272 research outputs found

    Dynamic tests of multi-detector radiometric system on central blood circulation phantom

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    Phantoms of organs and biological systems are widely used for verification of radioisotope protocols. The construction and operation of the heart and circulation phantom is described. The present model was designed for experimental testing of multi-detector radiometric system, prototype of which was designed in Ural Federal University as an extension and alternative to Anger camera and single-photon-emission tomography radionuclide diagnostics. The model represents vital dynamic properties of the single-chamber pulsing heart and circulation, featuring adjustable heart rate, blood volume, ejection fraction and flowrate. The trial experiments were performed with 99m Tc-pertechnetate to obtain time-activity curves and the ejection fraction was thus measured basing on first-pass radio angiography technique. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    The applicability of Raman spectroscopy for estimation of interfaces thickness in the AlN/GaN superlattices

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    AbstractPolar optical phonons in quaternary nitride-based superlattices have been investigated in the framework of the dielectric continuum model. In the considered systems, the superlattice period consisted of two main GaN and AlN layers and two interstitial Al0.5Ga0.5N layers. Such a structure simulates binary superlattices with diffuse interfaces. The presence of the finite thickness interface layers was shown to give rise to appearance of several low-intensity additional phonon modes active in Raman scattering; frequency splitting of such modes is sensitive to relative thickness of intermediate layers. The fundamental Raman-intense polar phonon modes were also stated to be independent on the interface thickness, and these modes were very sensitive to the main layer thicknesses

    Environmental design as new content of training

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    В статье рассматривается специфика экологического дизайна и обобщается опыт дизайн-образования.In the article the specific of ecological design is examined and experience of design-education is summarized

    Fabry-Perot Bound States in the Continuum in an Anisotropic Photonic Crystal

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    An anisotropic photonic crystal containing two anisotropic defect layers is considered. It is demonstrated that the system under can support a Fabry-Perot bound state in the continuum (FP-BIC). A fully analytic solution of the scattering problem as well as a condition for FP-BIC have been derived in the framework of the temporal coupled-mode theory

    A portable radiometric system for nuclear medicine

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    It's shown suggested methods for diagnosing pathological processes in biological objects using a developed portable radiometric system with four gamma-ray detectors. Designed portable radiometric system was used to make 2D imaging of anatomical structures. The system can value pharmacokinetics in several points of wide area of interest at the patient body. In this study specially designed phantoms were used. Phantom models of the liver and blood circulation system were made to assay radiometric system. The construction concept and possible applications of the system in the practice of radionuclide diagnostic studies in vivo are presented. © 2018 Elsevier Lt


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    A comparative analysis of radiation doses of personnel of radionuclide diagnostics departments was carried out