115 research outputs found

    On the existence of young embedded clusters at high Galactic latitude

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    Careful analyses of photometric and star count data available for the nine putative young clusters identified by Camargo et al. (2015, 2016) at high Galactic latitudes reveal that none of the groups contain early-type stars, and most are not significant density enhancements above field level. 2MASS colours for stars in the groups match those of unreddened late-type dwarfs and giants, as expected for contamination by (mostly) thin disk objects. A simulation of one such field using only typical high latitude foreground stars yields a colour-magnitude diagram that is very similar to those constructed by Camargo et al. (2015, 2016) as evidence for their young groups as well as the means of deriving their reddenings and distances. Although some of the fields are coincident with clusters of galaxies, one must conclude that there is no evidence that the putative clusters are extremely young stellar groups.Comment: Accepted for publication (MNRAS

    History of unique heliometric observations of the moon's physical libration

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    © Medwell Journals, 2016.The research is devoted to the investigation history of the kinetic and dynamic parameters of the Moon. Today, the Moon is the subject of a comprehensive study in many space experiments. In this research, we proposed a historical analysis of unique Heliometric observations of the Moon's physical libration. The article described the history of the beginning of observations and study of the physical libration of the Moon in Engelhardt Astronomical Observatory (EAO) and the main results obtained by these studies. The programs of space missions consist of the subtle effects investigation of the rotational motion and the physical liberation, a study of the gravitational field of the Moon and planets crosslink tracking methods, creating a selenographic coordinate system and the standing the variety of the internal structure of the Moon. Unquestionably, the basis for all these studies are the classic Heliometric observations of lunar physical liberation started over 100 years ago. In 2015, it was the 100th anniversary of Banachiewicz's series of physical libration of the Moon creation. The values of the parameters of the lunar physical libration obtained from Heliometric observations are given. The study also describes Banachiewicz's observations on the meridian circle, participation in observations of a solar eclipse at the 1912 year and gravimetric expeditions

    A Wireless Brain-Machine Interface for Real-Time Speech Synthesis

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    This is the published version, also available here: http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0008218.Background Brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) involving electrodes implanted into the human cerebral cortex have recently been developed in an attempt to restore function to profoundly paralyzed individuals. Current BMIs for restoring communication can provide important capabilities via a typing process, but unfortunately they are only capable of slow communication rates. In the current study we use a novel approach to speech restoration in which we decode continuous auditory parameters for a real-time speech synthesizer from neuronal activity in motor cortex during attempted speech. Methodology/Principal Findings Neural signals recorded by a Neurotrophic Electrode implanted in a speech-related region of the left precentral gyrus of a human volunteer suffering from locked-in syndrome, characterized by near-total paralysis with spared cognition, were transmitted wirelessly across the scalp and used to drive a speech synthesizer. A Kalman filter-based decoder translated the neural signals generated during attempted speech into continuous parameters for controlling a synthesizer that provided immediate (within 50 ms) auditory feedback of the decoded sound. Accuracy of the volunteer's vowel productions with the synthesizer improved quickly with practice, with a 25% improvement in average hit rate (from 45% to 70%) and 46% decrease in average endpoint error from the first to the last block of a three-vowel task. Conclusions/Significance Our results support the feasibility of neural prostheses that may have the potential to provide near-conversational synthetic speech output for individuals with severely impaired speech motor control. They also provide an initial glimpse into the functional properties of neurons in speech motor cortical areas

    Влияние условий термической активации палладий–медь–железосодержащей каталитической системы на низкотемпературное окисление СО

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    The process of thermal activation of a carbon fiber supported with palladium-copper-iron-containing catalysts has been studied by means of DSC and TGA in air and in nitrogen. The presence of the exoeffect during calcination due to the interaction of the copper (II) nitrate decomposition products with the carbon carrier was detected. Aforementioned exoeffect leads to spontaneous heating and combustion of the sample in air. The XPS and catalytic experiments showed that calcination of the catalyst in nitrogen leads to the formation of low-activity reaction centers. Oxygen plays an important role in the formation of the active phase, so the thermal activation of catalyst should be carried out in the air.Методами ДСК и ТГ исследован процесс термической активации палладий–медь–железосодержащей каталитической системы на основе углеволокнистого материала на воздухе и в азоте. Установлено наличие экзоэффекта при прокаливании вследствие взаимодействия продуктов разложения нитрата меди (II) с углеродным носителем, что приводит к спонтанному разогреву и сгоранию образца на воздухе. Метод РФЭС и каталитические эксперименты показали, что прокаливание катализатора в азоте приводит к образованию малоактивных реакционных центров. Кислород играет важную роль в формировании активной фазы, поэтому процедура термической активации катализатора должна проводиться на воздухе

