial discretizations of the nonlinear Schrodinger (NLS) equation is addressed. The discrete NLS equation with the most general cubic polynomial function is considered. Constraints on the nonlinear function are found from the condition that the second-order difference equation for stationary solutions can be reduced to the first-order difference map. The discrete NLS equation with such an exceptional nonlinear function is shown to have a conserved momentum but admits no standard Hamiltonian structure. It is proved that the reduction to the first-order difference map gives a sufficient condition for existence of translationally invariant single-humped stationary solutions and a necessary condition for existence of single-humped traveling solutions. Other constraints on the nonlinear function are found from the condition that the differential advance-delay equation for traveling solutions admits a reduction to an integrable normal form given by a third-order differential equation. This reduction also gives a necessary condition for existence of single-humped traveling solutions. The nonlinear function which admits both reductions defines a two-parameter family of discrete NLS equations which generalizes the integrable Ablowitz--Ladik lattice.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figure

    Tunka-Rex: the Cost-Effective Radio Extension of the Tunka Air-Shower Observatory

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    Tunka-Rex is the radio extension of the Tunka cosmic-ray observatory in Siberia close to Lake Baikal. Since October 2012 Tunka-Rex measures the radio signal of air-showers in coincidence with the non-imaging air-Cherenkov array Tunka-133. Furthermore, this year additional antennas will go into operation triggered by the new scintillator array Tunka-Grande measuring the secondary electrons and muons of air showers. Tunka-Rex is a demonstrator for how economic an antenna array can be without losing significant performance: we have decided for simple and robust SALLA antennas, and we share the existing DAQ running in slave mode with the PMT detectors and the scintillators, respectively. This means that Tunka-Rex is triggered externally, and does not need its own infrastructure and DAQ for hybrid measurements. By this, the performance and the added value of the supplementary radio measurements can be studied, in particular, the precision for the reconstructed energy and the shower maximum in the energy range of approximately 1017101810^{17}-10^{18}\,eV. Here we show first results on the energy reconstruction indicating that radio measurements can compete with air-Cherenkov measurements in precision. Moreover, we discuss future plans for Tunka-Rex.Comment: Proceeding of UHECR 2014, Springdale, Utah, USA, accepted by JPS Conference Proceeding

    Improved measurements of the energy and shower maximum of cosmic rays with Tunka-Rex

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    The Tunka Radio Extension (Tunka-Rex) is an array of 63 antennas located in the Tunka Valley, Siberia. It detects radio pulses in the 30-80 MHz band produced during the air-shower development. As shown by Tunka-Rex, a sparse radio array with about 200 m spacing is able to reconstruct the energy and the depth of the shower maximum with satisfactory precision using simple methods based on parameters of the lateral distribution of amplitudes. The LOFAR experiment has shown that a sophisticated treatment of all individually measured amplitudes of a dense antenna array can make the precision comparable with the resolution of existing optical techniques. We develop these ideas further and present a method based on the treatment of time series of measured signals, i.e. each antenna station provides several points (trace) instead of a single one (amplitude or power). We use the measured shower axis and energy as input for CoREAS simulations: for each measured event we simulate a set of air-showers with proton, helium, nitrogen and iron as primary particle (each primary is simulated about ten times to cover fluctuations in the shower maximum due to the first interaction). Simulated radio pulses are processed with the Tunka-Rex detector response and convoluted with the measured signals. A likelihood fit determines how well the simulated event fits to the measured one. The positions of the shower maxima are defined from the distribution of chi-square values of these fits. When using this improved method instead of the standard one, firstly, the shower maximum of more events can be reconstructed, secondly, the resolution is increased. The performance of the method is demonstrated on the data acquired by the Tunka-Rex detector in 2012-2014.Comment: Proceedings of the 35th ICRC 2017, Busan, Kore

    Tunka-Rex: energy reconstruction with a single antenna station (ARENA 2016)

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    The Tunka-Radio extension (Tunka-Rex) is a radio detector for air showers in Siberia. From 2012 to 2014, Tunka-Rex operated exclusively together with its host experiment, the air-Cherenkov array Tunka-133, which provided trigger, data acquisition, and an independent air-shower reconstruction. It was shown that the air-shower energy can be reconstructed by Tunka-Rex with a precision of 15\% for events with signal in at least 3 antennas, using the radio amplitude at a distance of 120\,m from the shower axis as an energy estimator. Using the reconstruction from the host experiment Tunka-133 for the air-shower geometry (shower core and direction), the energy estimator can in principle already be obtained with measurements from a single antenna, close to the reference distance. We present a method for event selection and energy reconstruction, requiring only one antenna, and achieving a precision of about 20\%. This method increases the effective detector area and lowers thresholds for zenith angle and energy, resulting in three times more events than in the standard reconstruction

    Signal recognition and background suppression by matched filters and neural networks for Tunka-Rex

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    The Tunka Radio Extension (Tunka-Rex) is a digital antenna array, which measures the radio emission of the cosmic-ray air-showers in the frequency band of 30-80 MHz. Tunka-Rex is co-located with TAIGA experiment in Siberia and consists of 63 antennas, 57 of them are in a densely instrumented area of about 1 km\textsuperscript{2}. In the present work we discuss the improvements of the signal reconstruction applied for the Tunka-Rex. At the first stage we implemented matched filtering using averaged signals as template. The simulation study has shown that matched filtering allows one to decrease the threshold of signal detection and increase its purity. However, the maximum performance of matched filtering is achievable only in case of white noise, while in reality the noise is not fully random due to different reasons. To recognize hidden features of the noise and treat them, we decided to use convolutional neural network with autoencoder architecture. Taking the recorded trace as an input, the autoencoder returns denoised trace, i.e. removes all signal-unrelated amplitudes. We present the comparison between standard method of signal reconstruction, matched filtering and autoencoder, and discuss the prospects of application of neural networks for lowering the threshold of digital antenna arrays for cosmic-ray detection.Comment: ARENA2018 proceeding