    A Wireless Brain-Machine Interface for Real-Time Speech Synthesis

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    Background: Brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) involving electrodes implanted into the human cerebral cortex have recently been developed in an attempt to restore function to profoundly paralyzed individuals. Current BMIs for restoring communication can provide important capabilities via a typing process, but unfortunately they are only capable of slow communication rates. In the current study we use a novel approach to speech restoration in which we decode continuous auditory parameters for a real-time speech synthesizer from neuronal activity in motor cortex during attempted speech. Methodology/Principal Findings: Neural signals recorded by a Neurotrophic Electrode implanted in a speech-related region of the left precentral gyrus of a human volunteer suffering from locked-in syndrome, characterized by near-total paralysis with spared cognition, were transmitted wirelessly across the scalp and used to drive a speech synthesizer. A Kalman filter-based decoder translated the neural signals generated during attempted speech into continuous parameters for controlling a synthesizer that provided immediate (within 50 ms) auditory feedback of the decoded sound. Accuracy of the volunteer's vowel productions with the synthesizer improved quickly with practice, with a 25% improvement in average hit rate (from 45% to 70%) and 46% decrease in average endpoint error from the first to the last block of a three-vowel task. Conclusions/Significance: Our results support the feasibility of neural prostheses that may have the potential to provide near-conversational synthetic speech output for individuals with severely impaired speech motor control. They also provide an initial glimpse into the functional properties of neurons in speech motor cortical areas.National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (U.S.) (Grant R44-DC007050)National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (U.S.) (Grant R01-DC007683)National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (U.S.) (Grant R01-DC002852)Center of Excellence for Learning in Education, Science, and Technology (SBE-0354378

    Long term disc variability in the Be star o Andromedae

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    We present 18 years of high resolution and S/N H α spectroscopy of the Be shell star o And, obtained between 1985-2002. Spectra taken during late 1985 show a pure photospheric profile, with disc re-formation commencing in 1986; a process that is found to occur over long timescales (103 days). Analysis of the evolution of the properties of the H α shell profile suggest that the disc kinematics are dominated by rotational motion. It has been shown that disc loss in o And occurs "inside out''; we find that the disc also appears to be rebuilt in a similar manner, with disc material gradually diffusing to larger radii. The long timescale for changes in the bulk properties of the disc, domination of rotational over radial velocities and manner of disc loss and formation are all consistent with the predictions of the viscous decretion disc model for Be star discs

    Progress in cancer survival, mortality, and incidence in seven high-income countries 1995–2014 (ICBP SURVMARK-2): a population-based study

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    © 2019 World Health Organization Background: Population-based cancer survival estimates provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of cancer services and can reflect the prospects of cure. As part of the second phase of the International Cancer Benchmarking Partnership (ICBP), the Cancer Survival in High-Income Countries (SURVMARK-2) project aims to provide a comprehensive overview of cancer survival across seven high-income countries and a comparative assessment of corresponding incidence and mortality trends. Methods: In this longitudinal, population-based study, we collected patient-level data on 3·9 million patients with cancer from population-based cancer registries in 21 jurisdictions in seven countries (Australia, Canada, Denmark, Ireland, New Zealand, Norway, and the UK) for seven sites of cancer (oesophagus, stomach, colon, rectum, pancreas, lung, and ovary) diagnosed between 1995 and 2014, and followed up until Dec 31, 2015. We calculated age-standardised net survival at 1 year and 5 years after diagnosis by site, age group, and period of diagnosis. We mapped changes in incidence and mortality to changes in survival to assess progress in cancer control. Findings: In 19 eligible jurisdictions, 3 764 543 cases of cancer were eligible for inclusion in the study. In the 19 included jurisdictions, over 1995–2014, 1-year and 5-year net survival increased in each country across almost all cancer types, with, for example, 5-year rectal cancer survival increasing more than 13 percentage points in Denmark, Ireland, and the UK. For 2010–14, survival was generally higher in Australia, Canada, and Norway than in New Zealand, Denmark, Ireland, and the UK. Over the study period, larger survival improvements were observed for patients younger than 75 years at diagnosis than those aged 75 years and older, and notably for cancers with a poor prognosis (ie, oesophagus, stomach, pancreas, and lung). Progress in cancer control (ie, increased survival, decreased mortality and incidence) over the study period was evident for stomach, colon, lung (in males), and ovarian cancer. Interpretation: The joint evaluation of trends in incidence, mortality, and survival indicated progress in four of the seven studied cancers. Cancer survival continues to increase across high-income countries; however, international disparities persist. While truly valid comparisons require differences in registration practice, classification, and coding to be minimal, stage of disease at diagnosis, timely access to effective treatment, and the extent of comorbidity are likely the main determinants of patient outcomes. Future studies are needed to assess the impact of these factors to further our understanding of international disparities in cancer survival. Funding: Canadian Partnership Against Cancer; Cancer Council Victoria; Cancer Institute New South Wales; Cancer Research UK; Danish Cancer Society; National Cancer Registry Ireland; The Cancer Society of New Zealand; National Health Service England; Norwegian Cancer Society; Public Health Agency Northern Ireland, on behalf of the Northern Ireland Cancer Registry; The Scottish Government; Western Australia Department of Health; and Wales Cancer Network

    An examination of the long-term business value of investments in information technology

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    In this paper, we examine the effects of investments in Information Technology (IT) on the long term business values of organizations. The regression discontinuity design is used in this research to examine eight hundred and ten IT investment announcements collected from the period 1982–2007. Our results found that press releases can affect the market value of a firm by possibly providing investors with a better idea of a firm’s current and future operations and strategy. On the other hand, these press releases also appear to attract more transient investors. The attraction of transient investors likely suggests the market believes the IT investing firm is serious about its potential for growth and expansion